Pentagenarians & Beyond W/B 6/7/09

thanks ya'll, i do use the quick reply, cuz i have dial-up, so the other takes forever.
now, if i could be as disciplined with my eating as i am with my workouts.
Thursday, one day closer to Friday!

Good Morning!

I just finished STS disc 24, back & biceps. Now to Meso 3 where I get to listen to Chatty Cathe between sets! Like I mentioned, maybe some crunches will fill in those time gaps.;)..

Joan, you should like the trisets, nice change. LOL at thinking of you working out with a big ol' school type backpack on!:D. Yes be careful with the deadlifts. I can only go to my knees, then my shoulders start to fall forward, in and I know I am losing my form. I used 37 today and that was plenty.

Garance, WTG on the must have great hamstrings! Strong and flexible hamstrings keep your lower back healthy. When I was doing PT before my surgery, they really focused on the hamstrings. Sad about the chickens, I could not watch that documenatary. I bet that salad from the garden is the best! BTW, are you liking the Olay stuff? I may get the eye cream again, not the other ones.

Cathy, I could not figure out how to use the quick reply...somehow I am missing something..

Josie, how far do you run?

Linny, please let us know you are ok.

Have a good day!
Good morning,

No wo yesterday. I worked all day and then was too tired at night.

Gwf counts my steps and last night I was at least going to get 7500 steps in for the day even with no wo. I am stepping in place and keep looking at watch with no change in number. I then start counting steps, after 600 steps the count changed by about 25. I finally figured out that my battery needed to be recharged.

Deb Why don't you take a rest week?
Hi Ladies,

I did not workout yesterday. I went out with my girl friends to our favorite restaurant and had a couple of drinks bar food. Today is my weight training day plus 45 min walk.
Kevin said that I should not walk more that that, because I start to loose muscle mass.

Deb, I can only run 3 miles on the treadmill I get bored. If I were running outside I can go for about 5 miles.

Garance, I have not tried any of the recipies on the Allende book, but I love the descriptions of the ingredients.

Hi Joan, Lynni and Cathy

Hi Deb, Linny, Josie, Joan, and Cathy--

This morning I did disk 30 for bis, tris, and sh (63 min.). The rests are not so long on this, because you do 7 shoulders, 30 sec. break, 7 bis, 30 sec. break, 7 tris, then 60 sec. break before you repeat the triset. It's really the leg workouts where the breaks are tedious.

Deb, yes, I do like the pro-x eye cream. Not sure I see any big difference (sigh!), but it does absorb nicely. Are you watching SYTYCD? Last night was the first top 20 in couples. They are really, really good this year. I don't think there is a weak one in the bunch, and some of the choreo was spectacular.

Joan, just curious, how many calories do you burn with 10,000 steps? I am going to wear my weighted vest tomorrow when I walk with Leslie and see if it feels much harder.

Josie, why would you lose muscle mass from walking? That sounds counterintuitive to me.

Hi to Cathy and Linny!
Finally Friday

Good Morning,

No workout today, a night on the couch will do that to you..ugh..oh well at least it was a cardio planned, not STS.

Joan, I would have been pretty mad if that battery thing happend to me. All those steps not counted!:mad:..Glad you figured it out! I don't take a rest week because I am afraid it will stop my momentum with STS...that I will not go back to it..I know it sounds dumb. Also, a week of cardio only would drive me nuts!

Josie, there are some that believe that too much cardio is counter productive to weight lifting. I can see their point in a way. I would never have that problem!

Garance, thanks for letting me know that there are workouts in Meso 3 that do not have 3 minute breaks between sets! whew, I thought that was going to be horrific to get through. Have not watched SYTYCD..what night /time is it?

Anything exciting planned for the weekend? Nothing big here. Going out for breakfast with my friend tomorrow. DH has a big fishing thing for Sunday, he will be gone most of the day/evening. I will putter...I love to putter around the house/yard.

Hi to Joan & Linny.
Hi Deb, Linny, Josie, Joan, and Cathy--

This morning I did Leslie's 4 Fast Miles (58 min.), and I did the first 3 with my weight vest, which certainly added to the intensity. I did not use it for the last mile because she is doing some very light toning with a band.

Deb, SYTYCD is on Wed. from 8-10, and then the results show is on Thurs. from 9-10. 18 dancers left and they are still in the couples phase, which I like especially, because the couples seem to develop a chemistry with one another.

Nothing exciting for me this weekend. I do have Australia and Taken from netflix to keep me amused. The campus is overrun with alums, and I expect a couple of my former students to show up at some point. It happens every year, and I cannot remember their names anymore, I've been teaching so long.

