New Workouts Ab Request


I really hope that the two new workouts will have dedicated, core-strengthening ab routines included with them. I know that the core is worked throughout workouts, but I really like ending with ab work. If the workout doesn't have one, I go to another dvd and add it on. It'd be wonderful to have it included. HOPE!
Do I understand pre-sale?

If I order DVD Bundle at $34.97 I can also order 30% off another DVD (for me, STS Ab Circuits $22 which would discount to $15.40) and the total of the two would be $50.37 which would qualify for free shipping? I just want to be sure this is too good to be true!!!

I'll have to be the dissenter here...I love when the ab work is part of the cardio and not something I have to do after my cardio...
I agree that it's wonderful to work the core throughout the workout. I want that AND a seperate core workout. I want BOTH, not either/or! I'd be happy if it was a bonus segment or at the end of the workout.
I get what your saying exercise-lover. I feel the same way with having more dtanding ab work, like you said I know that they are incorporated in many exercises but would like to see a seperate one :)
Oh by the way I love Ab circuits because they are for the most part short but effective and it offers different formats like abs no equipment or partner exercises, or pilates based work.

I think it is worth the purchase :)
I'll have to be the dissenter here...I love when the ab work is part of the cardio and not something I have to do after my cardio...

I totally agree... and the walking planks, knee-ins, feet dragging are all fantastic for the core and body!
I think it's in Athletic Training where you do plie squats while raising and lowering the dumbbell in the middle. That gets my abs every time. But then, as if that wasn't enough, Cathe does the short, but oh so effective abs section at the end where you do the one minute crunchs in two different areas and then goes into the planks. Oh my. . . That's what I'm talking about.

I hope Cathe has stuff like that in the two new workouts. Please!

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