Off topic...Help!!! Need advice about sick child.


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Help, I need advice!!!

My coworker has had to be out of the office alot because her 3year old is least 2 if not 3 times a month, with various colds and infections. Is this normal? My boss says it's not, and is fed up with my coworker's absences. She's an excellent employee, a good friend, and I don't want her to lose her job. Having adult children, I can't remember and have no idea what is normal. The child goes to daycare, where I imagine she gets many of the infections. Is 2-3 times a month normal? What do you do when your children are sick? How do you cope at work? How is it handled? Do you have any suggestions? I don't have any answers, and am hoping you all might have suggestions
I worked in daycare for 6 years and I was sick alot and so were the kids so I would say this is normal if the child is in daycare because there are so many germs being spread around.
I was lucky to have my mother watch my children when I had to work.
I don't know what else to tell you, but the main reason I quit working in daycare is because I got sick so much and now I won't even do it as a sub...just not worth all the sickness.

Yes, that sounds about right. At that age, they are plague monkeys, particularly if they go to daycare.

I was lucky enough to have two Grandmas who were more than willing to help out if my daughter got sick. But my current employer is very understanding as well. My little girl is 7 now, so isn't sick nearly as much. I'm not sure what to suggest. Missing work 2 or 3 times a month does put a burden on the employer and the person's co-workers.
I don't have children, so I can't offer much advice about coping at work. But, I don't think it's normal for a child to be sick 2-3 times a MONTH. I grew up going to daycare and had a lot of ear infections as a child, but certainly was not sick anywhere near that often. If the child truly is sick that often, there must be something more wrong with the kid - some immune system problem, or something making the child more susceptible to illness. How can this woman be a good employee if she's off of work this often?

Now, some suggestions to help her cope - is there any way she can be set up to work from home on days when her child is sick? Can the company provide her with a laptop computer with VPN access to the company network and call forwarding of business calls to her home? (Or whatever would need to be set up so she could work from home) Not everyone has a job where it is practical to work from home, but if that is an option - she should explore it. Otherwise she will risk losing her job because 2-3 absences per month is really unacceptable.
I have 3 kids in day care and there are some months when this is the norm. This was especially true for when my kids first started at the day care when it seemed to happen every month. My 6 year old son hardly ever gets sick any more but my 3 year olds still get sick every few months. Did you co-worker's child just start at a new day care? Unfortunately, there are quite a few germs when you have so many kids in one place.

My DH and I usually take turns taking time off from work to take care of a sick child. Now that we live closer to my in-laws, my MIL will occasionally take a day off from her job to watch a sick kid (sometimes one of my kids may be out almost an entire week!). However, I think it is the mom who usually takes the time off. My experience is that daycare centers are pretty strict about when a sick child can come back (i.e. at least 24 hours after fever has subsided).

Hope this helps,
I worked in daycares in college and I have never been more sick in my life. I had so many colds and illnesses. Is the child in daycare? Maybe she can try switching daycares? I'd suggest she talk to her dr. about it also.

For some kids in day care this is extremely normal. My kids were always pretty healthy, but my brother's kid has just gone through this same syndrome and a friend's kid did the same thing in day care at this age.

Ask your friend if there is anyone else she can leave her child with for a week or two to help him/her get well, strong and build up some immunity before heading back to daycare.

Also, remember that we are coming out of the cold/flu season and most kids are extremely healthy during Spring and Summer, perhaps also because they get to spend more time outdoors.

Your friend's boss would do well to remember this. THis is a temporary thing.

You might suggest your friend go talk to someone in human resources and seek advice. To make sure of her rights, also to make sure that this period of difficulty and her concern with it has been documented in her file. She should also be encouraged to approach her boss, presumably male or childless female, and in a meeting with him/her she should emphasize her commitment to her employer and to her professional obligations. She could also outline ways she intends to address this current difficulty: work later some nights to make up for lost time (when hubby can be at home with kids), take work home and complete projects over the weekend, take responsibility for particular projects, set deadlines for completion of projects, etc.

This should help her boss realize her professional dedication and most people let offf steam when they are approached directly and when their compassion, understanding and conscience is pricked.

Clare, all great suggestions...however I AM HR (grin), and she has approached our boss, as have I. He just gets an idea in his head and sticks with it. One of those people who get fixated. He is sure this isn't normal...since his children didn't have this problem...even tho' her pediatrician, the daycare provider, etc., said it was not an abnormal amount of illness, so I thought if I could get other confirmation from other mothers, it would be helpful. Thing is, she really is invaluable to the firm...has a rare combination of skills. it would be almost impossible to replace her with one person, but he doesn't realize that. And she does work from home all the time when her daughter is sick...usually is able to put in at least half a day.

