Pentagenarians & Beyond: W/B 1/31

Hi Deb, Josie, Joan, Cathy, and Valerie--

This morning I did Cardio Axe (28 min.) and two miles with Leslie (28 min.). LOVE Cardio Axe because it is all Brazilian dance moves.

I e-mailed you Deb about Max and Essential-C. Thanks! I'm going to wait and consult my son about those dial weights. He is a trainer at CATZ and has some ideas about equipment. But not right now anyway. I just spent 90 dollars on a blocking board for my knitting and bought some Charisma sheets and towels on sale at the Company Store, so my "fun" spending is already done for February.

I have weights going up to 25 and two barbells, one of which goes up to 50, the other up to 73. I also have the weighted gloves to add a couple lbs. and a weighted vest (10 lbs.). For my legs, though, I prefer P-57, barre work, or BBL. I need some 30 lb. dumbbells and maybe a 40 lb. one for rows. I'm just not challenged with 25 + 1. Max now seems to think my little 2 lb. ones are for him. I use them in Cardio Barre.

Cathy, this Canadian trail horse was supposed to go around Lake Louise on a trail, but decided I guess to take a shortcut through Lake Louise. It was everything I could do to pull him back. Then I didn't want to ride anymore. Give me a Grand Canyon mule any day!

Josie, I am trying to figure out what a researcher from hell is like.

Hi to Joan and Valerie. I hope you are getting some zzzzz Joan.
Hi Ladies,

I will be spinning tonight. I don't feel like it but I know hat I have to do it. There has been so much to do at work and I'm just tired.

Garance, my job consists of helping our researchers apply for grants, I help them with the budget portion of the grant and he/she take care of the scientific part. Once we receive the grant I take care of making sure that it is spent according to the agency's specifications. I send reports to the researchers once a month, but the researcher from hell never looks at his reports and he keeps promising money to people from funds that he does not have. He then acts like he did not know that he had no funds. It is very frustrating. He is a very well known person (Gary W. Small) you have probably seen him on TV promoting his books look him up on Amazon.

Deb, I wish I had my dd legs to! I like mine, but she is all legs.

Hi Valerie, Cathy and Joan!

LOL!!! THAT IS TOO FUNNY, garance.:) although, i'm sure you didn't think so.

i had a horse lay down on me once in water. i managed to step off, it was no big deal, but i had my NEW boots on. LOL!! i was not happy w/him.

guess i didn't post my w/out today. thought i did. did jiggle free arms and the total body pre-mix from drill max. good workout.

it has rained, rained, rained allll day today and most of last nite. typical texas. no rain for months and then we get flooded.
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Just checking in so you know I'm alive.:p

I have 51 returns in and have finished 33 of them. I have so many new clients I may have 500 clients instead of 400 this year- if I live through it.

No wo but I might have time tomorrow. I feel like I am getting fatter so I better try to do something.


Good Morning,

DH went to the surgeon yesterday and he is having the surgery today. The DR did not think it was a good idea to wait at all. He said if he waited, there could be complications because the stones could start to solildify and it might mean that instead of the easy type surgery, he would have to have the full blown one that they did years ago.:eek:..

I plan on doing some type of workout later this morning. He has to be at the hospital at noon, surgery is at 4:00..

I took today and tomorrow off. I am still planning on going to the work meeting in Palm Springs Sunday unless something happens where he is not released tonight like they plan.

Garance, I sent the adjusted pic. It works now...I even tried it with Max's pic, then switched back to Kelsey's.

Josie, your job sounds interesting, who do you actually work for?

Cathy, good job on the workout!

Joan, will there be a time when you have to refuse new clients? or maybe hire a part time assistant? I guess that could bring on all other time consuming tasks.

Hi to Valerie,

I will check back later.
Hi Ladies,

I will be working out with Kevin tonight plus 30 minutes of cardio. I can't wait for the weekend. It has been a hard week.

Deb, I manage 23 researchers and 123 accounts in total. I work for the department of Psychiatry at UCLA and there are 8 fund managers. I also supervise 2 of them.

Garance, do you have a budget every month to buy fun stuff?

Joan, I'm glad that you are alive!

Cathy, I remember those rainy days in Texas.

