**ONE DAY AT A TIME** Nov 14-20


Hi All,

This check is primarily for those of us that are dealing with chronic illness, injury, mobility issues, etc., but are still doing our best to workout everyday, and using Cathe's workouts to keep us healthy through it all!

The idea is to check in daily with what we're doing that day, and to get and give support when our bodies don't allow us to meet our goals from day to day.

Here's hoping the week of November 14th-20th is one in which we can fit in all our planned workouts, and a week that we all get stronger to deal with those times we can't :)

Hi All,

So far today I've managed a 30 minute walk. The weather is supposed to turn to rain tomorrow for pretty much the rest of the week, but I'm going to get out and walk for at least 20min/day this week unless my legs get really bad.

I'm going to go for a short ride (horseback) later today, and then tonight my plan is a 20 minute yoga routine - this will either be fairly gentle or a bit more active depending on how I feel, but it'll get done, either way! I had a lot of trouble with my legs last night, so I don't want to push it with anything too strenuous today, hence the three short moderate activities.

Also hoping my Low Impact DVDs arrive today or sometime early this week, so I can start working through them, although I'll probably have to stick to the shorter pre-mixes for now. Barring that, here is my plan for the week:

M: walk (30), horseback ride (30-40), yoga (20)
T: walk (20+), Supersets or similar weight based DVD
W:walk (20+), LIS from 4DS or express premix from Low Max, yoga (20)
R: walk (20+), Push Pull or similar weight based DVD
F: walk (20+), yoga (20-40)
S: walk (20+), horseback ride (30-40)
S: walk (20+)

Hope everyone is having a healthy, active, pain free day :)

Hello All,
Today was Step Blast & Stretch Max (No Equipment):)
The pain started again yesterday so Step Blast might have been overdoing it.:(

Tue: STS Disc 2
Wed: Haven't selected a workout yet
Thu: STS Disc 3
Fri: Maybe Yoga Max
Sat: Off or Yoga Relax

Jennifer: Glad to hear you're going horseback riding as it can be peaceful. Enjoy your ride!!

I was out of town over the weekend, so I didn't do any work outs. When I got home yesterday, I decided to try LowMax. Well, I made it through it, but I had to pause a bit longer after some of the blasts to get my breath. I hope I don't pay for it today... If I do, I'll do something easier tonight, like Yoga Relax. That one is going to be my go-to when I'm really tight or sore, or I've just plain overdone it! The car trip definitely aggravates the fibromyalgia - I usually want to scream by the time I arrive where I'm going. I thought maybe the long work out would relieve a lot of the muscle tension. I followed it up with a long stretch period.
Jennifer: How was the horseback ride? I SO miss that - it has been years & years since I was on a horse. When I was a kid, my parents were hard pressed to keep me off our horse. He's been dead many years, but I still miss him. He used to buck me off at least once a summer... LOL
Cathy: How are you doing? I hope your pain is at a lower level so that you can get some sleep.
Nora: How are you?
It's raining & getting colder here in Ohio - that always makes the fibro worse - does it affect you gals at all? HUGS to you all!
Hi Jane - at least you made it through Low Max :) I think most of my week will be making it through workouts while taking breaks.

My horseback ride was good fun - Abbi was feeling mellow and friendly (she's a bit unpredictable!), so we even tried a bit of loping. Unfortunately I'm still not feeling very well. I stayed on for about 30 minutes, and that required some force of will, cause my legs were shot, but it was worth it!

I'm still going to workout today at some point, but I'm not sure I can make it through Supersets...I'll check in later.

Keep on truckin', ladies :D
Good Morning Ladies,
Today was STS Disc 2 & STS Extended Stretch, it went well!:D
Last night was bad as got only 3 hours sleep because of pain:(

Jane: Congrats for doing Low Max!::D:D I loved Yoga Relax!:D
The rain does affect me!:(

Jennifer: Very happy your ride went well:D & glad your LIS arrived has arrived!:D

Take care all
Cathe - sorry to hear about your pain issues...are you able to rest during the day after having a bad night like that?? It's amazing you can work out at all.

I just did Slide and Glide, the muscle conditioning workout (30min). It was awesome! I love those discs...and it was just the right amount of challenge for me today. I can't wait to do more of these DVDs...I'm thinking the slide and glide cardio express tomorrow rather than any attempts at step, as I feel so much more secure keeping both feet on the ground!

Unfortunately it is pouring rain...if it lightens up to a drizzle I'll try to get out for a short walk. I've got rehearsal pretty much every night this week, which means I won't just be sitting around in the evenings, so if my walks get pushed off until better weather arrives again, that's okay.

So - revised schedule for the rest of the week:

Wed: Slide and Glide Cardio Express (~30min)
Thurs: Either Turbo Barre (express option) or Total Body TriSets premix
Fri: Perhaps the 22 minute Athletic Training Step routine
Saturday: Yoga Max or Yoga Relax, hopefully a nice walk
Sunday: rest
Happy Wednesday morning, everyone.

I had a really bad flare up of symptoms last night...going to have to see how today goes. I may not manage my planned slide and glide workout. :( However, the sun has returned so first thing after breakfast I'm going to walk around the block at least.