Thanks to everyone who has been responding. It is helpful to get confirmation that this is normal.
My son used to get sick like that at least every other week. A cold always turned in to an infection. It was so stressful and I would feel terrible.

It turned out he needed his adenoids and tonsils removed. Once he had them removed he stopped getting sick so much.
I'll post the answer I posted in the other forum...

If you work for a lagre enough firm, your coworker may be covered by the Family Medical Leave Act if a chronic illness, (Asthma, Allergies for example) are causing it.

My son used to be in daycare and was sick A LOT during his whole time there. Especially during the winter. He used to have chronic ear infections that needed 2-3 rounds of antibiotics. It came to the point where he had to go through surgery for ear tubes. And he went through this twice. Aside from this, he brought home lots of viruses and bacteria that we, his parents, sometimes got as well... and even worse than he did.

My son was out of school this year for a while, and during the time he stayed home with me every day, he was incredibly healthy. Last February he entered a new preschool -- with shorter days, only 2.5 hours, 3 times a week -- and two weeks after, he got so sick with two viral infections that hit him, one after the other. Until now, he is on a daily nebulizer treatment.

If I were your colleague, I'd definitely find alternate care for my child. ASAP. Maybe a home setting where there are fewer kids, which translates to fewer bugs being passed around.

My oldest son has seasonal allergies and is also bipolar. My youngest always seemed to carry an ear infection until he received tubes in the ears. I have to be out to take care of them (dr's appts., ect) They rely on me. I don't normally get 40 hours in but usually hit somewhere close to 35 a week. My real work usually starts when I pick my boys up from daycare and we get home. Yes, my husband helps out but I am the one that stays home with the boys when they are sick.

My boss knows about the difficulties I face with my family and has never said anything about replacing me. Sometimes it really helps when someone undertands where a Mother is coming from.

No, I don't think it's normal. My daughter has been in daycare since she was 10 weeks old and I can count on one hand the number of times she's been sick enough that we couldn't take her in.

Some kids, however, may be more susceptible to colds and infections. I guess it's comparing apples to oranges. What might be normal for my child is not normal for another.

If this child is truly sick, she's covered by FMLA for up to 26 weeks of leave without losing her job or benefits, depending on how many employees are at your company and how long she has been there. These 26 weeks can be taken all at once, one day at a time, or a half-day at a time if that's needed.

At my place of work, we would be understanding and supportive.
There's a nutrient called colostrum that might help. It's a mammal's -- any mammal's first milk given to her baby -- and it's filled with all kinds of immune boosting properties. What you can get in a Health Food Store is from cow's milk and can help to boost the immune system so that a person doesn't get too much affected with colds and such.

Just a suggestion.
I did home daycare for 20 years. Now I just keep grandchildren. I had 3-4 children at a time usually. They had everything you could think of and so did I. I don't think it is unusual. Now, personally, I cannot see staying home for every sniffle. Colds are inevitable. Now vomiting and fevers other than teeth(which I had many parents pass off as an excuse for the fever)are a different story. I do think that they need to be at home in this case. I have been sick so much less myself since I just keep grandchildren. Also I am lucky to have a daughter and daughter in law in the medical field so I do get support there. I feel sorry for those that need to be at work and have a child not feeling well. Maybe you should talk to your friend if you think you can without upsetting her too much.
Diane Sue
That's not normal, but a lot of time children at the age of 2 or 3 get sick a lot. I persoanally think it's genetic, or they just didn't get enough breast milk to have a good solid immune system. If your boss fires this woemen and she has doctor bills etc to show where the kid is actually sick, your boss and be in hot water.

But being a sick child myself, I know how hard it was on my parents, and yes my mom had to take off work at times. What my parents did was work split shifts, one would work during the day the other the evening. So there was always someone home to take care of the sick kid. I don't know how sick this child is, but if it was like me and ended up in the hosptial 2 or 3 times a month it didn't matter what shift you worked, letting your child be alone in the hosptial is just plain stupid. As the doctors in the pediractics wards are over worked, so are the nurses, and mistakes are made. Especally if your not there to pay attention and catch them. Even when I broke my back 2 years ago I was really lucky to have my mother there, as even in the ICU they made mistakes, they gave me a medicine I was allergic to, even after it was on my chart, and one doctor had take it off the order, but hadn't competely put it into the system, so the next morning I was given the medicine I was allergic to. If the child is in the hospital you do have got to double check everything they bring in. As the doctor is to busy, the nurse is to busy, and no one checks with each other, and you got one going this way, and the other going this way, and someone who is not sick has got to be there and make them work together. So basically what I'm saying is if her child is in the hosptial, she really doesn't have a choice but to take off.

