PP Week of 2/1/09

I swear I came here and posted yesterday. grrr

Kate~wow that is a long day for Gina.. My dd does the LA4 preschool here and she gets on the bus at 705 and gets off the bus at 320, but they do nap an hour during the day. LOL at your poor boobs, but YAY for getting sleep! I hope you aren't getting too sick. REst up. ((hugs))

Lisa~baby showers are SO fun and SO worth the food. Great job on Imax!! I love Imax2.. don't have Imax though.

MAggie~I've never heard of that injury before. Sorry it makes it so he can't wrestle. Maybe next year? YAY for STS arriving! Now I want to get it!

Becky~planks are a great idea! I'd try that!

So I have been mostly running the last week. I rested on sunday and ate way too much since we had people over for the super bowl. Been pretty good since though. I really need someone to kick me in the rear to get some weight workouts in. Maybe I should order STS. We are getting a huge tax refund so maybe I should treat myself.
trish, i justlost a post too. hatethat.:mad:
7am bus stop!!!!!!!!! thats nuts!!!!!!! you must have to wake them at 6!!!
consider your rear kicked - go lift!!!! i get my best results when i go to total failure! now get to liftin'!!!!!!:D

funny story! my darling gina........:eek:
mike drover her to school today. on the way she saidto him
"mamas been driving me to school. i tell her that i dont feel good but really i feel okay. im so tricky!!"

im not mad. rather, im totally awe-struck that my child thinks like that already! i laughed for 5 minutes! that stinker be ridin' the bus tomorrow for sure!!!:D
hey girls!!

Becky-Step Blast is one of my favorites also! I was so weak after I had Ryder even though I lifted during my whole pg:(

Maggie- Have you tried out sts? I canceled my pre-order now I'm wishing that I hadn't. I might get them when I am done doing clx.

Kate-are you feeling better? Too cute about Gina:) Kids are so funny.

Lisa-good job on imax I haven't attempted one since having Ryder:confused: Maybe Saturday I will try imax2 it is my fav.

Nothing new here. I got an ear infection mon. and spent 2 hrs tues waiting to see my doctor for him to take 2 sec. to look in my ear and write me a prescription:mad: I was about to go crazy. Tonight Wilson's baseball practice starts but it is really windy and is supposed to rain so it will probably be cancelled:) Ryder just fell asleep so I am going to workout and hope my ear doesn't explode:D

candra, how do you like clx? sounds good but im leary of spending that much $ on an instructor ive never used before!
ouch n the ear!!! good luck w/ your wo!
im feeling much better, thanks! im getting so much done. the house was a pit!:mad:
kate-I love clx! I had never tried any of chalean's other wo's either. I really like her though. The wo's are short but intense. It is perfect for me right now with my limited wo time. I'm even thinking of trying turbo jam b/c I do like Chalean

Glad you are getting your house picked up. Mike was supposed to clean the kitchen for me last night and let me tell you his clean and my clean are two very different things:p

candra, ikwym on dh's cleaning! i try to be grateful for the little bit of hlp i do get! and i do mean little!:eek:
you've got me more curious to try clx......sts for the next 3 months so ill hold off for now.
Trish - I can easily fall into being a cardio queen as well, but I do find once I get going with weights that I love it, but my instinct is cardio, cardio, cardio. Great job on the runs! How are things at home? I can't remember if your dh is with you right now or not.

Candra - Oooh, that stinks about the dr's office. What is clx? Where did you buy it from? Collage videos?

Kate - I did some cleaning this morning myself. DH is supposed to do the kitchen, but personally I feel like its "cleaner" when I do it. Do you have a whole workout room dedicated that fits your vc?

Got in my uphill stroller walk today. Went further than usual and boy could I feel the difference! Weights on for later this afternoon after I get some work done from home. Better get to it!

Lisa-clx is chalean extreme from beachbody. She is the instructor of all the turbo jams. It is a 3 month heavy weight rotation. When is your sisters baby due? My youngest sister is having twins and is already scheduled for a c-section july 6 th.

lisa, we do have a wo room that has our smith machine and free weights in there. a few yes ago for dhs bday i had mirrors put up on the walls. it looks pretty cool!:D he also installed a drinking fountain in there! it pays to be a plumbing ctr's wife!:D our other stuff (leg press, ellip, and vc:eek:) are in the main room of the basement....which is quickly taking over the dds play area!:eek:
hill walk AND weihts! ^^^^5!

hi candra!:D
Hi Ladies--

It's official--the Gwenling is scooting...I was hoping to buy a little more time, but it's mighty cute to see her laboring after some goodie on the floor.

Good news on Ds's knee--he saw the pt today and he said that he sees this all the time and if ds does his pt faithfully he will make a full recovery. Hooray!

