Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 9/7

Hi Ladies,

Happy Birthday Lori! Have a wonderful day. I went spinning this morning and will be going to body pump later. My knee did not bother me while spinning.

Judy, why is you SIL staying with you? Doesn't she have her own place to return to? When I have family over they know that I work out and they are on my schedule :).

Deb, just do it! You will be glad you did.

Hi to Garance and Valerie!

Hi Deb, Josie, Valerie, Lori, and Judy--

This morning I did Flex Train (56:46).

Happy birthday, Lori! Only you would regard kickbox, barre and heavy bag as a birthday present. Funny, I prefer mountain climbers to burpees, probably because I associate burpees with grade school gym class.

Deb, your oscillation between panic and happiness is exactly what I went through when I was deciding to retire. It has that unknown factor, and even if there are no financial worries, it still feels like you are stepping off a cliff--or at least that's what it was like for me. Doc Marten adopt a dog?! That's a very tall order.

Josie, hope your knee feels better soon!

Hi to Valerie and Judy!
I have not gotten a response to my comments to jasper. Interestingly a long time ago, DH and I went to Jasper.. must be at least 30 years ago. It was not that busy a place then. we had a car and were tent camping. when we pulled into the campground, there was a bear trap in the front..... made us so nervous we put all out clothes etc into the tent and slept in the car. sure enough, after dark bears invaded the campground.... we heard them walk right through our camp site. in the morning we saw the wrappers from what we'd made for dinner out of the trash cans and all over the ground. we went to I think the visitor center at the time and complained! so some changes since then but still room to improve.

Lori, happy birthday! Hope all the meeting business works out for you. must be a huge amount of planning. Josie, smart to rest the knee until it feels better. plenty of other things to use as a work around.

we did a hike yesterday, 7-miles, around 7 hours RT. went to yoga this morning.

it is a big change no matter how it happens Deb. not to muddy the waters, but sometimes companies offer very nice packages to encourage older employees to retire, much better than you'd get under normal situations.... keep your ears open for those kind of deals.
Good evening ladies!

Thank you for the Bday wishes. I am 53 and feel it is only a number! We just came back from dinner. We went to a restaurant in town that we love but do not go too often because we eat way too much when we do!!!! I read your comment to my DH and he thought it was hysterical and so true! Matter a fact I am about to do my Birthday workout right now. ;). Funny with the burpees.

Valerie...the conference will all work out. What is stressing me at the moment is they keep changing and adding things. Seriously!!! Nothing like waiting to the last minute. So scary about the bear in your campground. Smart thinking to sleep in your car.

Deb...I feel the same about Travel fit. I have the same rule. Silly aren't we? Oh to be even thinking about retirement! Still a ways off for me.

Josie...that is encouraging that you knee did not hurt while spinning. I am the same way when people stay over our house...they all know I work out so I need my space! long is she staying? Good that your are working out and at least have the gym to go to. That would drive me nuts. Hoping things get back to normal for you and your DH. That will help you both so much.

Have a great night all!
Good morning,

Friday is finally here!

Judy, does your SIL make it so you can't get a normal workout in? I would go to the gym too.

Josie, good that you are not pushing it with your knee...take it slow.

Lynda, both mountain climbers and burpees have a huge dread factor for me. Yes, stepping off a cliff is exactly the right description on how I feel right now. Why is that do you think? I am so sick of what I am doing, I should be jumping for joy at the thought of retiring. I have to go to DC next Thursday, 5:30 flight, back at 5:30 that evening...ugh, I hate that....and thinking of not having to do it any more should make me jump to retire...I think Doc Marten could warm up to a dog...maybe. LOL

Valerie, that stinks that they didn't reply to you...if they offered a package of some kind, that would make the decision very easy, but they do not do that kind of thing in our division anyway.

Lori, only you would go out for a nice birthday dinner, eat too much then do a workout! :). Most people. ( like me) just sit like a lump and complain about how much I ate, But that is good, that you decide to work off those extra calories!

Work then agility class, anyone doing anything fun this weekend?

Take care,
Judy that is too bad... I was assuming she was sleeping or keeping her stuff in your workout space.. getting away is best for all concerned. just having someone in your "space" for more than a very few days is annoying no matter how accommodating everyone is. On the other hand, if she is qualified and willing to settle all the estate business that is valuable and probably worth some aggravation just to get it done.

Deb change is scary for everyone. we all get a lot of our sense of self worth out of our jobs. after I lost my first job I felt worthless even though it wasn't my "fault" and knew I had "value" besides what I did for a living. even if you "know" that, it still makes you feel worthless for a while after. after all that time at one company you will likely get a nice party and happy send off for the next phase of your life.
Hi Ladies,

My brother #4 is bringing my parents over for a visit and staying over night. Tomorrow my DH an I and my friend and her DH are going to go see Bonny James at a winery in Temecula. We plan to stay there over night and go to brunch on Sunday. We are having our usual September heat wave in LA, so my area is going to be packed by people trying to stay cool.

Judy, you need to put your foot down and give her a time limit to get her affairs in order. This is your and your DH's home and it is not your responsibility to take care of her. If your DH can't do it, you should do it for your peace of mind. You took care of you FIL and she was hardly ever there. Sorry, but I hate when people take advantage of people with good hearts.

