Pushups with boss bands versus knees?

I have been intrigued by the clips showing the use of the orange boss band for assisting full-body pushups and done some experimental tries and really surprised how much it helps. I am going to tackle Gym Style Chest & Triceps this morning to see if I can get through the entire drop set of pushups on my toes.

My question for the Cathletes here is about the difference between using the bands to assist a full pushup versus dropping to your knees?
  • Does using the band help involve the core more?
  • Does using the band reduce the impact to chest/pecs versus knees?
  • Will using the band help me transition to full pushups if I move to a lighter band as I get stronger?
Prior to seeing the band option, I always thought it would be better to stay on my knees and concentrate on full range of motion as opposed to staying on my toes and doing a shallower pushup. On the other hand, I knew I was sacrificing core involvement in order to focus on chest muscles.

What do you all think?
I agree on full range of motion but I don't go to knees since I want to keep my core fully engaged.

So when I need to modify, I do them elevating where my hands are.
I find my carpeted stairs are perfect for that.

I haven't tried the boss bands option yet.
So just as an update on my total wimpiness, I did the 16 and 14 count reps, then ditched the band, went to my knees, and finished the rest of the drop set that way.

So hopefully it was helpful that at least I got the first 30 in with the band-assisted, full-body option.
I agree with Lady Vol Fan... no wimpiness perceived. As a follow--up to your original question ... did you notice any less core involvement using the bands?
I agree with Lady Vol Fan... no wimpiness perceived. As a follow--up to your original question ... did you notice any less core involvement using the bands?

I just tried the band-assisted pushup after my regular workout today and I would say that it actually helped me keep better form. IMO, this helps keep your core engaged throughout the whole motion better than knee pushups or regular pushups with poor form. It also helped me get my chest down lower to the ground and hold it there longer (chauturanga, anyone?). I'm sold. The orange band is pretty strong, though, so I think next time I'll try it with a lighter firewalker loop.
I just tried the band-assisted pushup after my regular workout today and I would say that it actually helped me keep better form. IMO, this helps keep your core engaged throughout the whole motion better than knee pushups or regular pushups with poor form. It also helped me get my chest down lower to the ground and hold it there longer (chauturanga, anyone?). I'm sold. The orange band is pretty strong, though, so I think next time I'll try it with a lighter firewalker loop.
I have been using this hack since my car accident and shoulder injury. I agree that I have better form and engage the right muscles using it.
I agree with Lady Vol Fan... no wimpiness perceived. As a follow--up to your original question ... did you notice any less core involvement using the bands?
I do think there is more core involvement with the band versus doing them on your knees. Especially my lower back feels it when I am in that full plank position. Something I just have to work on I guess. Even yesterday I did Cardio Supersets, and always the hardest part of that workout for me is the slow mountain climbers with the disks and that one where you go side to side with your legs, then pull your knees in.

Still feeling it in my lower back this morning!

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