The Red Sox swept the Yankees, tra la, tra la!!

Have a great weekend everyone!
Hi Ladies,

No wo for me today. My partner at the gym snitched on me and told the trainer that I was not sore at all from Tuesday's wo, so he uped the ante on me. I feel it today. I will be training with him tomorrow and the going to spinnign righ after. Sunday it will just be spinning.

Garance, Kevin said that if I walk more that 45 minutes the fat burning effect will not last as long after a weight training session. If I was just doing cardio than I could go for as long as I wanted to. Just like Deb said some trainers think that it is counter productive.

Linny, Where are you? We are worried about you.

No plans for me this weekend. I will have my GS's next weekend.

Hi to Cathy and Joan.

Good afternoon all,

Garance It's funny about the steps because it's all about the activity for the whole day and the intensity. For example on June 6 I had 10523 steps and used 1998 calories and on June 5 I had 7384 steps and used 2419 calories. Of course I don't know if on the 5th I didn't put the armband on until the afternoon.

I did get disc 14 in yesterday. I've had to ice my knees and take advil. I may have to go to floor work instead of lunges etc.

I used 17lb dumbbells for deadlifts and 16lbs for calf. Most of the rest of the exercises I used 12lb dumbbells. I could have gone heavier except for the knees.

Today is BB step blast but not sure I will try it because I'm still in pain.
WHAT IS THE DEAL WITH THE WORKOUT CALENDER???????? when i entered my workout, it posted 13!!!!!!!!!!!!! now , how i wish i could do that many, cut i can't. and now, IT WON'T LET ME DELETE ANY ON THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!
what do i do???

Good morning,

I should be doing some cardio, and I am sitting here with a cup of coffee, just relaxing. Slept a lot better, until 3:45 when a little dog decided he wanted out. DH was nice enough to get up and take him, and I did get back to sleep, but woke up at 5:00 anyway Sometimes if I take one aspirin before bed, it helps me sleep. I am supposed to take one a day anyway so I try to do it at bedtime.

Garance, it sounds like you are going to have a nice relaxing weekend, watching movies, etc. The weather is still so horrid. It was mentioned on the radio yesterday that we have not yet had an 80 degree day. Very strange for this area.

Josie, I was in my best shape a while ago, and I was doing heavy weight training 3 days a week, and cardio only 30-45 minutes on the 2 other days. I think muscles do burn more calories because you are burning all the time. Of course my eating was way better too!

Joan, which lunges are giving you problems? The Paper plate ones? There are lunges in Meso 2 but they are pretty bearable.

Cathy, the workout calendar can be frustrating at first. I think I have finally masterd it, at least the parts that I want to know! I am sometimes confused on how the workout cards are set up. I thought that after a workout, if you put your "actual weight" used into the workout card, that it changed your target weight for that workout going forward, but it doesn;t. You have to change your 1RM calculation on the card to the weight you actually used. It then shows a new target weight for that same exercise on future workout cards.

Linny, please post and let us know you are ok

I am going to breakfast with a friend, no other plans for the weekend, execpt starting Meso 3 tomorrow.

Have a great day!
Hi Deb, Linny, Josie, Joan, and Cathy--

This morning was Housemax and finally planting my zinnias (some!). I bought too many so DH has to work up more plots for me. My wisteria is going crazy this year with blooms. The fragrance is heady and I have to watch out for the divebombing bumblebees, who seem to be drunk with the sheer profusion of purple flowers. DH calls it "purple haze" in honor of Jimmy Hendrix. Beautiful day today for the alums, who are all over town with their balloons and tags.

Watched Taken last night with DH. Excellent thriller, and Liam Neeson is the best.

Working on the food and Plath piece this afternoon.

I applaud you, Deb and Cathy, for using all of the paraphernalia Cathe has provided. I just wing it and snicker at the exercisers all busy with their clipboards in the background on the DVDs. It just seems to be taking it all a bit too seriously. On the other hand, I'm not a wacko like Rush Limbaugh, who is now claiming that the reason health care is so expensive is because of people who exercise all the time and then get injured. I guess it's his way of defending his out-of-shape fatso self on drugs. I probably should be recording my weights, because I forget them from week to week.
LOL! i'm kinda anal, i guess. i love recording all my wts. and stuff. i get on the scale to make sure i have the exact weight on my BB, too. i know, i'm weird!! i have her calendar and little sticker too. :) (hee hee)

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