Ran 3.5 miles!


Hello Everyone,
I know that for most of you, that's a " walk in the park", but I'm gaining ground and distance now. Just started running this month,with Cathe's August rotation and Beverly's encouragement! I was up to 2.5 miles 3 times a week, until last night when I pushed a little more to 3.5 miles!
I want to encourage and inspire you all to push yourself a little more ( within reason so as not to injure yourself ), do that little bit of "more" set a little higher goal for yourself, don't settle.
When you reach it, it feels so good, you'll want to share it. My next goal is to get up to 6 miles 3 times a week! I'm really excited with my progress, I just wanted to share my enthusiasm with you all. My tummy/hips/thighs will hopefully slim down soon, they are the most stubborn part of me and the area I want to change the most.
I'm really enjoying this month's rotation and all of the help and advice I've read and personally received here. Thank you!

" My treasures do not chink or glitter, They gleam in the sun and neigh in the night" - Bedouin Proverb
" On the rail at a show walk!"

Good job!!! 3.5 miles is a great accomplishment. Your goal of 6 miles three times a week sounds good also...

You can do it...

Have a great day!!

Thanks Beverly!
I truly appreciate your encouragement and example you've set for me!
You rock!!

" My treasures do not chink or glitter, They gleam in the sun and neigh in the night" - Bedouin Proverb
" On the rail at a show walk!"
Melissa you are not alone in your quest to run! I'm right there with you. I am up to 4 miles right now. I am thinking that next week I will bump it up a notch to 4 1/2 to 5. But I only run once or twice a week. Because of the fact that I run outside the weather isn't always on my side. So, that is the reason that sometimes I only run once a week.
Keep up the great work you are progressing much faster than I did. It took me almost three months to get to where I'm at. But I've never ran before, so it took some getting used to on my part.
And yes, give it maybe another month and you will see the difference in your body. My legs are definately slimmer than they used to be. I'm loving it!

Ohhhhhhh Thank you for letting me know this!!! Sometimes I get discouraged when I don't see results like I think I should. I'm so very pleased to know I'm on the right track! I used to run a little, nothing major like you or Beverly, maybe 3 miles 2-3 times a week, but that was over 10 years ago, whew! how time flies! I have to deal with the weather too. Yesterday, it just so happened to have rained about 2 hours before I was going to run and if anyone in our area gets rain, it's us. We live in the valley by the Cumberland Plateau in Tennessee and that mix of warm and cool air always stirs up something. I hope you reach your goals too. Thank you again for the kind and motivating words.

" My treasures do not chink or glitter, They gleam in the sun and neigh in the night" - Bedouin Proverb
" On the rail at a show walk!"
Way to go Melissa!!!! I too noticed a big difference in my legs (particularly the inner thighs)after about a month or so of running. I usually run three times per week ( 4 miles twice and 6-8 miles once) I've found that if I run 6 miles three times a week, I'm too tired to work out with weights at night. So, I've cut down and feel much stronger. Maybe you should think of having one longer day and two shorter days....(you've got to fit your Cathes in somewhere! LOL) Have you ever looked at the Cool Running website - there's lots of great information there! Keep up the good work, runner!
Thanks for the advice, I never thought about varying my runs, I will do this and incorporate it into my weekly workouts. Since I'm at the 2.5 to 3.5 mark, I may do 2.5 on Thurs. and then 3.5 on Saturday and slowly increase each week. I like the way you do your runs, now that I think about it. I've noticed with talking to Beverly that she also varies her distance each day she runs. I promise to always listen to my body and not over do it, it is good to be reminded of this. Thank you Barbie. I will check out the website, I need all the information to run properly that I can get and I've also gotten great advice about the high importance of stretching afterwards. Again, thank all of you here for your sound advice and encouragement!

" My treasures do not chink or glitter, They gleam in the sun and neigh in the night" - Bedouin Proverb
" On the rail at a show walk!"
Hi Melissa,

That's a wonderful accomplishment. You have to start somewhere and it looks like you're off to a great start. I'm just getting back into running after several year hiatus due to feet problems. I can tell you I weighed the least when I was running 6 days a week-5 to 10 miles per day. That was before I found Cathe and starting lifting weights. Even though I kept up with aerobics, nothing keeps the weight off like running. Just started back 3 weeks ago running 2 or 3 days per week for 5-7 miles each, and it feels great to be running again.

Keep up the good work and be proud of yourself.:)

Hi Diana,
Thanks for the inspiring words! I hope you reach your goals as well and that goes for everyone!

" My treasures do not chink or glitter, They gleam in the sun and neigh in the night" - Bedouin Proverb
" On the rail at a show walk!"
Great job Melissa! Running is so empowering...a much different feeling than Cathe's tapes. Not necessarily better, just different.

So, are you going to change your name to tnrunner01? Looks more fitting to me..:)
Hey Janice,
That is such a cute reply, I'll have to think about tnrunner01, but my heart is with the Tennessee Walking Horses, as you can tell I am in love with them and they are our hobby/personal business. It's a great feeling to be running, I'm going the start keeping a journal so I can see my progress. My body felt good last evening, so I ran 3.5 miles again, I ran 10 minute miles, is this a good time? I've been reading all the beginner articles at coolrunning.com as recommended by Janice. I have already gained a lot of valuable knowledge! I really appreciate all the information I've gotten here.

" My treasures do not chink or glitter, They gleam in the sun and neigh in the night" - Bedouin Proverb
" On the rail at a show walk!"

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