

Yesterday I did Body Max, and for the first time, I am not soar today. Yahoo!!
My goal is to beable to do 2 sets of 16 push ups from my toes. Right now I can do 2 sets of 16 push ups from my knees. What is they best way to go from knees to toes?
Thank you
How I did it...

I started consistently strength training this past July with MIS. I did a 12-week MIS rotation before moving on to the PS series.

While I was still doing MIS and I could do all of the push ups from my knees, I would start the first set on my toes and do as many as I could that way. When I couldn't do anymore, I would drop down to my knees to finish the set. Each week I would try to do just one more from my toes, than what I had done the previous week.

Just a couple weeks ago, I managed to do both sets of 12 reps (in PS CST) with all of the pushups on my toes. It is still very tough and I start to tremble on teh last few reps.

Good Luck!
knees to toes

I've been trying to work up to "all toes" push-ups, too. Here's my technique: start the move on your toes (on the "up" side), then lower slowly down to the bottom position. When you get to the bottom, drop your knees down and push up from the knee position. After doing this for a couple of workouts (or whatever it takes for you to feel up to it), add in some "all toes" pushups at the begining (first one, then two...). You may also find that there is a certain point where you are weaker, and you can work on this by lowering down to that point and doing an isometric hold. I'm still not up to "all toes" (or, if I do it, my range of motion gets shorter as I go along, so I do more and more shallow pushups!) but maybe I'll get there someday!!
Hi Michele!

To get stronger for push ups I was going to suggest working negatives(starting at the top of the movement from an "on toes" position and slowly lowering yourself down) and working through your weak area or "sticking point"(by lowering yourself down to this sticking point and trying to hold that static position for as long as you can). But after reading the other responses, I realized that Kathryn has already made this exact suggestion(thanks Kathryn). So rather than repeat the suggestion, please just refer to this response. Feel free to post again if you have any questions!
pushup suggestion

For building strength to do toe pushups, my husband suggested starting with stairsteps. I hope this doesn't sound confusing - he suggested start with your feet on the floor and placing your hands on a stairstep that feels like it is giving your chest/arms/abs a good workout. As you build strength, lower your hand placement on the next step below and notice also that your body will be in more of an extension - finally making it down to that last step and then to the floor. I noticed when I tried this, I definitely felt more of a workout in my chest area than doing pushups on my knees on the floor. Hope this helps.

OOOh, I like the starstep idea (I've seen a similar suggestion using a wall, but that seemed like starting up too high!). Hmmm... I don't have any indoor stairs (and am not keen about doing this off my front porch) but a step set a different heights would work, too (start at 12", go to 10", 8"etc.).
My two cents!

Hi, Michelle. More and better Push-ups is one way I really notice how I'm improving. I endorse the suggestions you've already received. As someone with a very pear-shaped body (heavy in the hips) I feel stress in my back when I do from-the-toes push-ups. I've noticed that my push-ups have improved steadily as my abs (especially) and back (both upper and lower) get stronger with PS BBA and other strength-building workouts for the midsection. Of course, the shoulder, chest, and arm exercises all contribute, too.

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