Hey no I haven't past them yet. It still hurts but I think I feels little more relievf cause my pain pills are staying down today. Last night the pain was so bad I kept throwing up so I threw up my pills it was awful, I am afraid to move much it is sore to. Strange. I am getting a head ache laying down all day. I am drinking water to flush it. Thanks you guys
No workout for me - last Bible Study until Sept. yesterday evening, & I have a high school graduation to attend (step-granddaughter) this evening. Just thought I'd check in on everyone.
Renee: Are we there yet???? LOL Seriously, hoping against hope that you've gotten some relief!
Cathy: I'm glad you're taking care of yourself while you're healing - you are so good at listening to what your body is saying! & unfortunately, the cortisone shot for my elbow only lasted about 3 weeks, so I'm right back to the constant pain. He insists it's not "hurting" anything by the continuation of exercise, so I'm not going to let it stop me. I'm so frustrated with the weight gain I've experienced lately - my Dr. insisted on putting me back on synthetic thyroid medication & I've done nothing but gain weight since. & I'm not scheduled to get it checked again until JULY! AARGH!:mad:
Caitlin: Hope it's not beastly hot for you & hope you're feeling better after your fall!
Hi girls I got a question, how long are the sts dvd? I hear they are long, but I have been wanting it I think, for a while but was afraid I don't like lifting for over an hour on one body part. I don't know how it goes. So can you tell me what the program will do for me that the other weight lifting dvds cant do? I am interested but I don't want to spend that much on it if I don't like it.. It is deal of the day

I also wish I can exercise today, I am finally able to hold y pills down so my pain is minimal now except when the pain pills wares off. But I do feel headachy and weak, but I feel if I try to do some type of exercise it may make me feel better, and help me breath better and maybe move the stupid stone out. They say it may take five days!! this is the third day and I am so sick of water!! I cant believe they doctor says I was dehydrated as well that is why I was throwing up and diarrhea. Man I wonder if yoga will help me move my body easy and help me feel better ? What would you guys do>??? So now I have two questions for you guys I guess lol Okay back to bed again. I will wait on your reply about sts I am sure offer is good til tonight.. thanks girls..
Hi Renee,
Darn, I was hoping you would have passed them by now. :( I hear the pain is worse than having a baby! I think that Yoga is the only thing I would try to do if my body were in that much turmoil. I think your instinct on that is spot on! As for STS, yes, the videos are long, but you are working more than one body part, except for leg day, & those are shorter. I would say that most of them, except for legs, are at least 60 minutes, if not a little more (like 68). & although I did like the strength gains from STS, that's when I got tennis elbow, & I'm still suffering 2 1/2 years later! The first meso cycle builds endurance (more reps, less weight), the 2nd meso cycle, you increase the weight, but the number of reps goes down & the rests between sets is longer, then the 3rd cycle, you increase the weight even more, & it's fewer reps & the rests between sets is even longer. The 3 months fly by, at least they did for me, & I really liked it, except for the tennis elbow! Looking back, I wish I had listened to my body when the pain first started & QUIT until the pain quit. Instead, I thought I was being a baby & soldiered through it & I'm still paying for it... I did the one rep max tests, & was able to lift accordingly, but obviously, my TENDONS weren't as strong or maybe as flexible as my muscles (if that makes sense!). Hope that helps you a little bit! & I hope you pass those stones soon! HUGS!
Jane: Thank you:)
I'm sorry about your elbow! The elbow brace isn't helping? Darn!!
I'm beginning to think I may never left heavy again, as I'm having problems with the 5s' & 8s'!
My weight is back up too, but I don't think I can worry about it right now though!

Renee: I had hoped you would have been feeling a little bit better!{{Hugs}} I hope those stones pass soon!!
If it were me I wouldn't be doing any workouts except for maybe light very easy Yoga! Your body is very stressed & any additional stress(even from workouts) could create some new problems(adrenals)!

As far as STS, Jane covered most of it, STS 3 was my favorite & I also purchased the Squat Rack Legs, which I enjoyed! STS 3 Legs alternate between weights & plyo.
The times are as follows:
STS 1 varies from 50 min. to 58 min.
The muscle groupings are: Chest, Shoulders, Biceps, & Back, Triceps & Legs

STS 2 varies from 43 min. to 69 min.
The muscle groupings are: Chest, Shoulders, Triceps, & Legs, & Back, Biceps

STS 3 varies from 46 to 68 min.
The muscle groupings are: Chest, Back & Plyo Legs or Squat Rack Legs, & Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps
STS Squat Rack times varies from 59 min. to 68 min.

Take care & Hugs
Hi girls, no stone yet, but I slept good. Ian not in pain today really, just sore all over. I think where I threw up so much and I am sore in lower back and around my pelvic area. I think where it has been in contractions. I feel a pinch once in a while but that's it. I haven't taken any pain meds today yet. I want to see if I am getting better . I think I am. I did do yoga yesterday to get the soreness out, it felt good but I was on pain meds then . I decided against STS for now because I think I better not make purchases while on pain meds and we really can't afford it yet. I do hope to buy it some day! I think it would be fun and great to follow it at least once!! But I'll wait till we are better financially.
I am doing house cleaning today and drinking tons of water! Praying ill drop this 4 mm stone. Not sure how big that is I hear it isn't to big just feels it. Ire member I had a stone when I was18 and it didn't take this long to pass it.
Umm scratch that pain is coming back but not like the first two days! I guess pain pill here I come before it gets worse. I hate taking them things
Renee: I'm sorry the stone hasn't passed & you're still having pain!
It's great you were able to get sleep!

Today I did no impact kickboxing with light weights & exercises for my back & finished with a stretch! Total 67 min.

