Our STS stands for Shereta and Tara getting serious wk4


Well, week 4 is here and I'm not where I thought I would be, but I'm not where I was three weeks ago. That's progress.

It's now time to refocus and get back in the game. Right, Tara?

We've vowed this is our year to get fit and healthy. Sometimes 'life' gets in the way, but getting fit and healthy is our life now. It all ties together. So, we must keep it together like we keep everything else together. This is a part of our daily routine now.

This past weekend I worked 12 hours on Saturday and 7 hours yesterday. But, I will meet my deadline. The bad news is I was too tired, physically and mentally, to get up on time this morning to workout. So, I must keep my calories in check today and remain on plan. Right Tara?

Kickboxing is on tap for tomorrow. We still have time to drop more weight and inches this week. I'm excited and ready to go.

Where you at, Tara? Your turn.
7:03 am

Kickboxing done. Feeling good. I've made my food plan out for the day and wiill work hard to stay with it. I believe I can still make 10lb loss for Jan. If it ends up being 8, I'll be 8 pounds lighter than when I started. Right?

Tomorrow workout should be muscle endurance. Next month, I'll start muscle building with CTX series, the pyramids, and muscle max and maybe legs and glutes.
Well, my eating was pretty good til after work. THis continues to be my daily challenge. But, when I plan out my meals, I definitely get closer to following through.

I've planned two full body workouts with muscle endurance this week.

Next week I might try a cardio with upper body twice a week and a long, thorough lower body workout like legs & glutes, butts & gutts or Pyramid LB. Then, add two other Hiits to round out the week. I just want the UB with cardio to be strength buidling. I've definitely got to work on that rotation. It sounds good just thinking about it.
Muscle Endurance has left me feeling like a jelly log. All my muscles are doing the wiggly dance. hahahahahaha

Looking at my weight today, I think I will make my 10lb goal for this month. Clean eating and rest are key to this great feat.
Well Shereta, here I am. This past week and weekend was VERY difficult for me. Hence the reason I have held on to this weight for so long, but I'm determined to NOT be defeated. I decided to take a much needed mini vacation to relax and refocus. Its tuesday and I haven't worked out yet. I decided that I am going to try to get my workouts in the morning because I have too many other things that will get in the way. At the 5am hour there's nothing going on but me and that workout, essentially it is "my" time. So, this means early to bed...I'm going to try.

I am SOOOOOO proud that you are continuing your workouts. Wow, such motivation! I know you will make your 10lbs mark this month, you are determined. I miss my workouts and will be getting back to it in the AM. Look out cuz here I come!!!!!
Well, come on in, Tara, the water's great!!!!!

Oh my partner has resurfaced. I knew it wouldn't be too long. Those mini-breaks are so needed sometimes. I'm glad you're back and ready to go. Working out in the AMs is the only way I can go. Once I get off work, I belong to my family. But getting up at 5:00-5:20 is my time. After some prayer, a few scriptures and a cup of joe, I'm ready to get that workout done and out of the way for the day. I'm energized all day with that. So, good luck and I'll be thinking of you.

I'm so determined to get this body down to fighting shape it's scary. When I get home from work, I'm so tired, but I know I've got to get my lunch for the next day done, along with fixing the coffee to start on time and get my clothes ready for the next day. All that is so vital to my progress. But the most important thing for me is clean eating and plenty of rest.

Like right now, it's a bit past my bed time. We have Bible studies on Wednesday evening, so I'm almost always late to bed on Wednesdays. That being said - Goodnight.
Athelete Step is awsome. I can tell I'm definitely getting stronger and my endurance is increasing every week. When I first did this workout, I thought I was so out of shape eventhough I have 50 lbs or so more than the crew does. I almost puked. But today is a great day. I did almost all the impact, but in between each set I worked off the step b/c I wanted to finish all of it without feeling that pukey feeling again. I was listening to my body.

