Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 2/7

Hi Deb, Josie, Joan, Cathy, and Valerie--

This morning I did Travel Fit (50 min.). Had to fend off a couple of Max's dives at my band!

This week has been hectic for me because I am not used to it. Meetings both Tuesday and yesterday from 4-5:30. My classes are fine, but I am really tired after teaching non-stop from 1:10-3:50. The meeting yesterday was the faculty meeting where we were told all kinds of things about budget-cutting. I am very curious about their incentives for early retirement. If they are good enough, I might just take the offer. I have been at this since 1972. One of the ironies here is that they built these wonderful faculty office bldgs. because they were on a hiring binge to expand the faculty. Now they are talking about making the faculty smaller. They should have built the new library first, but it was part of the plan that removed faculty from the previous office bldg. Now they have to put off the new library until 2012 and there will probably be empty offices in our glamorous new buildings. Who knew the endowment would plummet the way it did??

Deb, I really like this Kickbox workout. There are 5 little workouts followed by impact-laden surges (hence, I do the premix that takes them out). Amy Bento also has a modifier, so if you want to do the surges, you can do a lower impact version of them, but this makes the workout kind of long. There are also a couple premixes that are even shorter than my no-surge one, where you do 1-3 with the surges or 3-5 with the surges--haven't tried them yet. Like the music, Amy is fun, and I really work up a sweat. I think you would also like Bootcamp Boogie with Petra Kolber. Kickmax never got my heartrate up because I couldn't do those impact blasts.

Glad you liked Avatar, Valerie. I thought it was a really beautiful film. Pandora was gorgeous.

Joan, I am telling you again--get some Cold-eeze and as soon as you get a sore throat, start sucking on them. They really do work.

Hi to Josie and Cathy!
Hello ladies,

I'm feeling a lot better. At least this cold only lasted a few days.

Garance You talked me into BBL. I ordered the deluxe kit. I hope it works sitting in the box because I don't have time to do them yet.

After the first rush of people I might have a more orderly day that allows an hour for exercise. I put 12 more returns in computer and printed them out. I just need to review them tonight and they will be done. So that would make 114 in with 86 done.

Finally Friday

Good morning,

I did not get up this morning, I feel a cold coming on. DH has had one all week and I think he has decided to share. :rolleyes:..I am stopping at the drugstore on my way to work to get the Cold Eze.

Valerie, you sure have had an interesting work career. I did not realize your DH was a physician. Is he retired too? Mine is a dentist. He says he doesn't want to retire for a long time. He really loves his work. I have been at the same job for 37 years. I am ready to retire but want to stick it out until I am 59 1/2. I would like to see Avatar in 3D. It would require talking DH into it and that wouldn't be easy. He is not a movie person. No plans for the weekend. Just vegging out here.

Garance, LOL at Max going after your fitness band. Are you using the green one from Cathe? Not the new ones ( I don;t think those are available yet) do you like Travel Fit, now that you have done it a few times? What is your new rotation? We started our jobs the same year, so you have been at it as long as I have..I am going over to Collage to look at that workout.

Joan, LOL about BBL working while it is on the shelf. If that could happen I would be in great shape! :D. WOW you are really cracking on those returns!

Hi to Josie and Cathy,

Take care...
Deb maybe you can head the cold off... try those lozenges and some extra vit c and extra rest. I have avoided more than one head cold that I was sure I was getting. I usually skip exercise for a couple days when I feel punky like that.

DH is going to part time, 3 days a week. He loves medicine but the climate these days is awful. constantly being pressured to do more, faster, and without decent employees. it's like being on a treadmill. He works in a group and has little control over working conditions etc. I'm sure there are decent places to work, but this is not it. We have a good friend who's a dentist and it's completely different. he runs his own practice, has great well trained employees, sets his own schedule. I could go on.... It's like medicine used to be.

Did disk 14 after a bike warm up and 35 on the treadmill. Not the way I usually do it but what the heck. 35 minutes not enough to tire my legs that much so it worked OK. I'm a bit sore this morning but the second day is the worst for DOMS for me. #14 didn't seem that bad. I think I like the 'full" move squats and lunges... I hate those "half way up- half way up" ones and need a nice derogatory word to describe them.
Hi Deb, Josie, Joan, Cathy, and Valerie--

This morning I did Step Moves (44 min.). Have this one down on the choreo.

Deb, I have not really thought through a rotation. I'm just winging it for awhile and using mostly my newest DVDs--BBL, Petra, P-57, Cathe's step..... I like Travel Fit actually. It's obviously not an advanced workout, but it gets the job done. I'm just using my green band I bought awhile back from Collage.

Joan, I did not buy the deluxe version of BBL, but if I understand correctly, there are some nice 15 min. mixes, and in my version, there is a Bum Bum Rapido which is about 15 min. I'm thinking of adding it on to the Physique 57 express for a 45 min. workout for my lower body. Maybe you could do 15 min.???

