Pregnancy check in week of 8/22/04


Well...I hope to get some posters this week! Where are all the other pregnant women out there? On vacation...?

I didn't get to workout at all last week. I was still very sick and would have probably eased back into things on Thursday, but my work schedule wouldn't allow it. Even though I was sick, I had to work 10-15 hour days all week long which is standing the entire time, moving, bending, loading, etc. It was awful, but at least I feel like I got in some sort of a workout since I wasn't just sitting or laying around all day.

I had my 36 week check up and was surprised to find that my doctor doesn't perfor cervical checks at this point. I know I am starting to dilate because I have lost my mucous plug. In my previous 2 pregnancies, I was dilated to a 1 or so at this point, so I'm sure it's the same with this one, but I still carry until 40 weeks. I hope I get a little luckier this time and go at least a week or two early, but I doubt it. I was supposed to have a 37 week appt this week, but had to cancel to work committments and lack of care for my 2 older children. My previous OB saw me at 36, 38, 39 & 40 so I'll just do that again this time. Since this is my 3rd, I feel really comfortable and know everything is as it should be. Right now, I just better get things ready. I had no bag packed (finally packed the babies bag and realized that I need to pack a bag for both of my older children!) Had no plan to speak of with what to do with my older 2, so I think that is now in place. I finally talked my husband into getting the infant carseat down from the attic space so I could get it washed and ready to go. I keep hounding him for to get the crib together, but as of yet, he hasn't gotten it together. I think he'll do it this week. I know it will only take a minute to put it together even if we bring the baby home without it up, but I want the room ready at this point. I have to pack my bag and my husband's bag and then I guess we'll be pretty ready other than buying some binkies and a new swing (I have a used swing for my office but didn't want to have 3 flights of stairs to contend with moving it from place to place so I'm getting a new one for the house). We bought a new camcorder today. We didn't even have that much ready!

I have been working out again since Sunday now, and was so surprised to find that my workouts were not too bad after having to take 2 weeks off from being sick and so busy with work (usually when I'm not pregnant and I take time off for being sick, the first day back kills me!). I will probably stop working out at 38 or 39 weeks just to give my body a little rest. I certainly will not workout if I go over my due date. Nobody should have to do that! I'd be too depressed!

Hope all is well with everyone, and would love to hear from all of you whether you had any workouts in or not.

I am looking in my closet at my prepregnancy clothes with such longing now! It's getting so close! It doesn't seem to hurt so much knowing how close the due date is and how soon I'll get to put these darn maternity clothes away. On my 30th, I am going on one heck of a shopping spree!

Diana - if you're out there, I'd LOVE to hear your birth story. Hope all is well.

Take care,

I'd thought I'd start posting in the check in. I just found out that I'm pregnant last week. I've been trying to work out everyday. The end of last week I was in Alaska on vacation so most of the exercise I did was walking around. Alaska is absolutely beautiful! Anyway, I hope to get back to a video schedule this week.

I'm glad to hear you're feeling better and working out some! I hope I am able to keep working out in the end. I look forward to posting more often and reading all about everyone's experiences.

Hi everyone,

I'm glad you posted Stacey. I was afraid you might not because there were no responses last week. I kept wanting to post but never got around to it. Sorry! And I never want to be the one to start a check-in. Anyway, glad to hear you're feeling better. I was sick all last week also with a bad cold. You're getting close! Just hang in there! I know what you mean about wanting to wear normal clothes again. I'm so sick of my maternity clothes! And half of them don't even fit anymore I'm so huge! If one more person tells me I look like I'm about ready to explode I might just have to punch them ;) My weight gain has been pretty good though, 27 pounds at my dr. visit last week. Considering I gained over 50 pounds with my last pregnancy I think that's pretty good.

Well, I have anywhere from 2.5 to 4.5 weeks left. I have a two week window where I can deliver naturally. If I go past my due date I'll probably have to have a c-section. So I'm praying something will start happening soon. The dr. says if my cervix starts to thin out and dilate they'll break my water and induce me. If I make it to my due date and nothing's happening (cervix is still long and closed) I'll have to have a c-section. This is because I've had a previous c-section and because the nearest hospital that does VBACs is 120 miles away in Tucson.

