Personal Goals Check-in - August 13


Hello...Anybody home:) ?

I hope you all are doing well and if not, there's alway today to start over right;-) ?

Here goes,

1) 8/8 and/or 6 cups of h20 ---Check

2) Limit sweets --- Check --- no sweets yesterday

3) August rotation --- Check-- Completed Day 12 (barely)

4) No late no visits to fridge --Check

5) No food 2 hours before bedtime --- 3/4 check -- went out to eat last night and ended up having dinner at about 9:30 pmx(. When I got home, think I fell asleep by 11:00 pm.

Have a great weekend,

Hi Katrina!

I was on vacation last week and am happy to report I did not do too bad. I had icecream twice but only a kiddie cone and a single dip. I didn't eat completley healthy, but I worked out everyday, so I don't feel bad.
Got my water in.
Didn't eat salty junk.
So all in all it was a good week. I was so afraid I was going to go off the deep end and gain back everything I lost! But I really had no desire to overeat anything. What a gift.
Hope everyone else is doing well. Missed you guys.

Hi everyone!

I am doing well here, too, so far. Had lots of water and my Kashi Go Lean Crunch, walked my 4 miles. No sweets at all.

Kali~ How is it that you did so well on eating? Every time I go anywhere it is so hard because of the way everyone else is eating. I normally don't buy the stuff that tempts me, but it is everywhere when I am on vacation! Good for you for not giving in!!

Keep working hard ladies!!

Hi ladies,
Things are going well here, especially since I gave up on the August rotation - just too much for this old body. I'm back to 20-25 min cardio & a few body parts with weights 5 days a week. I am much less tired & more relaxed feeling. Finally got calorie intake up over 2000 yesterday - that's a good thing for me. Doing fairly well today, but still wish I could cut the fat down a bit:( Most of it is the good stuff, but it could still be lower.
Keep up the good work through the weekend!
Oh ladies, ladies, ladies. Things have been BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD this week. But I decided early in the week that I'm on vacation, I'm just going to do what I want. And so I did. Blargh. Monday is back to eating right for me, and hopefully picking up that No Sweets challenge again. I'm going to try to eat super clean all week. Wish me luck! Maybe it will make up for all my transgressions this week.}(
Good Ludk, Shelley!!!! I know you can do it. A little splurge week is good for the soul, so give up on any remaining guilt & move on with a great week!

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