Hi Valerie!


here are some updated pics of my life if anyone is interested.

josie, i sure don't want to complain about the rain, not after the summer we had. but, we aren't having our beautiful 60-70' winter this year. and, they are talking about ice next week. people here don't even know how to drive on rain, it gets really ugly w/ice.
Hi Deb, Josie, Joan, Cathy, and Valerie--

First of all, must thank Deb who somehow managed to guide me through the avatar business, so you can all take a look at Max. Such a sweet, smart dog. I hope the operation for DH is a breeze.

So this morning I did Bum Bum (30 min.) and Tummy Tuck (20 min.).

Today is an orgy of political correctness here at the college--a lot of consciousness-raising about gender, race, sexuality, class. So I will go to a couple sessions. They really are worthwhile.

Josie, yes, I try to spend some money on myself every month--you know, clothes, baubles, fabric, yarn, cookbooks. I have an endowed chair, so the college supplies me with funds for books, conference expenses including travel, research at other institutions. Now I understand about the researcher from hell. I keep track of all my expenditures and know how much chair money I have left from month to month.

Great pics, Cathy. It looks like summer there. Here it is more like the tundra.

Poor Joan, awash in a sea of paper, numbers, calculations.

Hi to Valerie!
I assume our curl bar weighs 5 lbs. it might be 4 or 6 but 5 is easier to calculate. I have no clue how to weigh it accurately.

Yes, I'm no genius with horses... rode more when I was younger but never owned a horse. somehow I always got wounded. I usually didn't have issues getting them do what I wanted but if something went wrong, I was always in the wrong place at the wrong time. was kicked twice when more experienced people backed up into me against a fence and their horses kicked. Let it go without explanation the size of THOSE bruises. Someone saddled the horse, and halfway thru the ride the saddle fell off, stuff like that. DH really doesn't want any part of horses so when I moved away from my horse-owning neighbor 20 years ago, that was it. Never could get riding boots either.... my legs are short, calves big, and feet small. always rode in hiking boots.

Hmmm 5'7" 124 lbs, how can that be even remotely flabby??

Deb, best of luck for DH in surgery. Usually they are simple surgeries and recovery speedy. won't miss the gall bladder either. I don't think a big incision is hardly ever necessary anymore, but the surgeon usually retains the right to go to that if things don't go smoothly.

Joan, I would rather drink poison than do taxes. we pay an accountant. they've been too complicated for decades and with all the changes every year it's too much to keep up woth unless it's your job... but you probably know that.

Went mt biking yesterday. I'm better than I used to be but that's not saying much. found a nice park with trails to ride but tons of mud. I do OK on wide trails but single track is hard to steer, and big, tall, exposed tree roots and rocks force me off. I can do some... if it's uphill or downhill with a turn plus roots, forget it. It's not much easier to jump off and roll the bike, so I don't end up far behind DH and that's better than falling hard. He's definitely better at this than I am. I am MUCH better at getting off/on the bike than I used to be! When we first started I had to be on flat ground or I couldn't get going after I got off.
well, garance, some of them were in the summer, which ones were you reffering to. but, i usually looks like summer here. we don't get snow.and then, if we have a summer like we did last summer, (no rain), it all looks the same, summer or winter.

well, i did a kind of smorgasboard workout from the internet. abs, core stuff mainly, so tomorrow i hit it hard again, also cleaned my barn out, and walked in the pouring rain and watched the creek roaring. really was very nice, actually.
have a nice evening:)

Good morning,

The surgery did not go as well as expected. The surgeon came out to see me when it was done and told me he should have had this done a couple of years ago. The were able to still do it laparoscopicly ( sp?) but it was difficult to remove and at one time he said he almost "converted" ( his word) to the full incision type of surgery. He was able to get it out, but it ..(.if squeemish, don't read on) it split and leaked bile.. and he was/is worried about they kept him for 24 hours, which mean he will probably get out late this afternoon or evening. Needless to say I did not sleep well last night. If it wasn't for the dogs at home, I probably would have sat in the chair in his room last night. I am going to call my boss and my assistant first thing this morning and see about cancelling the Palm Springs trip. I don't think it would be good to leave him here alone next week.

I am going to try to get into the hospital early, visiting hours don't start until noon....NOON??? that is almost the end of the day, what is up with that?

Will check back later....
Well, you never can tell. the tiny incisions are great for looks but it must be very hard to maneuver around, trying to lasso the gall bladder. Surgery is surgery and things can ( and do) go wrong. Hope DH is feeling OK today.

