Nutrition Help/Counseling/Dietary Questions


I am not sure what my question is, but my situation is I am about 20 pounds overweight. I workout 6 days a week. I am training for a marathon, so I run 4 days a week. I teach a weight lifting class and lift a total of about 2 hours a week. I bike only once a week. I take a day off. I am nursing twins. I eat and eat and eat and eat. I cannot lose weight. Partly, it is because I eat too much. I can eat about 2800-3500 calories a day and not gain weight right now, but I can't lose weight either. It is so frustrating to be considered "tough" and "amazing" by my peers and yet I'm unable to reach my one goal -- run fast enough to qualify for Boston. I know in my heart that I need to drop 20 pounds to qualify. I can run sub 4-hours at this weight, but not 3:40! Just going with averages... drop 2 seconds per mile per pound... I know what the missing link is for me and yet I can't be disciplined enough to do anything about it. I don't know if it is mental, physical, a combination, just general lack of motivation or willpower, laziness, a sense of entitlement towards foods or WHAT. I've been going up and down the same 5 pounds or so now and spinning my wheels with this. Does anyone know a good coach/trainer or at this point should I just be in therapy or should I just give up and be happy with where I am and maybe this is where I'm supposed to be. The weight goal is not unrealistic -- I'm 5'2 and 148 pounds right now.

Thoughts? Help? I'm getting tired of being the incredibly fit fat girl... though it is fun to kick skinny chick butt! :)

Man, I could have almost written your post! You're about the same height/weight, I also run and workout like crazy. We're past the nursing stage but was there a few years ago. I eat fairly healthy but too much I think but I don't feel "stuffed". I don't have any answers for you, but it you find one I would love to know. Kim
I am 5'1", 142 pounds, and I feel like I am the perfect weight. Maybe 138 would be nice, but whatever....:)

I know, for me, the food is the issue. Maybe you could try therapy for disordered eating issues [disclaimer: disordered eating is NOT to be confused with eating disorders].

Also, have you taken a rest week lately? When is your marathon? Can you afford a rest week, and focus on clean eating and water? It might rejuvenate your body and help kick start your metabolism.

Good luck!
You might want to consider seeing a registered dietian, one that specializes in sports nutrition. I had a coworker who was one, she was excellent. Good luck! Deb
I am 5'2" and weighed 153lbs in March. I have 4 little children(5,3,2,1) and had not really been able to get back into shape after each of them as well as I would have liked. Same story, I worked out but just ate and ate. Recently I got the book "The Abs Diet for Women" and something just clicked. It really is more of a nutrition book and it is the first time in my life that I feel like I have truly changed my mindset about eating. I now weigh 123 lbs and have been feeling great. I am also an exercise freak right now so that is helping but I do believe that diet, especially at my age (37), is the key. I would highly recommend you take a look at it on amazon or barnes and noble, read the reviews and see if it would be something you might want to try. Good luck!
I second Deb's advice: see a nutritionist. Let him/her know what your goals are. Your probably already know everything or almost about what s/he will tell you, but sometimes hearing it from an "authority" makes all the difference. My DD wanted to learn about good nutrition and of course Mom didn't know, so to the nutritionist we went...everything I told her, but somehow it clicked and she is eating well and losing weight (although that wasn't MY goal for her). HTH

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