Welcome imani! Congratulations on your pregnancy! I bet Alaska was beautiful. It's one of my huband's favorite places to go. I'm looking forward to your posts. I hope everything goes well for you.

Take care,
EDD 10-04-04
Welcome, Imani. Glad to have you onboard. Good luck with your pregnancy. When is your due date?

Jacque - it's great to hear from you. I will send positive "natural labor thoughts" your way. Can you send some early vibes to my little one? I have worked out 3 days so far this week, but took today off and was glad I did. I am so darn tired at night. It's tough to keep my workouts up. I am really hoping to get one in tomorrow a.m. but it's my son's first day of school and my daughter's orientation at preschool. That makes for a very early morning. Ugh. I can't wait to have my old body back and feel like I can do do do again. Except that I'm sure I will still feel like a slug because I'll be going on no sleep. Can I be lucky with one of my babies and have them sleep through the night at 8 weeks? That would be so nice. I like your comment about punching someone in the nose if they talk about how huge you are one more time. Your weight gain sounds fantastic. I will have gained right around 30 lbs at 40 weeks which is very normal for me. I expect to go right back to my prepregnancy clothes as I have previously and hope I'm not crazy in thinking I'll be able to.

Well hopefully we'll here from some more posters.

Take care all,
EDD 09-16 or 09-23
Hi everyone!! I was such a slug last week. Weird because my energy level had been pretty good for a while, but then WHAMMO I had no motivation for much of anything that would take me more than a few minutes to accomplish. The one day that I tried to post to last week's check-in, my computer lost it's internet connection and everything that I had written was lost. I was so danged mad that I walked away from the computer. (I probably ended up taking a nap instead.) I did get a few workouts in last week. They may not have been whole-hearted or pretty. Lately I've been having to kick off my shoes during aerobics. One of my feet starts to kill me about 10-15 minutes into a workout. Has anyone noticed a change in the way their shoes fit? I'm so paranoid that I'm going to permanently damage my foot or twist an ankle that I'm usually quick to back off the movement. Last night I quit 10-10-10 15 minutes in because of my foot and did PS BBA instead.

Here are the workouts for last week:
Sun CTX Kickbox w/bi's
Mon off
Tue CTX Step & Intervals w/chest
Wed Tae Bo Basic
Thu Push Pull
Fri off
Sat off

I guess I'd better wrap this up. I'm starting to feel like my internet could dump me at any time. It likes to go down during the day. Very odd..and irritating. Hope everyone is having a great week.

EDD 10-04-04
Gosh, is it Friday already? I meant to reply to this a few days ago, when "last week" was only a few days past. Oh well, life keeps moving on.

Stacey, good for you for picking up your workout routine after such a long recuperation period. Being sick is very difficult, especially when you are restricted in your means to make yourself feel better. I had a cold last week, too, but it kind of only remained a "semi-cold." I had half-stuffed sinues, and was quite tired. A bit of Vicks Vapo-rub in my nose was very effective in clearing the airways and letting me sleep, eat, breathe - all the good stuff. My husband and daughter both have the cold, and it was worse for them. They are both battling chest infections and sound like barking seals.

I had a very good workout week last week:
TUES: Step, Jump & Pump
WEDS: Step Jam
THURS: Power Circuit (cardio only) and Pyramid Upper Body
FRI: Cardio Kicks (felt TERRIFIC!)
SAT: High Step Training Advanced (felt very hard)
SUN: rest

I'm finishing Week 11, and am thrilled to say that my first trimester problems have almost disappeared. I awoke a few days ago with a level of energy that I haven't seen in weeks. Coffee is no longer making me gag, and my stomach seems to have recovered. My appetite is more than healthy, and I am in a peanut-butter fixation phase right now. I'm feeling really, really good and sometimes have to remind myself that I'm actually pregnant. I attribute it to clean, balanced eating, regular exercise and a good night's sleep.

A few people are closing in on their due dates. I wish you all the best of luck over the next few weeks!!

According to the Ouvosoft program, my due date is 5/4/05. My first doctor's appointment is in october. So I'll see what the doctor says then.

I'm so glad to hear that all of you are doing Cathe workouts. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to keep up with my current schedule. Thanks for the motivation!

