
Hey Anna! I was the same way(still getting the kinks out) I just finally did my picture on the profile icon(I'm next gonna try to get a pic to come up when I post) I got alot of help from the gang here--all you need is patience and available time--trying to to it when you have somewhere to go is soo frustrating! Hope to see a pic of you soon! Take care!
PS if anyone out there can give me details on how to transfer a pic on a post like Trevor Deborah and Connie did--I appreciate it! Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Janice, I'm with you, have the equipment but can't figure it out. And also I'm incredibly camera shy, just suffice it to say that I have incredibly sculpted muscles and 3% body fat, and am perfectly me ;-) !!!!

Bev K, that is so cool, a picture with Cathe. All this time I really didn't think Cathe was a real person. I kind of figured she was prototype of a bionic female army that our special forces are putting together. So did you really touch her....she is actually human???? And...thanks everyone, I really enjoyed the pictures. You guys all look great and must have an intelligence level far exceeding mine to be able to post these wonderful pictures :) :) :) .


Your pics are beautiful. Let me know if you ever figure out how to post your pic in our Cathe profiles. I would like to post my picture trail thing as a link at the end of my posts as well. Please email me if you figure it out..Thanks!! Janice
Janice, it's so neat to put a face to your name....those are beautiful pictures!!! How long have you been married?

One of these days I'll have to try to do this...then the challenge is finding someone who is sculpted with 3% body fat to pose as me...ha ha. I do know how to send digital pictures by email, but that's the extent of it. Great job Janice!!!

It's great to 'see' you! I have saved some of these pics in my computer just so I can look back and "I.D." you guys!

Some more picture advice:
Pictures need to be small enough before you put them on a web page. If they are too big, it takes a long time for them to load. They must be shrunk if necessary in your computer, not after they have been posted on the web, because it's a different process on the web that doesn't really change the properties of the file.

My advice is, stay active until you find a friend who can help you with a program for changing picture properties, then sit down and learn. If you try to figure it all out on the computer it could turn you into a couch potato!
Hi Janice! You're a natural beauty! Thanks for sharing! I did manage to get my pic to go on my profile icon by doing the following--Click on More Options in the left blue bar in your Members Area
--Click on Get URLs for Auctions
--On the following page select your album where the images are and click Continue
--Click on radio button for option marked "YES, I am an Ebay/Yahoo Auctions user."
--Scroll down the page and you will find the URLs of your images there --I highlighted it, copy and pasted it when I edited my Cathe member profile-
Now for getting pic on your post ???? This is where Connie, Trevor and Deborah have to jump in ! I'm gonna try to copy,paste my auction url here and see what happens! (holy smokes it worked--sorry for the big pics(that's another task shrinking them--hehe)) PS I hope to see more faces joining in or atleast do a profile icon !Your friend in fitness~~Francine
WOW Sue! You look unbelievable!Do you compete? If so I'd love to hear your in season/off season regime! I'm sure you have awesome tips! Keep up the GREAT work!Thanks for sharing ! Your friend in fitness~~Francine
Thanks for sharing guys, but I've got a problem with many of your pictures. When I click the little profile symbol at the top of your messages, I get an error message that says, "Profile Management Disabled..." It says something about contacting the administrator. With the ones where you actually provide a link in your message I can click, it works fine, but not when clicking your profile.
I got that message once too. I thought it was out ZONE ALARM PRO (a security software) but I don't remember if it worked when I turned it off. All I know is eventually it worked. Seems like it happens alot on the weekends..maybe try on Monday??

Wow Francine! You look like a model. You're gorgeous. I love your workout room. Where is your BBJ Bun & Thigh Rocker?
Francine, no I do not compete. I have never been to a gym in my life. I don't even know that they have competitions for 50 year olds. I just workout to try and stay in the best shape I can and have plenty of stamina for my granchildren I babysit. I started with Firms and a home gym and moved to Cathe tapes, free weights and my Bowflex. By the way I like your workout area. This picture is a year old. Right now I am trying to put a little weight back on, as I dropped 5 lbs when I started an endurance rotation. Thanks for the complement. You made my day :)
It's wonderful to see your pictures. You all look fantastic. Keep up the great work and thanks for sharing.
Sue, I am completely blown away, you are 50 years old??? You are in incredible shape. I would have guessed 30, I'm still finding it hard to believe. What motivation you've given me. Keep on posting...I'm sure you have a lot of tips for us all.


What can I say? You take my breath away........ Did you say you are 50? It's incredible and it's totally inspiring - I hope to look that good when I am 50.

You should post more often and give us advice on how you do it. I would love to hear your opinions and exercise rotations.

What was the endurance rotation that helped you to lose 5lbs?


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