post partum thursday!


hi guys - i had a minute and thought to say hey!!

i did read yesterdays but know i am a bit behind.

jen, that binder sounds great - i had that pregnant look to the belly for a good 2-3 weeks post c-section. every day it gets better, though. do you have ctx? the cardios are short but intense, good for fussy abbies.

stephanie, how is charlie? glad you are feeling better.

kate, hope you have a fun home day again today!

hi maggie, hi kristen.

i wish aidan slept thru the night! he nurses once a night and usually swaps from his crib to his vibrating chair once too. next week dh leaves for 3 weeks, so i am going to have to figure out something with the crutches - what a pain!! i honnestly feel like such a loser right now - i cannot do my normal home duties, nor can i work, nor can i do my normal workouts. i wish this time would speed by a little bit. on a plus note, i have lost 4lbs (though it si probably muscle). i am doing my own rotation of 3 upper body days, 3 lower body days (floor work only), and trying to swim at least 5 days a week for an hour. yesterday i did lower body and a swim and it felt really good. i cannot wait to be able to sweat in my home again in the early am - i just do not feel like myself!

anyways, no more complaining. finn (ds1) is great - loves his brother and is being quite helpful. aidan is so round and cute - i cannot believe my tiny little guy is so bg now - he is much bigger than finn at the same age. he'll be my bruiser. have a good one everyone.
in my nursing chair, barking orders....

.......when are kids big enough to wipe their on poopy bottoms!!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Hi ladies!

Morris--Glad to hear Aidan is doing well! Charlie is great! Sorry about the three weeks without DH. You must be dreading it. Maybe Aidan will decide to start sleeping better before he goes out of town!

Kate--LOL about poopy bottoms. I wondered this the other night as I wiped Henry's almost 4-year-old bottom! I think the answer is SOON!

Well, big boys are at school/preschool, and I'm bound and determined to GET SOME CLEANING DONE!! I just wanted to check in first. Hopefully Charlie will nap some today so I can work, though I hear him waking up already!! 20 minutes does not a nap make!! Oh well... I tried a new massage technique on his tummy last night/this morning, and it has helped with his gas! Also took him off the Zantac, because I couldn't see a difference. I may change his formula to lactose-free too. But I'm seeing some good progress just from a simple belly massage! Well, better go get him. Hope you all have a great day!
Morris - Sorry about the foot. Sounds like you're doing great though and handling very well. Way to go with the wo's. I can't wait to get the all clear to start working out, but walks will have to do for now.

Kate - It'll be soon re:poopy bottoms. Mine are 6 & 9 and it's nice to not have to worry about that anymore!

Stephanie - Glad the massage helped. Hope you get some cleaning done. I have a ton of house things to do also.

What is everyone here planning to do for birth control? Or do we have some brave moms that are going to dive in for their next pg? I don't want any hormone stuff, but not ready for anything permanent yet so not too sure what to do. I don't want to get pg either so have to make some kind of decision. Baby on the bed at night has worked well so far...

ha ha lisa! are youy sure you do not want number 4??? i am not sure what to do, but i think i need some estrogen so my bones heal faster. i wish i was walking right now. how is your wee one?
morris, do you have a front pack you can use for the baby while on crutches?

stephanie - yay for both boys at school! doncha loooooove time alone/with the baby???

lisa. well, i still wipe for poop on my 6-yo. Peace of mind knowing shes clean, but i should have her start... .for BC ill check out my mw said theres a section on the forums for pp thats really helpful. i dont want the hormones eithr . sure as heck not using condoms ever again! yuck! thus far i have about 2% interest in sex anyway.....wish i could say the same for dh!
Hi ladies!

Lisa--I got my tubes tied when I had Charlie. Haven't tested them out yet, though. ;)

Kate-- Put down the toilet tissue. Hand it over to Gina. I'm starting an intervention for you. :) Seriously, 6 years old is old enough, girl. Buy her the Kandoo wipees and she'll be clean as a whistle.

Sooooo... I cleaned upstairs today ALL IN ONE DAY. Still have to clean downstairs, but it was a good day! Charlie ate really well and slept well and was happy. He smiled at me and the ceiling fan. WHY do kids LOVE ceiling fans? I swear, they should make all babies' mobiles exact replicas of ceiling fans, and they would be little pigs in mud. Anyway, I dusted the upstairs whilst dancing to my itunes mix on the computer. AND I got to vacuum, but I think I overdid it a little. I started bleeding a tiny bit again tonight, so I'm thinking no step workout as I had hoped tonight. Rats! Maybe tomorrow...

Hope everyone is having a good evening!! :)
Hello! I feel so out of the loop. I was out of town for awhile visiting my parents and then started back to work PT this week. Getting ready at 6am is tough, but I enjoy being out of the house for awhile.

Stephanie--Naps..ugh! Huge struggle for us. No matter how sleepy Caden seems when I put him down, he always wakes up. I've been napping with him so that he gets some sleep, but that needs to stop since he goes to daycare in January.

Kate--My little one hates the carseat as well. It makes it difficult for me to go anywhere without DH because once Caden gets upset, he gets SO the point of making himself all red and sweaty. I envy those that say they take their babies for car rides to settle them down... Not here.

Better run..Caden is hungry.

lisa marie
st- bravo on a productive day! lol on the intervention!!! we need it! by monday shell be a poop-wipin' pro!!!:D

lm- ick. work. so glad we hired someone to replace me. hope it goes well for you. naps WILL happen. we promise! keep up the good work!

julias FILLING Her diaper - gotta RUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

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