Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 10/9

Hi Ladies,

I will be spinning tomorrow and ridding 38 miles on Sunday. I have an event to go to with my DH on Sunday and I don't want to go. I'm trying to figure out how to get out of it. Any suggestions? :)

The weather in LA has been very hot and today was very humid, but it is supposed to cool down on Saturday and Sunday.

Garance, I have never been to Borrego Springs, but I will be looking into it. My co-worker said that they have the living dessert in April and I would love to see that. I used to see it in Tucson, AZ when I lived there. The colors on the different cacti are amazing!

Did you ladies buy the discs for your work outs? You can go to Home Depot and buy the furniture movers and used them for the same purpose. They are cheaper and work the same.

Well Ladies, have a great weekend!

Hey there,

What's Up? Spelt in the maker, brown rice in the maker, ( what did we ever do without "makers")? Agility class this morning, then John and I are going to our favorite restaurant tonight to celebrate our anniversary which was Thursday. 27 years. Seems like yesterday.

Anyway, it's really getting to be fall around here, but not the pretty kind. I think all that rain does something to the leaves, and they are not as colorful.

Valerie, I guess I can figure out some type of rotation, but feel like I have to do them all for some reason. I wish there was one that had just cardio. ( not step!), so I could use that in between one of the weight ones. I guess I will be staying with my trusty treadmill. How is the spin bike hunt going?

Garance, I think I may have to look for a remnant. I have a small bound piece that I use for some workouts, but it's only about 2 x 5.

Josie, the disks came free when you pre-ordered the whole set in the beginning. As for not going to the event, not sure how your DH reacts to stuff like that. In my case I would just beg off. I am not a social type person, especially if I don't know anyone at the event. Is it dressy? You can always say you are too tired from the ride.

Have a great weekend!
wow, did a hike yesterday and it was hard but absolutely gorgeous. we went early, first ones up the trail. DH is pretty pushy that way. it is nice being first. get to see lots of animal prints, animals, and be on the way down when the late sleepers are just starting "up". Saw a beautiful grouse, either spruce or blue not sure when they lose their summer colors. and group of 4 ptarmigans just sitting in the snow. one was totally white, the others with a few brownish feathers not quite changed to winter plumage. they assume they are camoflaged, so sit there. I could have picked one up...well maybe. that close, though. saw fresh bear tracks ( not the bear), and pine marten tracks, and the usual assortment of chippie, mice, etc. beautiful, beautiful day. as we went up first a little snow and by the time we got as far as we went at least 4 feet of snow, but not evenly distributed. one step was to the hips, and then a section of it barely covering the ground. so footing was challenging. we waded thru to get to the top of a overlook. it's such a gorgeous spot and the lighting, fresh snow, and fall colors below were spectacular. Ca''ed Cascade pass/sahale arm. loads of people in the afternoon when we were heading down. many planning on getting to an over night camp area another mile further. but with about 20 people to alternate breaking trail, maybe they made it. someone had skied up a day or two before and we could see his ski tracks cutting turns down the glacier a mile distant. skis with climbing skins would have been about 2000% easier but we were surprised at how much snow was up there. I'll add here that I could climb up with skis fairly easily but it would be death for me on the way down! Never was decent at downhills. we did about 10 miles RT, around 3000-3500 feet gain.

Loafing around this morning and deciding if we'll take the camper to east of the mountains for another hike on monday.

DEB, I know spelt is a grain but can you say why you're making it and what you do with it?
bike search on hold for a while. Know enough to probably get the only decent one we've seen locally.

Furniture movers? I have some of those but mine would be impossible to keep your foot on. the bottoms are flush with the edges if you know what I mean. I ordered the disks because I'm not ordering the whole set so I guess I'll be surprised.

Spring colors in the dessert are wonderful. so different from here but lovely in another way. Josie, I guess I'd try to hit the halfway point with DH, agree to go and put in an appearance, but also agree on an early exit plan so you're not stuck until all hours at something you don't enjoy. Say you have an early agenda the next day and need to get some sleep.

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