Noon? Do they have armed guards? I'd go earlier. I'd call first to make sure he's awake. with that late a surgery he might get to sleep in, or they may have given him something to help him sleep. a doctor will likely need to do a discharge report, and those guys are usually early before offfice hours. Many times it's a colleague (not the actual surgeon) doing the discharge. I was pacing the halls at 3-4 am to make sure he didn't forget me, tee hee, not likely.
your husband's surgery was very late but he will want to get out of there.

Important to pay attention to any details and followup information conveyed by nurses or doctors. Take notes, don't rely on remembering everything. this soon after anesthesia, people think they're operating on all cylinders but most get fuzzy on details, though they think they're fine.
Good morning,

Deb Sorry about the surgery. You and your dh will be in my prayers. I'm sure everything will be fine in the end. You are not a visiter. You're the wife. Around here the hours usually start at 10am. I know they have a lot of patient care early in the morning but noon is late. It's not a bad thing to stay in the hospital. I'm sure they were able to monitor for infection better.

Valerie, Sad to say I love doing taxes. I've been a CPA for XXX years. I can't tell you or I would have to admit to not being 25. Oh I guess being in this check in already does that. I have to take 40 hours of continuing education every year so it is not hard to keep up with the changes.

Hi to Josie and Garance.

Back to work.
Hi Deb, Josie, Joan, Cathy, and Valerie--

This morning I did Athletic Step (48 min.)

Deb, I hope by the time I write this your worries about DH are over. I cannot imagine taking a trip if my DH was convalescing from recent surgery. I would just be worrying the whole time. It's too bad, though. It sounded like such a nice reprieve from winter. At least we are not getting hit the way they are in D.C. and PA.

Well, my teaching begins this afternoon with back-to-back classes on Sylvia Plath and Ted Hughes, followed by Brit Lit from Restoration through Romantics.

DS is coming for a brief visit this weekend, so we will be going out on Saturday and having some people in on Sunday for the Superbowl. Have a great weekend everyone!
Hi Ladies,

I'm so glad that it's Friday. I was planning on riding my bike tomorrow with the ALC training group, but it is raining here and they don't ride if it rains. Maybe I can catch a training ride on Sunday with another group. I will do my regular training with Kevin plus spinning on Saturday.

Deb, I will also keep you and your dh in my prayers. Keep us posted.

Garance, it sounds like you are going to have a busy afternoon. It's nice that your ds is visiting. I miss my ds, he has been gone 1 month and won't be back until April.

Hi to Cathy, Joan and Valerie!

Good morning,

Thanks for all the well wishes for DH. He is doing much better, he has 5 small incisions. I think he needs to stay off his feet more but you know how men can be. I am not going to Palm Springs tomorrow. I had my assistant cancel the trip.

Have Keegan's aglilty class this morning, then some errands afterwards. Then lots of HouseMax on the agenda.

Hope everyone is having a good weekend.
ok, my buns are smoked. did butts & gutts, the WHOLE thing. and, i am in pain. was plannin' to ride this afternoon , but don't think that is gonna happen. we have had 2 beautiful texas winter days here. sunny/60's. but, it is gonna end tomorrow.
ya'll have a great weekend.
Hi Deb, Cathy, and any later posters--

This morning was Housemax and baking a cake. Tonight we are going out with my older son to Trattoria Rustica, a very fine Italian restaurant. I will be sure to have a Manhattan for Josie. I reviewed Book I of Paradise Lost this afternoon for next week. Magnificient poetry.

Deb, I'm glad the operation is over for your DH. Is he taking any antibiotics in case of infection?? You would be so amazed at our puppy Max. He is actually trying to herd the yearlings and gets so agitated when they don't stay in a group. He also seems to just naturally heel. He is getting braver and braver in his new home.

Cathy, I sold my Butts and Guts. I only did it a couple times and just didn't like doing a lot of the exercises. But good for you doing it all! I much, much prefer my P-57s and BBL for legs and butt.

I'll check-in tomorrow.
saturday am, did most of disk 12 after a bike warmup and 15 on the treadmill. had to go to a communuity meeting and didn't start early enough to finish the disk but did most of the tough stuff I think. Geez, Butts & GUTs. I remember the first time thru that. it was pretty much misery for about a week after. I still have it but it scares me a bit.

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