And also the daycare could be mostly at fault depending on what kind of infections, some day cares just don't follow the health regulations and keeping things clean, or not letting children to this or that. If you can you may want to help her find a diferent daycare, or maybe a stay at home babysitter that is qualified to take care of sick kids. As I hear about a daycare getting fined about every few months around here for not doing this or that to keep the children clean or safe. And on some things I'm sure the children have got to get sick from it. I remember one story, about a day care, that if your kid was considered potty trained and went in his pants, they'd let the kid walk around like that, until you got their and changed them. And either output left agaisnt a child's skin and burn and cause infection. Also if this day care allows other kids to mix with the sick kids it causes all sorts of problems, and if they allow kids in who haven't gotten their shots, it's nothing to see nearly all the kids be sick of some disease.

Personally if I was that kids mother and the kid seemed to be suddenly getting sick a lot after I put them in a day care, that kid would be out of that day care immedately. Granted I do know some people to believe that their kid should catch everything at a young age and then they won't be sick later. And will actually put them in places so they can catch this or that. I'm not one of those people who believe that, and personally couldn't wish a child sick like that.

Good luck, that's about all the advice I could give you, as I don't know what the excat situation is, I hope it's something simple as to find a different day care, or a day time babysitter. Or if it's possible her and hubby work split shifts until the kid gets past the sickness. But that's not always the easiest to do, and not all men are willing to take care of a sick child. Though I do hope something works out for her, that is a really tough spot to be in, especally when you have no control and just see your child get sick over and over again. Also tell her to start bringing in proof of her doctor bills for the child on the days she took off work. It's a lot harder to fire her, when she was at the doctors office with the kid, and the kid was actually ill. She can go to the labor board on your boss for that, and have a pretty good chance of winning, and he has to give her either pay or her job back. I was lucky my mother's boss questiooned her about the same thing, as she took off for a month while I had two major surgeries when I was a child, I was in the hosptial for the whole month and it was over 300 miles from the town we lived in. So it wasn't possible for her to drive to work, and then back to the hosptial. Just the women she work with convence her boss that I wasn't that sick and my mom just did it to get time off. He came over to our house to demand my mom to go to work, I was in the hospital bed that they had put in the living room, and he seen me after two major surgeries on my neck. I looked like I went threw the war and I had a helo brace on. Made him instantly sick when he seen me. He never questioned her again, when she told him I was sick. So if all else fails bring in the sick child, let it throw up on the boss, they are almost always more understanding when you tell them your kid is sick after that. As sometimes you really have to hit people over to head, to realize that life throws you a bad hand, it's not just make believe, that you have a sick child. As for some reason, some people think children don't get sick. That you just can't possibly have a sick child, and they won't believe it until it happens to them.

Good luck

Children should build immunity by being exposed and exposure isn't necessarily a bad thing. There are more resistant strains about these days because of overuse of anitbiotics and antibiotics in the food supply. Some kids are more inclined to illness. My sister has two out of 4 who are asthmatic and they pick things up more easily. My kids rarely get sick after an initial cold at the start of the cold and flu season. Happily my sisters kids are gettting better as they get older. When I go tomy son's class there are always kids who obviously have colds and it's all winter long. Does your co-worker have her child in a daycare that denies children with colds? If your coworkers child is getting sick several times a month for many consecutive months she may be in danger of job loss. Many employers have a set number of sick and personal days an employee is entitled to they can run out. Absenteeism has an effect on businesses and employers have rights just as employees do. Could she find a caregiver for her child who is willing to take on an ailing child? It's a terrible situation to be in but if your boss is getting antsy, it could bode ill for her. There is a Family and Medical Leave Act which would entitle her for up to 12 weeks absence for a serious medical condition it may not apply to periodic illnesses of a child. Chronic absenteeism is a problem for employers and and they can take action, however unsympathetic that may seem. I feel badly for your co-worker! She is definitely between a rock and a hard place but she needs to take actions to correct the absences if she expects to keep her job.
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

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