My kids know and my DIL's know that they are welcome to come over for a visit, but can not stay and live with us ;).

Deb, once you make a decision you will feel better. It took me a little while to adjust, but I love it now.

Hi to Garance, Valerie and Lori!

Hi Deb, Josie, Valerie, Lori, and Judy--

This morning I did Cardio Supersets (41:30).

Deb, I think it's the fear of the unknown. If you have been working at the same place for as many years as I believe you have, the familiar feels safe and secure, but also tedious. It helps to have a plan of some kind. I have a lot of hobbies and interests to keep me busy in addition to continuing the part of my work I enjoy--writing and research. Josie is right--once you firmly decide you will probably enjoy retirement. I honestly don't know anyone who doesn't.

Judy, uninvited guests are the worst, especially if they take over your space entirely, which it sounds like she is doing. Blech! Is settling the estate solely her responsibility, or does your DH also have a say in this?

Lori, that sounds messy if new things keep being added to the agenda. Over-scheduling can really tire people, even if all the new plans sound glitzy. I hated going to conferences where the schedule was so packed there was never time to meet and talk to people outside of listening to papers and responding to them formally in QA sessions.

Valerie, your forced retirement sounds really unhappy. Reminds me of that George Clooney film a couple years back, where he flew around the country firing people.

Plans for the weekend? Housemax and going to see the Philip Seymour Hoffman film A Most Wanted Man.
Lynda, good observation... I love that movie ( Up in the Air) for exactly that reason.

It was extremely unpleasant. it was "just business, not personal". I showed up at the airport for a flight to SF, ran into my boss and another coworker. the process was very secretive. everyone was flown somewhere and firings were done en masse, like cattle thru a dip tank. we'd been told go to our rooms and stay, but by then we knew something was happening. many got together to talk over dinner. the next morning we were lined up, moved down a line, handed our "packets" and told to leave. 100, 200? don't know. all avenues of communication were already cut and this was before the Internet, most of us left wondering what happened and why. still don't really know except the marketplace changed after some legislation in 1988 re health care. a decision was made to fire most of the sales force. it would have been better if George Clooney was there! one of the worst things to accept was that all the hard work of 17 years was worth absolutely nothing.

waiting for a county person to inspect our new wood stove for a permit...
Good morning ladies!

Not sure what workout I'll do today yet. Yesterday I did cathe's live spin.

I noticed since signing on to Cathe Live and Suzanne Bowens streaming I have been more then content with workouts. I am sure you have noticed I get bored really easily if I am doing the same kind of routines in a rotation. :eek:. The cost is really reasonably for these two. I love having a new Cathe workout every week and I love her in these. She is fun. Suzanne has a ton to select from plus I love her personality too. So down to earth.

Valerie...I can't imagine going thru that. What a horrible way to handle things. We have 2 fireplaces. I have always wanted to convert and put a wood stove in one of them. Thanks for the reminder to look into it.

Lynda...worked until 8:00pm getting all the changes in! Ridiculous! Can't wait until this one is over!!!!!

Deb...I am not faced with retirement anytime soon so it is easy for me to say just do it!!! Omg I would love to be able to just say see ya!!!! However, when it is actually my time then I am sure I would be anxious about it also. It is a huge decision and the unknown sometimes scares you. I do know that all my friends that have made the decision love the choice they made. :D

Jose...enjoy your time with your brother!

Judy...hoping you get your space soon. I would be out of my mind with this. Like I said before it is good you have a gym close by to release some of that stress.

Have a great weekend. Leaving the house tomorrow at 5:00am. Will try to post when I can.
Good evening!

I ended up doing Cathe's Live All about legs and followed up with 100rep challenge bis and then tris to give me some upper body. Was a great workout. This live class has a little of everything for legs. Weights, plyo, firewalker, disc, barre and stability ball. Loved it.

I had a ton of errands to do but ran to Macy's because I had a gift card to buy a clarasonic face cleaner. Been wanting one for a while. While there the counter girl was raving about how nice my skin (face) was. I was really flattered until she continued with....oh but you need to take care of your neck and I have just the product!!!! Needless to say she did not win me over with that and I bought the clarisonic and left. The product was $105 dollars. It would have to make me 10 years younger for me to spend that much. I got a kick out of it and wanted to share.

Judy....hysterical about the foot ball. I would have done the same things. Good that you are at least enjoying your workouts.

Off to pack. Have a great night all!
Hi Deb, Josie, Valerie, Lori, and Judy--

This morning I did High Reps (65:00).

Not sure what Deb is up to, because she usually starts us off.

Funny story, Lori! That's what happened to my friend in Minnesota when she was made up at the cosmetics counter, twice. It wasn't a hard sell by any means, because the products really did seem to work and the cosmeticians were very nice, but she felt obligated to buy things she will probably not use very often. She's just not a makeup person.

Judy, I love Veep. Definitely one of the funniest shows on television. I ordinarily don't like sit-coms, or at least I haven't watched many of them since Seinfeld went off the air, but she is priceless. Your SIL is the football fan, and not your husband?

Off to see A Most Wanted Man this afternoon. I think it got a B or B+ from the EW critic. I will let you know if it's any good.

Feels like fall is here.

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