O/T @#&% Men and Ogling!

Unfortunately, I would not be surprised if that man had no idea what he said was wrong. I worked with a friends father who was like that. He finally got fired for sexual harrassment, but seriously wonders why and doesn't "get it".

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-12-02 AT 10:32AM (Est)[/font][p]Ok, I promise this is my last post on this topic. I feel the need to explain my previous post....

Trevor, you were not the only one to say "lol" about this subject. Women said it, too. And women actually felt she should take his obnoxious comments as a compliment. So, if you feel you need to say something, don't hold back. You should re-read the entire paragraph addressed specifically to you. The only part that says I was aiming anything at you was the part where I said I couldn't believe you told Jilly to get a thicker skin. The rest of that paragraph I agreed completely with what you had to say. Women dressing for work in a way you describe is completely out of place & absolutely about trying to draw attention & comments. I wear thong panties (see I'm not as uptight as you probably thought), have my belly button pierced & feel like I could flaunt the hell out of my body (thanks to Cathe!). But the WORKPLACE IS NOT THE PLACE TO DO IT! How can we, as women, expect to be treated with respect if we don't deserve it? In the the gym, however,I say go for it. Dress however you want. We're there to make ourselves feel & look good, right? If it makes a girl feel good to show off her panties, go right ahead. I'm sorry if I offended you. That is not what I was trying to do.

This is a huge soap box issue to me because it is very personal to me. Sexual harassment should be addressed immediately when it occurs because sometimes it only gets worse.

It isn't just about dress or speaking to a person in an inappropriate manner. It can also be about touch (touching others or touching yourself!). I had a director that was constantly rubbing (not just adjusting but actually stroking) his zipper in front of me. A few of us girls laughed about this disgusting gesture. Did he think we were turned on by this? Does he do it at home for his wife? Ha ha ha. It really wasn't funny. After several months of my putting up with this behavior, he decided that it was ok that he put his arm around me & tell me he thought I was very sexy. I blew that off, too. A few days later, he came up behind me, pressed himself into me & put his chin on my shoulder. That was it, I finally felt so violated & demeaned that I couldn't let this continue. I had finally had enough to tell this pig that his behavior was inappropriate. I did it in the privacy of his office. I told him that I felt uncomfortable with his touch, I needed him to stay out of my "personal space." I told him that I was telling him out of respect for him (yeah, right). I told him that if it happened again that I would have to report him to our VP. He was very angry with me & I feared retaliation. So I reported the incident & my putting this pig on notice to another director. He stopped touching me & stayed WAY clear of me, but I saw his behavior continue with others in our office. Fortunately for us, a new VP was hired last April, this pig was fired in July. No one knows for sure what happened, we can only speculate that the zipper got touched one too many times!

Robyn, you are absolutely right in that this isn't about sex. My lecture stands for women as much as men! As women, we have no right to speak to men in this manner either. I do apologize if I made it seem like it was about the sex of the individual--which is were my comments about women's dress in workplace came in. I should have been more specific there. We cannot expect to get ahead in the workplace if we behave in a manner unbecoming a HUMAN BEING (never mind gender!).

So, again, I apologize if I offended anyone. Please just understand this is not something we should laugh about.
It is not a joke when you are the one on the receiving end -- does not matter if you are a man or a woman this is a horrible thing to go through. I am so glad you posted on this -- it has been very educational for us all.
This is obviously a very volatile issue. I don't think anyone here is laughing the experience off. It's just that most of us have encountered it so many times it's hard to get completely worked up about it anymore. When I was younger, I was made to feel extremely uncomfortable by some pigs in a position of power. Back then, nobody backed you up so there was little we could do. It was horrible, & I would never put up with it now. My first reflex reaction to what that guy said to Jilly would be to smack him upside his head. Probably not wise, so my 2nd reaction would be to tell him he was an offensive pig & run, not walk, to the nearest exit. If I already worked with a guy who acted like that, I would give him one...repeat one...verbal warning & then I would report him &, if necessary, take him to court. If there's anything I've learned over the years about this subject, it's that there have always been pigs, & there will always be pigs. Some men (& women) will NEVER "get it". I'm inclined at this point in my life to deal with it & get on with life.
My main problem with all this is the dress issue. I agree, some women (& some men) dress in a way I can only describe as slutty. I have to feel sorry for them, as they are obviously looking for attention in the wrong way, and chances are pretty good they're going to get more attention than they really wanted sooner or later. I'm not talking about dressing nicely or even dressing to look sexy when the time is right for it. I'm talking about inappropriate times & in some cases pushing the envelope way too far no matter what the situation is. Unless you're home alone with your honey!
My point, however, is this. Unlike the way I used to feel, I no longer give a **** what anyone thinks about how I dress. If I feel like being only comfy, that's what I'm going to do. If I feel like looking nice, that's what I'm going to do. If I feel like looking REALLY nice, that's what I'm going to do. All within the confines of appropriate times & places, of course. But I do what I think is right for me at any given time, and I just don't give a rat's *** what any man thinks, as long as he keeps his thoughts to himself.
Sorry to go on like this, like most women who have lived awhile, I've seen this issue from many angles & I say do what you think is right for you, period.
Hey Getting....
No, I am not offended. I do think I will bail out of this topic however and just let you all have at it. Better for me to stick to the fitness topics on this site.
The lol in my post was just an attempt to put jilly at ease. Ill-timed I guess.
Anyhow, just put me down as a guy who sees quite alot everday from both sexes and one who doesnt agree with harrassment from either side. Everyone should be comfortable and not feel threatend...that's a given.
also getting....i deleted your email accidently before reading it because it was in my bulk mail. if yu wanna send again please do.

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