Hi Everyone! Stacey, thanks for posting (I know, excuses, excuses, but I didn't post because I have been very busy with my first full week of teaching-I teach 1st grade). But, now that that is over, I should be getting back into my normal routine. Wow! I am so jealous that everyone is doing so great with their workouts. I worked out 2 times this past week. I wanted to go to the gym on Monday, but then I remembered that they were closed for the week to clean (they do that once a year), then I wanted to take a walk. As soon as I stepped out the door, it started to pour. I didn't feel like doing a Cathe workout, so I put on my 80s CDs, and made up a workout of my own. Whatever motivates, right? I took a walk on Tuesday. Wed. I was at my school till 9:00p.m. cause we had Open House (yes, already!). I can't stand that night! Thursday, I had to do a sub folder, daily schedule for my principal-due yesterday, and lastnight I helped my DH clean for weekend guests and I crashed on the couch by 8:30p.m. Whew!!! Today, however, my DH and I are going for a long walk by a lake (whenever he gets up).

I had my 1st ultrasound last Tuesday, and it was so amazing! I am due on either 3/31 or 4/1. My DH went with me. The baby is a little over 1 inch long, and it was wiggling all around (it looked like it was kickboxing). It had a good, strong and even heartbeat. I cried when I heard it. I have the pictures, and I look at them all the time. Can you tell this is my first baby??? That made it so much more real to me.

Imani, congratulations on being pregnant, and welcome!

Have a great weekend, everyone!
Jen - how exciting for you! The very first ultrasound can be quite an intense experience, can't it? I had my first u/s with this baby at 8 weeks, and it was still a very amorphic shape, but you could see the heart beating quite strongly. It was a touching moment. How frequently does your doc schedule u/s during a typical pregnancy? I will likely only have one more, at about 18 weeks, unless something pops up that requires closer monitoring. You and I are due almost at the same time. My dates are 3/27-3/30.

You sound like you're doing very well with maintaining your activity level, especially given how hectic your schedule is these days. What kind of a homegrown workout did you do? Dance around your living room? 30 minutes of plyo-jacks (ha ha!!)?

All the best,
HI Sandra, the lady who did the U/S said the next one will be at 5 months. My husband and I want to find out the sex, so that will be the appt. we find out. I heard from many people that this will be the longest appt. because they look at and measure everything. And, from what people have told me, the U/S place used to give a videotape of the ultrasound, but they don't do that anymore. My sister is a doc., and she said it is now illegal (I don't know why).

My homegrown workout was interesting...No plyos due to huge and sore boobs, but I did one song cardio (on the tall step while kickboxing, or just low-impact, etc.). I alternated with one song of strength (arms, legs, whatever I felt like doing). When I get in a rut, that sometimes helps, as crazy as it sounds. I always had a little dream to be an aerobics instructor, so that is how I satisfy that, only my students are my cats:)
Enjoy the weekend!
p.s. I almost forgot....tell me ladies, what works for constipation (I have it really bad);(
Hi everyone! I'm so glad we had so many responses this week after having none the week prior. It sounds like everyone is doing great! Jen - that's awesome about your ultrasound. I remember all of those feelings. They are so much fun.

Sandra - don't you ever jump around your house for no reason? We used to do dance party with our kids to the Shrek DVD and jump, run, high kick, kick box, etc. all over our house. I'm sure the neighbors wondered what was wrong with us, but our kids absolutely love it. I haven't done it since I've been pregnant. I haven't felt "goofy" enough. This has been hard for me, and I think most of it was related to my business hitting it's first slump ever (after 6 years). I have noticed such an improvement in my attitude since bringing it back out of it's slump and then some, but always in the back of my head now is a small fear that "what will we do when it happens again?" I just wish I didn't have to think like that. I love to shop too much. I would work nonstop if it meant I could spend spend spend at the mall mall mall as much as I wanted to.

I am so ready to have this baby. I thought it was going to be this weekend because I had 2 nights in a row with contractions that lasted 40 seconds long (and hurt quite a bit) that were only 5 minutes apart. After about an hour, they went away. Very disappointing. But, it helps to know that he can only stay in there so much longer.

Take care everyone. It's already time to post the past weeks check in!


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