Peter Jennings of ABC news just died...

:( This is such timely news for me in a very unfortunate way. I just found out this past Thursday that my dad has cancer. They found the cells in his lymph node biopsy, but I'm 90% sure it's lung cancer that has spread (considering he went to the doc b/c he was coughing up blood and was a smoker all his life until six years ago). We find out more when we see the oncologist in two days. I wanted to post and ask for advice or for anyone to share their experiences. When I saw this thread, I was once again reminded how many people are affected by this horrible, scary disease.

Daddy is 70 years old but looks and acts much younger; he has always been so healthy. I am only 29 and do not have any children yet. My mom passed away five years ago and can't stand thinking that my children may never know their grandparents. I am an emotional wreck right now and having a hard time dealing with the idea that his days are numbered, no matter how I look at it. It can move so fast.
skoobie ~ Your post made me cry. Thoughts and prayers go out to you, your dad, and your family.

I don't even know what to so sad. You must be a very strong young woman. Do you have a good support system around you...friends? Other family?

I'm sorry if my post upset you even more so...bad timing. ;(

My thoughts and prayers are with you, your dad and the rest of your family.

Please take care of yourself!
Skoobie -

Your post really touched me. I wish you and your family good vibes while you await the news of your father's biopsy.

I lost my father to lung cancer 2 years ago and it still hurts. One of the reasons I feel like I'm still grieving at times is because of the fact we had no time to prepare ourselves for the inevitable. We found out just 12 days before he passed. The doctors predicted 2 months and we had all mentally prepared ourselves for that. We had schedules drawn up of who would spend the day and night with my mom caring for my dad, when to take his medications, etc. I even filled out the forms for unpaid family leave and discussed with my boss how I could flex my remaining hours so I could help with his care even though he lived 50 miles away and I had a family of my own.

My dad was 86 years old and had a previous history of prostate cancer. Since your father is much younger and has no prior history of cancer (I assume?), I'm hoping things turn out better for him. My father was also a life-long smoker but he quit when he retired at 65. Still not good enough I guess but if he hadn't quit we might not have had him as long as we did. I preach to my kids all the time about not smoking. I'm very thankful that they were old enough to remember their grandpa. They still have their grandma (my mother) but that's it. (My husband's parents are both gone, too.)

My children never knew their paternal grandma either although my daughter is named after her. I never knew her either unfortunately since she died the year before we started dating but my husband tells stories to the kids all the time. Memories are how you keep a loved one alive! I'm sure you have lots of good memories and stories about your dad. Keep your hopes alive but know that you can always keep his memory alive and pass it on to your children when you have them.

I wish you all the best and my heart sincerely goes out to you.

Skoobie, I can relate. Like I posted earlier, my dad was only 65, found out a few months before, because he was coughing up blood. He had stopped smoking years before. But, and I say this because I truly believe in faith and healing, my dad heard the word cancer and gave up on himself. He had a very strong support system , with friends and a wife ( my step mother) that prayed over him daily. But he didnt want to fight and gave up. It surprised me because he had been a fighter all of his life and had overcome MAJOR obstacles in his life.

Pray for your dad, pray that his faith gets stronger & stays stronger. You have to have faith too.

I'll have you in my thoughts and prayers.
Thank you all so much for your kind, supportive words. I have been trying to remain positive about it, but I had a conversation with my dad Sunday night that was the first time I had heard sadness - or any sort of negativity - in his voice. He just wasn't the same, so it really had me down all day yesterday. I know he has a strong support system – me, my brother, my uncles, and all sorts of friends. He is a very beloved man in our community, and I really hope we can all keep him going. It’s an ironic twist since he is usually the one everyone relies on to keep them going... me included.

To Char and Sue... I am so sorry for your loss. Were your fathers physically ill when they were diagnosed? My dad feels fine (hasn’t lost weight, appetite good, energetic, etc.), but the cough is what sent him to the doctor. I would like to believe that we’ve caught it in the early stages, but then again it is in his lymph node, which is scary. I think that’s what has him so worried, too.

I am also fortunate to be surrounded by a husband and friends who, for some strange reason, care about me a tremendous amount. ;) I know that with them, and my faith in God, that I will get through this. And thanks again for sharing your experiences and for your prayers.
Skoobie -

Yes, my father was ill when he was diagnosed. He went into the hospital with pneumonia but wasn't getting better. He had a fever even though he was on antibiotics which puzzled the doctors. That's when they decided to do more tests.

As I recall (the details are a little foggy now-sorry!) but it was the CT of the brain that showed the cancer had masticized (spelling?) into the brain that was the clincher.

My dad had scares before and each time I thought that was it. My dad was also very strong. I think it's hard being in a position of helplessness when you're used to being the strong one. Don't think just because your dad is feeling like this is it that it's necessarily the case. Listen to the doctors and ask lots of questions.

Take care.

Sorry to say my Father died 2 weeks ago from lung cancer (61 years old). He never smoked and was in excellent health prior to getting diagnosed. He was diagnosed at stage 4 and was given approximately 6 weeks. A major shock for all of us. He lived 11 months and tried EVERYTHING to live. I found it very sad to find out how little research money is spent on lung cancer x( . It is the leading cause of cancer death! I'm so sorry to hear about your dad. I hate to tell you this but, be prepared for the worst. I'm still reeling. Hugs!

Skoobie, my dad had other issues- diabetes and had a slight stroke the year before, but nothing debilitating. he was a muscian( drummer) and played til the month before he went in the hospital for surgery( to remove part of the right lobe.) never came out- but like i said, he gave up- concerned about what the treatment would do to him since he had diabetes. he was obsessively afraid of his kidneys failing- didnt want to burden anyone with dialysis.... also, he lived in the bahamas (where i'm from ) and i often question how well the medical care is there, although the doc working on him studied here in tampa, fl at usf, you always wonder if it would have been better for him to be in the states. but his wife had the say .

keep praying- it does work- when you add faith. BELIEVE !!
My DH said that he thinks Peter Jennings was diagnosed/sick long before he announced it. I didn't know that...did anyone else?

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