Lisa--I have not done the original IMAX in forever, because I don't have it on dvd, yet, anyway--I did IMAX 3 last week and it darn near killed me. I have not yet regained my cardio capacity since this last pregnancy. I'm trying to ease in more slowly to avoid injury.

Kate--I did some of the 1 rep maxes already, because I'd been writing down my weights and reps for the home made heavy rotation I just did. I love that calculator! " it was naptime so i stuck a boob in her mouh and she was out cold!" LOL--I love it--nursing anytime, anywhere....

Becky--the 1 rep maxes are easier than I thought--check out how that calculator works--you pick the weight, do the reps (as many as you can), enter the dataand it figures out your 1 rep max for you--it's a breeze. I'm going to skip the 1 and 2 star exercises.

Candra--Sorry about your ear!:( I've just previewed sts--I want to start next week. It looks intense, but fun. The only thing I'm not thrilled with is the music, but that's a minor beef, because it's so well done in every other respect.

Trish--yes, treat yourself with that huge refund. You deserve it. If not STS, something!

take care all!
maggie, i just love when they start to get mobile! how fun!!!
yay for ds!!!!
the calc WAS fun!:D fun to see where my 1rm was compared to the avgs

quiet day at home here! AND no plans for the weekend! bonus!!!:cool:
Hello ladies. Hope everyone is having a great Friday. I know I am really looking forward to the weekend and having my husband home!

Kate, funny about your trickster daughter. I just told my parents this year that I pretended to have exercise induced asthma in order to get out of running in soccer practice. I would make myself wheeze. They took me to the doctor and I ended up getting an inhaler and everything. Kids can be such manipulators!

Trish, congrats on the large tax refund! How exciting. I am happy we just don't have to pay this year. DH works after hours as a computer programming consultant and last year that put us over the edge and we ended up owing $4000 even after we deducted my medical school! This year we get $38 back (I think we're in a different tax bracket now)

Candra, hope your ear feels better soon. Did they give you oral meds or drops? Oh, and if you try turbo jam, make sure to give us a review. I have been tempted to get them, but haven't. I did just buy a new Amy Bento kickboxing DVD, but I can't do it yet. I previewed it and it has way too much crazy jumping...I am trying to protect my pelvic floor at least until I am 6 weeks pp to not get incontinent. :eek: I really want to do it...it has some great music.

Lisa, do you use a jogging stroller? If so, would my infant be able to ride in one or do I need to wait until she's a bit bigger. Right now I think she's around 9 lbs. I weighed myself and then myself with her and that was the difference 2 days ago. I can't believe how big she's getting!

Maggie, congrats on the scooting! How old is your LO?

Yesterday I did end up doing Step Blast...I like it so much! Today was Cardio and Weights. I felt invigorated afterwards. I don't like the last step routine in it though, but I labored through anyways. The abs were good.

I am doing more planks throughout the day. I can't hold them very long, but I try to get at least 4 in a day...even if I am only holding for 15-20 seconds. My abs are a mess, but I am thankful I don't have separation.

I calculated my caloric intake yesterday because I was wondering why I wasn't losing and I was concerned that maybe I was too low and that my milk supply might go down. I came in at around 1700. That was higher than I thought...I've only been eating very clean, but I guess bananas, apples, wheat bread, and carrots have calories too. Yesterday was a light dinner, but I figure that other days I have been over 2000 with normal dinners. I had been adding in extra snacks when I wasn't too hungry thinking I wasn't getting enough calories for my milk supply, but now I know that I don't need them unless I am hungry. Glad I calculated! I think I will keep doing it until I get a good handle on what I am eating. I use the "Lose It" application on my iphone...I love that phone! I also have an application called "baby log" where I keep track of Zoey's feedings and diaper changes.

Anyway, I keep going on and on...I am not used to being home all day and not having adult interaction. I think I may go crazy by June when residency orientation starts...although I love this time home with baby. Next month I do have school work, even though it is from home, so maybe I'll get to talk to my professor at least.

Have a great weekend!

Hello everyone. I've been MIA- mostly because I am so ridiculously busy. And also because my firm's internet policy won't let me on the cathe forums because it's considered "sports".

