Power Hour and MIS


For all those who have done these workouts, how do they compare with either Supersets, Muscle Endurance or Leaner Legs? I find: SS fun and not overly intense, ME fun and intense, and LL intense with a little bit of a dread factor (yeow on the static lounges)! Is there a fun factor on PH and MIS? I tend to go lighter than Cathe on upper body exercizes, so I wouldn't be working out at the same intensity level on the upper body parts. I'd appreciate any input on these workouts (I can't watch the samples, they always shut down my internet connection). Thanks. Carol
Hi Carol,

MIS was my introduction to Cathe & at the time I thought it was WAY hard. And now I think it's WAY hard! :p At least the legs part is hard for me because she does 2 or 3 different kinds of lunges which I hate with a passion, although I do them. I THINK MIS was her first "heavy" weights workout. It is rather long & some people find it tedious, but I love it. It also has a fun step warmup.

Power Hour is one of my all time faves. The music is well choreographed so basically every move goes with the beat. It is more or less Cathe's version of Body Pump. It's a high rep endurance workout although you can, of course, increase muscle strength with it too. It's hard, don't get me wrong! But loads of fun. I just did it yesterday & quite enjoyed it.

Personally, I think that anyone who has no dread factor with LL is Superwoman! LOL


Edited to say, I think Supersets is much easier than MIS, & PH & ME are both endurance workouts but kind of different from each other nonetheless. I think they're about equally difficult.
Like Ruth I love Power Hour - I would equate it to ME and it's loads of fun! MIS is hard but I don't dread it. I often do the legs section by itself.

Honestly when I do MIS I will add a lower body workout from the pyramids or PS or PP a couple of times. LL, I add extra weight. With SS I usually do the upper and lower blasts. ME for me is easy even adding extra weight. Personally the upper and lower blasts on the SS is one of my favorites. You can adjust your weight here where ever you like depending on what you want.
Diane Sue
I guess I missed Power Hour. Yes it is definitely the ultimate in endurance. I hardly use my dvd though because I lost 1 and 1/2 minutes of the first lower body segment. I know what to do if I stop it but it still bugs. I also lost most of the ab workout on the Bodymax portion. Sometime I plan on replacing this one as this is a great dvd. I got a lot of cuts at the start,of using Cathe using MIS.
Diane Sue
I would say Power Hour is quite comparable to Muscle Endurance, both
in terms of difficulty and fun factor. I think ME has a bit more
lower body work in it, but the upper body segments on PH and ME are
pretty similar as far as length of time spent per body part and the
intensity. One of the reasons PH seems so much fun to me is because
of the format... you work one muscle group over the course of one
"song" and then move on to the next. It just flies by.

MIS isn't quite as much fun, but it's a good, no nonsense, straight
forward full body workout. I find it easier then either ME or PH,
especially in the upper body segments. You don't seem to work
each muscle group all that long, so I don't ever feel close to
fatigued by the end of each segment. (Although, if I used heavier
weights, I could probably fix that.)

I think Supersets is the easiest of all 4. I try to do it every
few weeks to shake things up a bit, but I find with all the switching
back and forth between muscle groups I never feel like I've worked
very hard. The only segment that really gets me close to tired is the explosive lunges.

Can't comment on Leaner Legs as I don't have it.
I agree with a lot of what Ruth says--MIS was my first "hard" Cathe workout...I used to dread the leg section. Now I think it is easier than the Power Hour leg portion. And lunges...I fear and dread them, especially the "low ends." Those are just plain cruel.

ME is one of my favorites, and I would rate this one harder than MIS. SS is almost relaxing, and I don't have LL so I can't comment.

Have fun!

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