During the cooldown, I kept poking my glutes b/c I feel so much stronger. I can definitely feel muscle right under the layer of fat. WOW. I was grinning from ear to ear. I've not included true weight work in my rotation for a long time and I realize I've been missing out on the true benefits of true weight work. I can see more toned and defined shoulders, legs and core today. Wow, that lower fat diet is helping too.
Shereta, that is great! I'm glad you are seeing results. I didn't wake up at 5 this morning for my workout. My daughter woke up at 4ish and would not go back to sleep. When she finally dozed off, so did I...Well, I will get it in sometime today. I'm packing now for my trip tomorrow. My flight doesn't leave until 5pm tomorrow, so I have no excuse for not working out. I am going to get everything out of the way today so that I'll be ready for tomorrow.

For me, I'm feeling like I am starting over again. Of course I am terrified of jumping on the scale :(

Well...until next time!
Hello there!!

I noticed your check in thread and hoped I could join? I'm an earlier morning exerciser (4am), and have been a Cathe convert for a few years now. I'm wrapping up my 6.5 mos. STS rotation and mulling over what to do next.

This morning I did 4DS bootcamp.
Hi, Kim.

Of course you're welcome to join in. Tara and I are in our 4th week. We started out this year doing the rotation that Cathe set up for three months. But after week 2, we realized we weren't getting enough weight work in. So, we ditched that idea and started doing our own thing.

The thing we've realized is working out is secondary for us. We need to focus on good, clean eating. Both of those yields us good results.

So, come on in. I usually workout first thing in the morning. I was shooting for a 10lb weight loss for Jan. But, the scale hasn't moved lately although I'm sporting some nicely developed shoulders and legs. And my middrift is definitely shrinking.

When you end your session of STS, what do you have planned next? What results did you get with STS 6.5.
Thanks for the welcome Shereta :D

I hear you on the weight work, that is what gets me the best results. I have so many different DVD's. Firm, Beachbody, Jillian, Leslie Sansone, Tamilee Webb etc. but I find that the Cathe weight work is what gets me results. But like you pointed out the most important thing is the food and that is always my biggest struggle! Especially when I'm doing alot of weight work, I just seem to be hungrier and hungrier.

I think that I'm going to do the STS/Shock Cardio rotation next, but I'm not sure. I'm thinking of taking a 3-4 week lighter rotation before going back to more weight work again, but it will depend on how I feel at the end. I got really good results with phase one and could see and feel inches coming off. Since Christmas my eating had hindered my progress considerably so I don't think I will see the results I could have at the end because of that.

Sounds like you are getting some great results even though the scale is not cooperating, sometimes I hate the scales!!

Today's workout was Circuit Blast. I've been feeling a little under the weather, so I took Nyquil last night and woke up with medicine head fog. It was a real press to workout, so I chose something that would require my mind to stay focused. And, it worked. I feel better know esp knowing I got my workout out of the way.

Tomorrow's a rest day. Sunday should be my last Muscle Endurance for a few months. Next month, I move on to muscle building and definition with Muscle Max, the CTXs and Pyramids.

Alright Ladies, who's next ?

Tara, how long will you be away?
Good morning!!

This morning I did STS 33.

Shereta - Sounds like you really put some thought into what to do this morning and it paid off. Great job getting a workout in even when you are under the weather. I try to explain to my husband that I always feel better after a workout even if I'm feeling bad to start with, but he doesn't understand that at all.

Have a great Friday!!

Happy Saturday, Ladies. Boy do I feel horrible. I think I have sinus buildup. After I eat, I'll probably take something for that.

Unless God works a miracle, my weigh in tomorrow will not be the 10 I was hoping for. I've had a few food setbacks lately. But, I've learned to not live on the scale. I'm so pleased with the strength and endurance gains from this month, I'm not even worried about that. It is what it is. And, any loss is better than gaining. lol

I've really got to work on my food plan. I'll be doing that today.

Kim, are you on a specific food? Tara and I are doing weight Watchers.

Remember, there's a new thread every Monday. We need to change our name with the addition of Kim. Any ideas?

Catch up with yall later. Make it a great day.
Hello everyone!!

This morning I did IMAX 2 - WHEW!!! Talk about working up a sweat!

I don't do a specific food plan, I invested in a go wear fit arm band (similar to the body bugg they wear on the biggest loser). So I try to create a 500 calorie deficit everyday. I was doing really well last Aug. -Nov. but as usual the holiday's created a set back. I'm trying to get back on track now.

No suggestions on a new name, I'm not really creative that way LOL!! I like the current name :)


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