We're all good. Mimi is 7 months tomorrow- 20 pounds, 30 inches. We've hit two "mommy sad" milestones- I moved her out of the basinet and into her crib at night; also, my milk supply tanked during the day down to maybe 12 oz total (it always does right around 7 months, that's just how my boobs work). She is starting to clap her hands and wave. She is too cute- it must be a 4th (and last) baby thing.

been working out 3-5 times a week. Would love to lose 7-10 pounds after finished nursing.
becky, AMEN to hubby home! this is my time to get stuff done!:D
lol on your asthma! my youngest sis wanted glasses and kept lying to the eye dr tht she couldnt see!:D
PAY 4K!!!! oh my! i like to owe a little bit but thatts a bit steep!:eek::eek::eek:
re incontinent: do 3 kegels every time baby latches on;)
i struggle BIG TIME with how much to eat. i got too thin after dd2 and she quit nursing earlier than dd1. not sure if milk dried up or if that was just when she wanted to quit,.....but i dont want to make my milk dry up early.

quiet night at home tonight.
i want to do the ellip but dh doesnt want me tp push it yet from getting over this non-sickness!;) my throat is wierd and i sound like a man!!:eek::p
hey kristan! you jumped in!
cute avatar! my stupid laptop isnt cooperating w/ loading pics here:mad:
how fun is mimi!!!
good job getting your wo's w/ working AND chasing after 4 kids!
and i cant possibly imagine why youre so busy!:p;):D
question for you - was it THAT big of a jump to go from 3 to 4.....:confused:
Kate-are you thinking about #4 already;)

Kristan-I am always sad when the kids move into their cribs:( The first year goes by way too fast.

Becky-it is definitely an adjustment staying home with the first baby. It gets easier:)

Maggie-how fun that Gwen is moving!! Good news about your son:)

My sister that is pg with twins found out today she is having a boy and a girl!! I am so excited for her. She already has a 1yr old ds but her first two pg's ended in miscarriage.

Hope everyone hasa good weekend. Wilson is supposed to have b-ball practice tomorrow but it is raing cats and dogs right now so we'll see

Hi ladies!

I'm continuing to work on my 1 rep maxes. I wonder if the averages are correct, because I'm stronger than what I would expect the average to be around here. Now if I could just lose this fat--it is coming off, just sloooowly. I'm being very careful with my diet.

Kate--I know you asked Kristan,not me, but I'll chime in. Going from one to two was the hardest for me. The only reason 3 to 4 was stressful was because Malcolm was in NICU and had major feeding issues for a year and I was pumping my milk. If he'd been typically developing it would not have been too bad.

Becky--my LO is almost 6 months. All of our kids have been early movers and later talkers (most make up for it later). I have never had a problem with milk supply and calorie restriction. After my last baby I did Eat to LIve for a while (1200-1500cal per day--very restrictive, mostly vegan and raw), lost weight very rapidly and kept it off. My milk supply was not effected. I just had no joy in it. I'm eating about 1700 cal per day now (think Clean Eating Magazine--with a couple of cheats per week). The weight loss is slow (about .75 lbs per week), but I'm enjoying it more. I'd have to get utterly desperate to do Eat to Live again.

Kristan--Good to "see" you. I know about the mommy sad milestones as I'm 98% sure that the Gwenling is our last. (dd12 told me last week when that lady had octuplets, "Mom, if you had octoplets, you'd have 15 kids." :eek::eek::eek: She was just so matter of fact about it.....as much as I love babies, I cannot even imagine....)

Candra--how exciting for your sister! Keep us posted on that--sounds like she's out of the danger zone. (((hugs and prayers)))

Well, I'm off for some more 1 rep maxes.

take care all
candra, *thinking* anbout 4.......i think we're adding on to our house and if we're going to have another i wantto add a bedroom too.
yay for the twins! how exciting! i hope she has lotsa help!:eek:
did bball get rained out?

maggie, tx for your input on the 4th.....yours is always welcome - you're supermommy!:D
good job on your 1rms and eats. i had a cheseburger today from a&w. oh my word, was it ever delicious. havent had one in ages.....i loved it!:D:eek:
YIKES on that vegan/raw diet! i couldnt do it!

ive gone and lost my voice! i could barely talk when i woke up and its even worse since my wo. its workin' out real good for dh & dds!:p
Kate-the rain started right after practice so I was happy for Wilson he has been waiting for b-ball season to start. I say add the extra bedroom:D

Ryder is rolling over and sucking his thumb. It is too cute:p

The older boys are spending the night w/ grandma & papa, so we are going to the movies a little later. Right now I am home alone w/Ryder and the house is very quiet:) I might just go take a nap w/him

candra, YAY FOR A QUIET HOUSE!!!!!! havea fun night tonight!
julia rolled over the week she turned 3 months and hasnt cared to do it since. stinker!:p she does get her thumb in hr mouth. i hope it doesnt become a habit. gina, almost 7, has to get braces soon. she was a huge thumb sucker and still occasionally does:(. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$:mad:

getting julia to sleep.
i want to wo but i prob shouldnt.....oh well - im not usually one to follow rules!;)

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