Take care & Hugs
B]Renee[/B] I'm sorry that you haven't passed that stone yet! I was hoping to log on & see that it was gone...:( Probably not as much you want it gone, tho!
Cathy GREAT JOB! Did it feel good to do the kickboxing? Good on ya!
I did all of Butts & Guts today. I swapped out the Bonus Abs for the regular Abs section, plus I did the Bonus Leg work. :eek: I also did Clean Max, & we took our dog Missy to the vet. I was afraid she had a cancerous lump, but it turned out to be a cyst full of a cottage cheese-like substance. She has gained 10 pounds since our last visit. I have an on-going argument with DH about him taking her for walks! He insists that we have to do it together.... He's home all day - I work, come home, work out, we eat supper, but then I guess I'm supposed to walk the dog, too. :mad: HE needs the exercise! Oh, well... pick my battles, I guess...
Take care everyone, & big hugs! Hoping that stone passes very soon, Renee!
Today I did a ab workout & a leg workout & finished with yoga for a total of 60 min.

Jane: Way to go yesterday!! Absolutely great!:cool::)

Renee: Hope you are doing better!

Take care & Hugs
Jane are u sore today? Eek I really like butts and guts

Cathy good job
Thanks for your alls kind words. I am not hurting now but no stone in my funnel!! Confused I did drink vinegar and water and I did yoga to. Detox and twist it out. But now I got a cold!!
Renee: I'm sorry you're not feeling better yet & the stone hasn't passed!

Jane: How's Missy Doing?

Today was a walk & back exercises & stretchy yoga for a total of 114 min!:)

Take care & Hugs
114 minutes!! Holy cow!! What kind if walk an stretch was that?!! Wtg.

I have been straining my urine and no stonebut I am not in pain anymore!! Such a mystery to me!!! They did ct at hospital and confirmed it was there it was 4 mm so maybe me drinking vinegar and water helped? I don't know strange. I am afraid to shrug it off as past out or devolved cause I am not wanting to get hopes up then bam hit me again. I have been drinking water so I know I'm not dehydrated anymore.
I am gonna try to do HS Gish that is my fav giro workout for any time. If I am short on time or want a pick me up. I think I have done HS more then any other Cathe DVD !! I hope hope hope the new one is as fun !!! And a sweat fest.as well! Lov it
Renee: Hopefully, the vinegar dissolved that sucker!! It works on everything, so why not kidney stones! :p Seriously, I hope it is gone for good!!! Were you able to do HS?
Cathy: Wow! That was a GREAT workout for you!!! Way to go! I'm glad you had the stamina to do all that! Awesome job!
I did Gym Style Back, Shoulders & Biceps yesterday evening. I really like Gym Styles. I feel like I'm doing STS without the 3 month commitment - HA! ;) Renee, I am a little sore from Butts & Guts, but I think more from the floorwork part, because it's hamstrings rather than quads. I do not understand why I don't get major DOMS from that workout, because during it, my quads are in some serious pain! & I don't have as much strength built back up in my quads as I had before, but as long as I'm pushing myself & getting in a good workout, I know I am building muscle. Cathy, Missy is doing great. The cyst is all closed up already, & doesn't look infected. I was all ready to take the walk last night after my workout, but my DH was complaining about his back & legs hurting from hauling around bags of dirt yesterday, so I didn't bring it up. He's got another full day today (he's doing a job for someone), so.... I can see that this nightly walk is not going to happen... She's too big for me to handle (she weighs 127 pounds!), since she's never been taught to heel or walk beside me, & since my elbow is weak, if she tried to get away, it would be all over. :confused:
Take care everyone, & BIG HUGS! Lost another friend yesterday - to leukemia. That's 2 in the last month - my age! Scary...
Today was a walk only!

Jane: Great on GS Back Shoulders & Biceps:)
Glad Missy is doing better!

Renee: Very happy you're not in as much pain! Do you think the vinegar dissolved the stone?

Take care & Hugs
Cathy I am glad you got to walk!! Yes i do think the vinegar got it cause I still haven't seen the stone in the filter. I am happy it's gone!

Jane so sorry you are not gonna get hubby to walk that dog 125 pounds is way to big for your elbow to handle!! Wow that's a pickle!!

I did get HS in yesterday today was MMA kickboxing it was good not as good as HS but it was a low key one I did sweat a little but I was suppose to rest today any how I was just bored at work so I did it plus I did yoga relax got home and truest Bryan kest man that one was hard it had balancing poses mixed with twist like arm über leg grabbing opposite arm in a worrier pose well I won't do that one again till I can practice balance I guess. It is something to look to accomplish.
Renee: Glad to see you're back to kicking butt & taking names! LOL Great job!
Cathy: How is the weather where you are these days? Has it warmed up any? We had quite a cool spell here, but it's starting to get hot & muggy.
Yesterday, I started to check in, but things went absolutely crazy here at work, & I didn't get to. I did SuperCuts on Tuesday evening, & last night, I did Gym Style Legs. My legs are definitely getting stronger - now if they'd just lose some inches of fat for me, I'd be a happy camper... LOL:p Tonight, I plan on doing Gym Style Chest & Triceps. Friday night, I have a surprise birthday party to go to, & over the weekend, my granddaughter is coming to stay overnight, so I probably won't get a workout in (other than trying to keep up with a 7 year old... LOL). I'm sure she'll keep me on my toes! :D
Take care everyone, & if I don't check in over the weekend, you'll know why!
Jane: Way to go on Supercuts & GS Legs!
The weather decided to go from winter to summer! It's finally warm enough to get the garden in!
I know you'll enjoy the time you have with your grand-daughter! The best reason to miss a workout or two!;):)

Renee: You must be feeling better & that's good news.:)
Great start back on your workouts!

Caitlin: How are you doing?

Yesterday was a walk & stretch for a total of 105 min.

Take care & hugs
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