New Year's Resolutions?


I can't believe no one has started this yet, so I will.

Although I have NEVER made any New Year's Resolutions before, EVER, I am inspired to do so this year. Here it is:

I will attempt to go CLEAN!!!! (er)

1) I will clean up my diet. I already do pretty well, but I can do better.

2) I will clean up my house by decluttering. This is a massive project that has been "hanging over me" for ages and it is so overwhelming that I have been unable to get anywhere. My new plan is to attack it in baby steps; 1 drawer, shelf, cabinet at a time. It may take me the entire year, but next year at this time it will be done! (and hopefully not time to start it all over again!)

3) I will clean up my thoughts and speech, trying to think and say only positive things.

Who's next?
I am significantly cutting back on wine. My husband had been bringing it home on a daily basis, since he is just so stressed at work. They have been laying people off every few months. Talk about maladaptive coping! I will limit myself to a glass of wine at the weekends.

I am going to be nicer to myself. I finished grad school in June and I can't find a job. I berate myself some days about this. I constantly have to remind myself, that it is the economy and not me. So, I am just going to pause whenever I start to think like this and ask myself if this is something I would say to my husband, my son, a friend, etc.
Resolution or Tradition?

Not sure what to call it, but my hubby & I have been using New Year's Day the last few years to clean out some of our clutter. Today I cleaned out a bunch of VHS workouts I have. Got rid of The Firm and some others that I had, but couldn't part with my Cathe VHS tapes.

Also going through some clothes and decided to try my wedding dress on (after 16 years of marriage), which to my surprise was a little loose on me! I couldn't believe it. That's all thanks to Cathe and the great workouts she produces!

My resolution for this year is not to have any New Year's Resolutions. Get back with me in June.
I'm vowing to watch less television (she writes from her laptop, while sitting in front of the TV watching football!) Well, I'm not really a football fan so I'm only half-watching, so this doesn't really count, right?:p
I never make resolutions but this year I think I need to. I'm trying to be kinder to myself and not put so much pressure on me to be perfect. I don't expect perfection from anyone else, so why do I do it to myself? No more self-sabotaging, berating, or talking myself down.
My resolution for this year is not to have any New Year's Resolutions. Get back with me in June.

I am with you on this one JT!!!

The only resolution I make, is to try and be a better person. Now that I have a child, I up that resolution 10X more. Either than that, I try not to put too much pressure on myself.

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