PS, PH, or MIS?


Hey! I've been exercising for years now and am currently doing cardio 3 x/week and weights 2 x/week. I can spare an hour every morning during the week for working out. I have only done the Firm weight videos and am ready to move on to Cathe's weight tapes. I just don't feel like I'm gaining much muscle or strength from the Firms. I own PH and have a copy of MIS. I've done PH once and was so sore after wards! I couldn't believe how much I enjoyed the workout. My goal is to build muscle and increase my strength. I would like to keep my schedule of doing 3 cardios and 2 weight workouts each week, but I was thinking about getting the PS series and doing each tape once a week and doing 2 intense cardios on the other 2 days. I need advice on the best tapes and rotations to build muscle while sticking with my time limit... should I get PS? What about CTX? I am broke so PS would be all I could afford for now... thanks SO SO SO much for your help! I can't wait to start letting Cathe pump me up! :0) Lol.
Healthy Regards,
Hi Sara,
You can't go wrong with any of these videos. But, I am presently doing a 12 week rotation of PS and am on the 9th week and boy my arms have really toned, but I have also cleaned up my eating as well, which was never really good. I really like the results I am seeing with PS. I do each tape once a week and have included Circuit Max and 1 or two days of kickboxing. So I know my arms are getting a really good workout with this rotation. If you want to build muscle and increase strength, I would go with the PS series. PH and MIS are more endurance builders, but again these two tapes are great as well. Hope this helps, Amy Jo
Hey! So you do each PS tape once a week, and 2 or 3 other days of cardio? That sounds doable for me... I want to workout 5 days/week and heard such good things about PS. Out of all Cathe's weight tapes, would the PS series be the one you suggest I purchase? Thanks for all your help!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jun-17-02 AT 12:13PM (Est)[/font][p]Yes, I would HIGHLY recommend PS. And yes, I have only been doing it once a week. Here is what my rotation looks like:
Sunday: Circuit Max
Monday: Cardio Kicks or Power Strike
Tuesday: PS Chest, Shoulders, Triceps (maybe a CTX cardio tape)
Wednesday: Rhythmic Step or any step tape
Thursday: PS Back and Biceps, Abs
Friday: PS Legs
Saturday: Rest
Good luck, Amy Jo
Another idea

You can also the the PS tapes this way. Do the back and biceps tape with the standing part of PS Legs on one of your weight days, and then do the floor part with the chest, shoulders and triceps tape on the other one. Save the ab work to do after your aerobic days. You should come in just under an hour if you do it this way, and you'll just do weights twice a week like you are right now.
RE: Another idea

Great idea! Thanks so much! Also, since I think I WILL get PS now, should I go ahead and order CTX? Would that be worth getting as well? How long should I stick with PS, and how should I incorporate MIS, PH, and CTX into the mix? Any rotation ideas using these vids are appreciated! I currently own MIS and PH, and plan on ordering PS and maybe CTX this afternoon. I've never really done a rotation before and want to break away from the Firm and get series with Cathe's weight tapes. I'm so excited! Thank you all!
RE: Another idea

How's your PS workout going? I am about to buy PS, PH and RS. I'm debating MIS for now. Money is a factor for me also. I'm just curious how it's going?
RE: Ooooh, good idea Jane!


As far as the CTX series goes, it's a great series in and of itself but if you're just looking for strength workouts, Cathe is coming out with an upper body strength tape that is a compilation of all the upper body work in her CTX series. I cant wait, the upper body work in the CTX is among my favorites! I'd also second the notion of getting the PS series. It's a great addition to your video library. The floor work on PS Legs is killer!


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