Opinions on Spinervals?


Just picked up a Spinerval DVD at Performance Bike. The days are so short up here that I can't find time to ride! The title is "No Mercy". Any thoughts on good/bad, other spinning DVDs? I'm hoping this will be a good training tool to use until the days get longer. TIA, CinDee
I love Spinervals - they are great, intense workouts. The set and music is pretty boring, but the workouts are very tough! Do you have "Have Mercy"? That is a 2 hour workout that takes sets from different Spinerval workouts. It's nice because it gives you an idea what some of the workouts are like.

I'm not a cyclist, but I think this will really help maintain/improve your performance. I'm a runner and use Spinervals for crosstraining - I love getting an intense workout without the impact.

Hope you love the workout! Post after you've done it - I'd love to hear what you think!

Spinervals are probably the most intense, best no-impact cardio workouts out there. I have most of them, including the new ones that just came out. They are geared toward competitive athletes, so expect your legs to be noodles by the time you're finished :)

Since I've been using Spinervals regularly, I've lost some of the cellulite on my thighs/bum and have slimmed down a little (and I wasn't trying to lose weight). They have changed the shape of my legs for the better, and have gotten better results strenth- & tone-wise than I had with weight training and step/hi lo aerobics/kickboxing.

You might want to check out the other Spinerval titles for some variety. They even have a couple workouts to use on your recovery days (it's not a good idea to do the intenser Spinervals more than 2 days a week).
I have quite a few of them, and I agree that the music is pretty bad, but I feel so good when I'm done, I just don't hear it anymore! Also, on a couple of tapes, there is a very, um, well endowed young lady with a low cut top on who Coach Troy seemed to hightlight in the front of the class. I'm definitely not a prude, but I was a little annoyed by this... I can't really say why, but I was!

I just bought 10.0 Ride & Stride. The idea is that you spin, then get off and use your treadmill, then spin again. I just bought myself an Urban Rebounder for Christmas and plan to use it for the running part.

Spinning makes me sweat like no other workout, and I have to have a Gatorade or other sports drink during the ride, otherwise I get a "hangover." (It's what it feels like-- I think I lose so much liquid my body just shuts down!) So be prepared with lots-o-liquids and have fun! Spinning really does help the thighs and buns... Hmm... I should be doing it more.:7
I also use and love spinervals (yes the music is not grand, but the workouts are tough). I would also love if Cathe would do a spinning workout - hint hint!!!!

I went to spinning as my cardiovascular workout when I developed plantar fascitis and achilles heel problems. It is a great workout without impact. Since I have not been stepping or doing hilo, I have noticed that my legs are not as bulky. If you build muscle in the lower body easily, as I seem to do, you may want to keep the resistance a little lower.

I love Uphill Grind which is really not as bad as it sounds. I also like Sweating Buckets, Suffer-a-rama, Tough Love and Have Mercy. Actually I like all of the ones I have and I just ordered three of the new ones (except for the recovery one since I already have a recovery spinerval and the 3 hour one because it is not available yet).

Enjoy your new spin bike!

Sheila C.
Thanks everyone! Glad to hear it was worth the $$. I wish Cathe would come out with a spinning vid, too. I'll preview and try my DVD this week and let you know.
For those of us who don't know what spinning is, is this done with an exercise bike or similar to it ? ...... thanks Rhonda
>For those of us who don't know what spinning is, is this done
>with an exercise bike or similar to it ? ...... thanks

Hi Rhonda,
You can use an ordinary bike if you have a "trainer" (not the human kind!) or you can get a proper spinning bike. It is possible to use an ordinary exercise bike but it may not be sturdy enough. There's more information at www.spinervals.com

Have a look at the forums over at www.videofitness.com where you'll find a lot of excellent information and help from other VFers who love spinning.
- Lisa :)
I believe these are workouts done with a stationary bike or spinning bike. I don't know if there is a difference.

Can anyone tell me This: Is there a way to substitute the standing parts and stil be intense? My bike is semi-recumbent and standing while riding is not possible in a safe manner. I can change the diffuculty (resistance?) and see my revolutions and my speed and distance and time.

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