Have a good one :D
Happy Hump Day! It's still raining here, so I'm not sure if I'll be up to a work out this evening or not. Play it by ear. I was able to do the step portion of Low Impact Circuit last night, but I'm sore today in my hip (I fell a couple weeks ago & landed on it in the parking lot here at work).
Jennifer, I'm sorry about your flare last night. I SO admire your determination.
Cathy, I hope you were able to get some sleep last night.
Nora & Rosepetal: Hope you're hanging in!
Hugs to all!
Hello, today I am resting and sneaking in a bit of rebounding.

Yesterday, my DH and I went on a nice morning walk. Then I did T-Tapp Step Away the Inches workout. Later a rebounding workout.
I did take a break yesterday & probably will again today. Some days I am just too tired & in too much pain & I have to give myself permission to not work out. I struggle with that...
Hey all - I'm with you and Rosepetals, Jane...I'm resting again today. I'm trying to get in to see my neurologist as I'm definitely having some kind of an episode.

So yesterday I had my walk but no other workout. Instead I spent the time with my cousin who is down visiting from Vancouver, and did some rehearsal singing last night for a concert...just from that I was freakin' exhausted!

Today I'm really taking it easy. If all goes well, I'll try out a short workout this evening (maybe yoga relax!), but some days I have to accept that a workout just isn't in the cards.

Take heart, everyone :) By resting today we'll be better able to do more in the days to come.

Hello All,
Today I was able to do STS Disc 3 Legs & STS Extended Stretch! It wasn't easy!:( I had to take yesterday off!:mad: The nerves that have been damaged in the neck injury have been on fire yesterday & today!!:(:(

Sorry to hear everyone is having bad days:(:(

Hugs to all,:):)
Thank you for the welcome. I have been on my back today with female issues. It's not to pretty. My husband wants me to get parts removed. I am hoping menopause will come soon as I think surgery will make MS worse due to the stress of the surgery and the lack of exercise post surgery.

Hopefully soon I will be able to jump back in with workouts.
Hang in there, Rosepetals. I have terrible menstrual cramps/heavy flow, etc., as well. Sucks to have that layered on top of MS troubles.

Well, I'm still feeling off, and have this weird leg thing going on, but I've come to a decision. I'm going to work out even on days I feel crappy. I've been doing a lot of reading on staying active with MS, and basically, even though exercise and exertion might flare up symptoms temporarily, it doesn't make the progression of the disease worse - quite the opposite. So even if it's the only thing I do that day, I'm going to work out...unless I'm REALLY unable. The best thing I can do is get as fit as I can, which is only to help in the long run.

So this morning after I slept a bit longer than normal (I've been having some fatigue issues this past week) I got up and did Slide and Glide Cardio Express. Sure I had to make a few modifications and take a water break, but I did it, and despite the pain - and I can feel my weak leg is extra wonky - it was well worth it! It's the perfect workout because both my feet are on the floor all the time, which takes out the balance component.

Tomorrow I think I'll try Turbo Barre. It's funny - making this decision to soldier on gives me a feeling like I'm taking control of my body a bit more again. It's easy to give into not feeling well and just giving up on feeling like an athlete like I used to. Obviously there will be days that are too bad to do anything, but I'm not going to let the day to day pain and balance problems hold me back anymore :)

So, if you can at at all, let's get it done, ladies!!!
Good morning,
Today was STS Ab Circuit Stability Ball & LIS Yoga Max!

Jennifer: The reason I exercise when I have pain is because the pain doesn't seem to subside when I don't exercise! There's nothing wrong with modifying!:D:D Take pride in what you are able to accomplish every single day!!:D:D

Jane:You should be taking pride in what YOU have done this week & you most certainly can give yourself permission to not workout!!:D:D

You all should be very proud of what you have accomplished this week!:D:D
Everyone have a great weekend!!:D:D

Take care & hugs to all
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Hi all! TGIF! Just wanted to send everyone encouraging thoughts.
Cathy: Thanks for the warm words - I needed a lift & there you were!
There you all were - uplifting each other. THANKS!!!! Hugs to all!

Yup - snow on the ground. Just a bit, and it's nice and sunny, but also windy and cold. Trying to wrangle my visiting cousin to go for a walk in the woods with me :) I much prefer hiking to walking on streets, and we live really close to the wilderness, but I'm not too confident going on my own these days, in case I have balance trouble or something.

That aside, a DVD is certainly on the menu today. I was thinking Turbo Barre, but I might change that to Total Body Trisets express (either total body or the two short express upper and lower options, which is actually slightly shorter), particularly if I'm going for mini-hike.

And (drumroll please) I'm getting back in the pool next week. I was doing a bunch of swimming when my legs were really not working great earlier this fall, and it's time to go back to that I think. It's a great workout, and good low intensity cardio for me to tack onto my daily activities a few times a week - and I can do it even when I'm not having a good leg day. Can't fall when you're swimming :) One of my long term fitness goals is to do a triathlon next summer. It might more pratical for me to do the sprint variety, rather than full Olympic length. I think it's a good goal, even if I have to walk the running portion, and it gives me a performance based goal which is important for the athlete in me. I did a triathlon a few years ago and had a blast, and it's something my husband and I can train for together. So back in the pool sooner rather than later is a good thing.

Sorry so talkative, but I'm feeling emotionally on the upswing after the crappy week I had, even though physically I'm still struggling. Perhaps in part to the great support of this thread!

Have a great weekend ladies, and wish me luck performing tonight - doing a couple duets with a friend of mine at a multi-performer gospel concert event, which should be great fun.


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