Rave: Bob Harper

Yoga for the Warrior is a tough workout. Haven't done it in a while so time to pull it out :)

Walmart is $9 plus tax. Shipping is $1.97
It's only sold online (not in their local stores) at target for $10.19 plus tax and shipping (about $13.62).
If you have an amazon account it's $9 plus shipping ? (free if you have a prime account).

Oh too bad they don't sell it at the store. Thanks for the info!
Great link to Bob's site (been there before). Only $3.99/dvd or go to Target like you say. I just have to sneak 'em in the house - LOL!

Just bought some Sun Warrior Protein Powder so...have to pay for that first.
I picked up his 4 DVD set at Target for $15 and OMG I'm loving it! All the workouts are kicking my butt! I even love that one also has a 20 minute Crossfit inspired workout on it. I believe all 4 dvds have 2+ workouts on them. Great bang for your buck! He's my goto instructor after Cathe!


What's the name of the 4 DVD sets at Target? Thanks!
Oh. My. Goodness, people! $3.99/dvd or $14.99 for a set of 4?!! Crazy good prices!

Alright Bob experts - here is my question for you:

Which set to get? My Trainer Bob, or Inside out Method?

It is a bit annoying that all of the dvds don't have trailers. Does any one know where I can see clips of his workouts?

Thanks in advance (enablers:D)

I did the ripped core yesterday & I got a good DOMS on my sides. This am I did the total body transformation & another excellent workout! I love the different moves. My body is so used to Cathes workout & this one is great adds on to my workout rotation.

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