Project Runway Baby!


Did any of you fans watch last night? I am so addicted. I was so shocked to see Vincent and Angela again! Wow! It was sad that so many had to go last night. Great show...will definitely watch more.
Oh my gosh. I couldn't believe it when Angela and Vincent came back. That was a total surprise for me. Wasn't Vincent weirder than ever? He gives me the creeps. I was glad that the judges weren't falling over Jeffrey last night and also that Laura won. I felt really bad for her when she was having her mini-breakdown and her dress looked good. I can't wait until next week :) .

LUV that show. Vincent game me the creeps also. I have always like Laura's designs - class! However I think Michael is going to take the whole thing!

I am not sure if it is on next week - seems like it was going to be a new episode in two weeks. Double check at

I'm addicated to that show! I was so sad to see Kayne go... he seems like such a genuine, down-to-earth person. And, I too, was shocked to see Angela and Vincent back... and, frankly, glad to see them go, too. As far as Vincent, I've never seen somebody so high on themselves, except for maybe Jeffrey! Glad Laura won, too. I wasn't crazy about her in the beginning, but she's really grown on me. I really like Uli and Michael, also.
I was also very surprised when they brought back Vincent and Angela. Angela is such a sweetie.

I'm just in awe of Laura being pregnant with her 6th child and looking so gorgeous and having such a great figure and being so full of energy, and even winning the competition last night. Talk about Superwoman!

I like the show because it's very high-quality and well thought-out. The judges are very knowledgable, and their comments are right on the money. The designers are REALLY talented. I like everything except the cold way they say "you're out", which always makes me want to look away.

My prediction for winner: Michael. What a talent he's got!
I'm TOTALLY addicted to this show.
I love the show. I kind of knew that Vincent and Angela were not going to pass the test. I'm rooting for Michael. He has such talent!
I can't believe how much I love this show. I had never seen an episode until about 5 or 6 weeks ago. I was bummed out when they brought back Vincent and Angela. I'm embarrassed that Angela is from Ohio--lol! I don't think either one of them has a lick of talent. Vincent is downright delusional! Man, that guy is weird!

I'm thrilled that Laura won. She and Michael are the most talented designers, IMO. I would actually wear their clothes. I can't stand Jeffery and I wish they would Auf him pronto. He's such a nasty person who, I think, brings everyone down with his spitefulness.
Yeah, bringing back Vincent and Angela? I was like, WTH??

Anyway, I knew that Angela would not cut the mustard. Hell, if it was not for Laura and Michael who "REELED" her in for her Macy win, she would not have won, period. She is too unpredictable and those flowers or "floshons" on her outfit that kicked her out in Paris? All you had to do was look at Michael Kors face and that said it all. Girl, needs to get off the farm in Ohio and move to a fashion forward city to "SEE" what it really going on in fashion. It definately was not those pathetic pants in Paris. And her outfit last night was "again" not good. Vincent, is a "figment of his own mind", you can not tell him ANYTHING because he thinks his stuff is so good.

I was glad Laura won. She, along with Micheal, are the two best designers with construction. I think Uli will be the next to go, although I thought Jeffrey should have left last night. I do not think he will win because his designs definately are not "mainstream", and it is too "L.A." rockish/stage wear that the average woman would not wear. And how in the HELL did he think that outfit last night was for a cocktail party? It looked more like it was for a street party, if you get the drift. The bottom two should be Laura and Micheal. Micheal Knight is the bomb. I would buy anything of his in a heartbeat.

And as much as I like Kayne, his taste level is trashy. He needs more experience and I agree with the guest judge last night, he is finding himself. What kicked Kayne off was "taste" and he should have left, really after the waste management show, over Alison who I would have liked to see more of. I think she does have talent.
Like some of you, I just happened upon the show about 5-6 weeks ago and now I'm hooked.

I'm another one who was surprised to see Vincent & Angela back, but I knew they would not win the challenge. Their stuff doesn't do anything for me.

Kayne is a sweetie and I'm sorry to see him go, but his designs border on over-the-top trashy. I actually figured he would go next.

I predict that Uli will be the next to go because all she does is Miami/beach wear. She is so predictable, even though I like her stuff. Personally I would love to see Jeffrey go because I don't get his stuff, but he adds drama to the show and I think they will keep him around. Regarding Laura and Michael, I love their stuff. They are both classy and I love their presentation. However, I think that Michael has more potential and can do so much more than Laura in the long run career-wise. He is the one I want to win.
I think Kayne was the right choice to go, but I just love his personality and will miss him. He is such a great guy.

In previous shows I have really loved what Uli has done, but I almost threw a pen at the TV last night when she said she was going to create a hippy style Miami cocktail dress. Good lord woman, can you do anything else? It is really getting old. I agree that she will be the next to go.

I am rooting for Michael. He is so awesome. I hope he wins.

I have watched Project Runway from the beginning. For all of you guys that missed Season 1 and 2, rent them if you can. Season 1 was great! Jay, Austin and that awful Wendy Pepper!! What fun!

Like everyone else, I was shocked to see Angela and Vincent back. IMO Angela should have left a long time ago. I believe she was kept around because she and Jeffrey were providing drama for the show. Vincent is creepy. I agree that Michael will win it all. He is very thoughtful about his designs and has not said anything bad about anyone else. I like Laura and am glad she pulled out a win. I like her style but I'm glad she showed a different side of herself. I have a feeling that Jeffrey might end up in the final three if for nothing else but drama.
I have become totally addicted to this show!! I may be the only one, but I can't stand Jeffery. He drives me nuts, and his clothes are just too WEIRD! I want Michael to win! His clothes are edgy, yet elegant at the same time. I like Laura's designs too, but they are more conservative. I was sad to see Kayne go too. Can't wait until next week.

Another PR addict here. This season I love Michael the most. He is so super talented. I was so sad to see Alison go so early, especially before Vincent and Angela. Vincent is such a weirdo, but I feel a little bad for him because he is so clueless! I have mixed feelings about Jeffrey: his clothes are pretty cool but he isn't very versatile, he was mean to Angela's mom, but I thought her behavior was very immature too, and I can't stand his icky neck tatoo, although it does camouflage his lack of a chin (I know it's mean but it's true!) He seems like he's come a long way in his life, and if he weren't such a negative snot all the time, he could be such an inspiration. I'm a little bored with Laura but I admire her energy and think her clothes always look perfect. I think she deserves to go to fashion week. Kayne's stuff was trashy and pageant-y sometimes, but he was also good at making clothes, and what a sweetheart. Uli's stuff is ok, but it's all the same! My all time fave is Jay from season 1. He is just soooo funny and smart! Last night was a good one. Can't wait for next week's episode!

FYI - I'm an avid PR fan too and have watched since the first season. Now that it's down to four designers, Michael, Uli, Laura, and Jeff, they will all show at Fashion Week, but you will not see the fourth designer on the show. (And they showed them on Access Hollywood a couple weeks ag) What PR does is takes the final four to FW so as not to reveal the final THREE.

I PRAY MICHAEL WINS! HE IS THE ABSOLUTE BEST B/C I BELIEVE HE IS THE MOST VERSATILE. I would wear EVERYTHING he's made thus far, with the exception of the horrible couture dress and the jet setting outfit (cause I'm not a man)!

I love Laura, ULI and JEFFREY are both incredibly predictable...but if I had to guess, Uli is going to get the boot before Jeff.


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