Push Pull - just don't feel satisfied

How much variation do you all have in the amount of weight for these workouts? Doing PP and SS straight through, using "Heavy" weight provides quite a challenge. Like Lorrayne stated above...use even more weight than Cathe (if that is even possible??!! :p ) to really force out those last few reps!! Cathe does use a 40 lb Barbell for much of SS and PP, not exactly a "Light" weight. Good form also matters, and the moves in these are slow and controlled.

As far as gauging the barbell and dumbbell weights to use for a full-body weight workout, I like use my old benchmark: MIS. How do you all think PP and SS compare? It seems that most of you go "Heavy" here to make these worthwhile...including Susan C.J., Linda, Lorrayne, Liane, Debbie, Ruth, and Carolyn Jane. How "Heavy" is "Heavy" for you all??

~ The Kicker
Hi Donna! I've done the PP 3 sets for each muscle group which is in the Premixes section. If you do this one, your arms will be FRIED!}( HTH, Kathy:D
These are the weights I use:

Squats: 40 lbs.
(I don't do deadlifts, I do the hamstring raises on the stability ball instead)
Static Lunches: 2/15 lbs. dummbells
Leg Press: 15 lbs.

Chest press: 2/20 lbs. dummbells
Dead Row: 25-30 lbs. depending on how my low back feels
Chest flies on ball: 2/15 lbs. dummbells
Fonzie Flies on ball: I wear 1 lbs. kickbox gloves for these and really feel it the next day)

Inverted Shoulder Presses
One Arm Rows: 20 lbs.
Front Raises on ball: 12-15 lbs. depending on how I feel
Rear Flies: 5-8 lbs. depending on how I feel

Hammer Curls/Regular Curls on Ball: 2/15 lbs. dumbbells
Dips (and I do them all at that slow count - these REALLY hurt!)
Kickbacks: 5 lbs.

Hope this helps!
Debbie in OH
I really like this work out when I'm short on time. Heavy up and it hits everything in 44 minutes. I don't do it often, but when I do, yowza! That 3lb. wt. under the heel really fries me!
Valerie :)
I usually like to add this one onto another work out to, either cardio or weight, and I really feel fried afterwards, but it is a good fry:7
i alternate every month doing harder and easier upper body tapes. pub and s&h are the hardest to me so:
month 1 pub
month 2 pp&ss
month 3 s&h
month 4 muscle indurance and ph
I'm glad I'm not the only one. Guess I'm going to have to give this one another try & some of these suggestions as well. I'm not very creative.

I really like PP. Although I do the 2 sets option. I find that my legs are fried with even just one set though. But it takes 2 sets for upper body. The 2 count is what I love about this workout. It allows me to increase the weights when I go back to PS.
I am an advanced exerciser and yet I love both Supersets and push-pull. The premixes are excellent for this DVD. Today I did push-pull. I would have loved to do the 80minute premix but time did not permit. I just heavied up with the weights and I thought I got a great workout. what I love about these workouts is the variety. I love using the ball for upper body work. Cathe has such a great selection of exercises on this DVD. It never ceases to amaze me. As I got more familiar with this workout and got used to all the quick changes I found I got a much better workout. If you didn't think you got a good workout, I would give this workout another try. Heavy up and really focus on the movement. I'm sure you will feel that you got a great workout. I even use ankle weights for the ball leg work. It makes a big difference. Helen:)
You know, Helen brings up a good point...when I first tried these workouts (PP & SS) I really disliked them both. I put them away for a long time. Then one day I was bored & tried one of them again, then the other one...before you knew it I was past the "strangeness" of the workouts & could concentrate on heavying up or whatever. Now I love them!



I had to yell that! I couldn't keep it in any longer! :p
I think the reason Push Pull "feels" easier is because it isn't a high rep heart pumping sweaty workout like many others that Cathe produces. But this is because Push Pull is designed so that you can use heavier weights and build some muscle/strength. I agree though that I feel more worked out with a high rep faster paced workout - but that isn't really the way to build muscle.
I took my own advice this morning and did The PP double premix ( 80 minutes).

I am fried.....but in a good way!!!:D :D :D
definitely try the premixes. i felt the same way after doing SS and PP straight through. have to do all upper or all lower or longer pre-mix to really feel it.
I did this one on Monday and really enjoyed it.

I wanted a total body workout but I needed something under an hour. I also wasn't in the mood for endless reps and sets. I did this with my heaviest weights.

This one was perfect - each body part gets worked 3 times and the use of the stability ball really makes it challenging. I do wish there was more ab work, but I just tacked on the ab work from Supersets.

I don't think every weight workout has to be grueling - sometimes I want to work hard and maybe sweat - so PUB or ME, Power Hour are fine, but sometimes I want to work but at a slower pace - PP and SS seem to fit the bill.

P.S. - I'm interested to see what Muscle Max looks like - It's fun to use the bands once in a while.
Hey all,

With PP, there is quite a bit of flexibility. You can chose to extend your session with the premixes and repeating sets, or do it "straight up" and go as Heavy as possible to the point of fatigue.

Cathe herself stated early on that in PP "Each of the exercises had about 16 standard reps with a few "bonus reps" attached to really get in the muscle. Again, because it is mostly one set per exercise, you are encouraged to go as heavy as you can when a weight is used. You may over or under estimate that weight the first workout or two but eventually you will find that perfect weight so that you really feel it with every set."

So, finding the right weight to use is the challenge, especially if you are not feeling 100% on any certain day. Then again, if you're not able to get out the full number of reps (usually 16 or so) you have real proof that you have worked to fatigue! Actually, doing less than 10 slow and heavy reps would be one heck of a Total Strength-Building workout! Anyone ever tried this, either "inadvertedly" (!), or on purpose? Many on this post lift one set "as Heavy as possible" on PP, including Connie, Lorrayne, Ruth, Shilo, Shaz & Jazz. Will anyone volunteer their number of "One-Set or Less" reps at their "Heavy" Weight for PP? And when compared to your multiple sets?
First, let me qualify by saying that when I say I lift heavy, it is heavy for me. I never go higher than 12 lbs. My bodytype responds best to light weight/many reps.(I'm an hourglass and slow and heavy lifting just makes me look bulky - the endurance workouts make me look much better.)

But - when I am doing a "heavy" workout - for chest flys and presses I will go 12lbs. For 1 arm rows 1 will use 12lbs. I can lift 12lb for bicep but in PP I only use 10lb because of the stability ball.

For shoulders - I never go above 5lbs - I usually use 3lbs for front and side raises. I can only use 5lbs for presses.

For Triceps - If I am going heavy, I will use 8lb or 10lbs depending on the exercise.

When I'm doing endurance work - think ME/powerHour/ SJP - I drop down to 10 or8lb for chest work - 8 or 10lbs for bicep - stay at 3lb and 5lb for shoulder and for tricep work I will us 3- 8 depending on the workout.

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