Valerie, it sounds like you are very happy in your retirement. Of all your jobs, is there any one that you would like to return to? I've been reading MORE mag, and there are some wonderful short articles about women who found something they loved to do and gave up jobs to pursue their dreams. E.g., from marketing consultant to rodeo circuit.

Where are you Josie?

Is it really snowing in Texas, Cathy?
Hi Ladies,

I have been on jury duty for the last 2 days. I'm juror # 10 and the judge needs to question 7 more people for the 2 alternate jurors. This trial is going to last from 3 to 7 days and with the holiday's and furlough days it might run into Feb. 24th. I did get to do my workouts with Kevin and the court is only 4 miles from my house, so I get to go home for lunch. It is supposed to be in the mid 70's this weekend, so I will be able to put in some miles on Saturday and Sunday.

The AIDS Life cycle begins June 6th - June 12th.

Joan, I'm sorry you caught the cold.

I'm trying to catch up on my e-mails. I will be back later.

Garance, I enjoyed the technical training part of my medical industry job. I was good at it and people appreciate a sound introduction to the new equipment they've purchased. It was teaching and you can probably relate to that! unfortunately things are too easy to use these days and tech trainers were pretty much out of business,or it's cheaper to bring the customers to a central location for training. if you don't live near that center, you're out of luck for a job.
I used to go to customer locations, so travel was extensive. It used to be easier (still not easy) than now. I used to fly several days a week and these days it would be drudgery. I also enjoyed transcription. was my own boss and learned a lot. I never had a particular dream job, too practical I guess.

Josie good luck with jury duty. I've somehow managed to escape duty for unknown reasons. Yes, I know we should all participate to make sure the system works but I've heard stories about how difficult it is sometimes. The storm track has changed and now we're getting the rain you were gtting. will be a wet weekend.

Deb, what have you done for the last 37 years? Is DH a general dentist ? At one time I thought I would like dentistry but I did very very very badly on the chalk carving which was part of the screening for dental school. they get to do so much more these days than patch and fill.

so Cathy, what is it like in Dallas with snow? I can't imagine that! Driving will be exciting if the forecast holds . Its bad enough here and we usually get a little snow so people are a more experienced.

Joan good to hear the cold is better. I swear, I get so sick with headcolds I go to extremes to nto get exposed.
traildoggie, i am 5 hrs. south of dallas. and they get snow up there alot more than we do. it ddin't snow. i knew it wouldn't. it was VERY cold and rainy all day yesterday, though. didn't get out of the 30's all day. it is a rarity for it to snow here. and, snow here means maybe, 1", if that. although, in jan 1985 we got an unheard of 13". it was incredible. we actually built a snowman. it was fun. but, even oldtimers couldn't remember it ever snowing that much. just one of those freak things. sun is finally out here and supposed to be 60 tomorrow.

anyway, i don't know who said this, but she was right!! LEANER LEGS IS HARDER THAN B&G. pretty hard to believe, huh. but , it is tough. first time i have ever done it. yesterday i did 40/20. thought i was gonna die for sure.
have a nice weekend. are ya'll still all snowed in up north?

Good morning,

Not in such a good mood today...we got some bad news from the pathology report on John's gall bladder...he went to the surgeon yesterday morning to have his stitches removed and he gave him the news.. I left work to come home when he called me. He was kind of shaken up. :confused:

"Carcinoma In situ" means cancer type cells but supposedly in situ means they are contained and have not gone outside the gall bladder. At least this is how it is explained. Being a dentist he has come across this in his work as well, so he understands it better than I do..They are doing further pathology tests and we will get the results this week.

I am trying to not dwell on it, and hoping it will turn out that it is not anywhere else. If I am not too chipper at times, you know why.
Hi Deb--


That's really tough news, but maybe the operation caught the cancer cells before they could spread. I will keep your John in my prayers. I'm sure you are worried, as I would be as well. You will just have to wait for more news. I will keep you in my thoughts.

We are out to dinner tonight (a Valentine's Eve dinner), so I will have a Manhattan for Josie. (I once did jury duty for two solid weeks of total boredom so I am sympathetic to your plight--or I hope you have an interesting case.)

Housemax for me today and reading Dryden this afternoon for class on Tuesday. Also took little Max for a walk because DH was off doing errands. He is such a little bundle of energy and needs all the exercise he can get.

Valerie, there was a very scary and worrisome article in the NYTimes about radiation therapy a couple weeks ago. Personnel were clearly not using the machines correctly, and radiation meant to save was killing patients. What kind of machines did you train people for?

Happy Valentine's Day for all you lovers!
deb, i had carcinoma insitu years ago. had a hysterectomy. have never had any problems. i didn't do any of the radiation or anything. taking it out took care of it.

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