One more post about Squeeze


I just finished the "arms" portion. I hated it. x(

I never knew which muscle group I was working. My biceps didn't get a workout at all. There were so many instructions about form I know I probably got most of the moves wrong. My shoulders kept going into failure, but the rest of my arms felt nothing. Most of all, I got TERRIBLY dizzy and felt nauseous because my head was moving so much. x(

I guess I'm the type that likes real weight and simple moves. When you use more weight, you can go slower and make sure you have good form. A workout like this might be a good idea if you're on vacation and don't have any dumbbells. I turned it off and I'm going to do Power Hour or Muscle Endurance.

Ahhhhhhhhhh, Cathe. :D :D
Hey Nancy,

I did the total body for the first time yesterday and I feel every muscle in my body! Did you do the squeeze when you were doing arms? I even had to put down my 3# and just use my arms. Maybe you can try it again sometimes, cause it is an awesome workout!

Kim, I was using little 1.25 lb. plates. I think I was doing the squeeze, although I'm not sure I know what it is. I followed everything Tracy did as well as I possibly could.

I don't get any flexibility training in my usual routine, so I was hoping this workout would take care of flexibility and strength in one workout. At my age I really need to start incorporating some flexibility into my WOs.

ETA: I used my new rubber ball to do the chest move in Muscle Endurance and it worked great! At least I didn't waste $6 on the ball. :p
Nancy, I felt the same as you. I used 3 and 5 lb dumbells and other than feeling more of an isometric "squeeze" in my shoulders, I felt nothing in my arms. I do like doing the abs and floor work though as add-ons. I dont feel much with the standing leg portions either.
I got dizzy and nauseous "flying" back and forth to the rooftop, Nancy;-) I'm sorry you didn't care for Tracy's workout, but misery loves company:p

I haven't watched the whole workout. I will look at it to see if there is a portion I can use just to increase my flexibility, and save the strength training for other instructors.

For those of you familiar with the workout, is there a chapter I can do just for flexibility? Thanks.
It was so pleasant to do Muscle Endurance after attempting Squeeze! I love the way I felt: the step-ups squarely in my glutes; the bicep curls squarely in my biceps; the kickbacks squarely in my triceps, etc. It was so nice not to have to try to guess which muscle group was being worked, and to KNOW my form was spot on. :D

The down sides are: I know I'll have lower back pain for a few days; I can't do many of the ab moves that involve moving the neck around (I think I may have arthritis in my neck or something); and I still haven't done anything for flexibility this week. But I sure did work out every major muscle group to complete exhaustion! :D
Nance, if you need a good DVD for flexibility try this

OMG I LOVE it!! It's wonderful and it does wonders for neck and back pain, and posture. I feel very tall every time I do one of these workouts. I bought the season 4 TV series. Check your local PBS listings -- it may be on in NY.
Seconding the recommendation for Classical Stretch - I LOVE her workouts. My back and neck are less painful than they've been in decades.
I don't care for the arm segment in squeeze either. I do however love the workout. Sometimes I just improvise my own arm work while she does her thing then get back on track when we move into another segment. IMO the shoulders are getting the brunt. I did try it w/ heavier weights which helped somewhat, but I still didn't like this section. Also, as much as I like the squeeze I don't think it's going to give you the flexability your looking for.

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