New Runners March 2010

Hi Ladies! Running and zumba were fun last night. This is the week I run two timed runs and send them to Julia who then gives me a prediction on my marathon time. Should be interesting to see what she comes up with.

Last night I rand 30 minutes, then 10x100 strides, then a timed 1K as fast as I could go. Given I had already done 30 minutes and some speedwork - it was hard. And I assume that is by design. Just confirmed that indeed I am slow. :) My 1K was 5:21 which equates to an 8:36 mile. Later this week I have to time myself at a 3K again after running 30 minuts and doing 10x100 strides.
Hi Everyone!

I am hoping to get a run in tonight after work. We have a chance of rain but right now the radar is clear. Keep your fingers crossed!!!

Tricia ~ LOL about the premonition!! I am working on it. My sister and I are looking for 1/2 marathons in October or November.

I'm glad to hear you are getting results with STS.

Cindi ~ I love reading about your training!!

Waves hi to Alisha and Lisa!

Hope everyone is having a great day!!
Good Morning

I planned on doing a hike/jog but I forgot to wash my duds :D How goofy is that? Anyway, I guess that means today is my day off. I had planned to use it on Saturday but thats ok.

Hi everybody, I hope you all had great workouts.:)

I am avoiding those nasty board posts, its like its on fire or something.

Lisa- you are so on the money, I mean, aren't we adults? it feels like high school around here or worse junior high. I think running on the beach with the dogs sounds like fun.

Tricia- Thanks for the healing energy!

Jane- Hi!

Cindi- You are way faster than me! Sheesh 8 min miles? Wow!:eek:
Hi ladies,
I spent another 5 1/2 hours in the saddle today but picked up some Desitin so I did okay :p. Anyway, I might have succeeded in spoiling Chip. I've been packing almond butter and honey on whole wheat bagels and apples for lunch. Of course, Chip loves both so I've been sharing with him. This afternoon, I popped open my saddlebag to get to my water bottle and Chip stopped square in the trail to turn around and see what *we* were having :D. It was very cute but not a great habit for a horse that I lead groups off of. Other than that, I didn't exercise at all today ;). Its supposed to rain all day tomorrow so maybe I'll do something "productive" but its been so much fun to ride.

Alisha ~ You're right. I am just so amazed that adults don't act like adults. I guess I just don't get investing that much emotional energy in an online forum.

Cindi ~ You are officially fast. Anything faster than 9:00 is fast in my book. You go lady!

Jane ~ I hope you don't get rained on too much!

Tricia ~ Congrats for the changes in body fat %! That's a great accomplishment, 4% is definitely significant!

Hey, hey y'all!

Lapsing into my southern drawl for some reason today!

Man, did someone say those plyo legs were killer? I'm afraid I may not be able to walk at all tomorrow! We'll see . . .

Cindi - You are running at my DH's normal pace! I would not call you slow at all! I haven't gotten back to a 9 minute mile yet! Sheesh, girl! We should call you The Flash!

Jane - Here's hoping you were able to get that run in before any rain hit! We're supposed to get rain starting Friday on into Monday.

Alisha - That's too funny! I've done that before! I have gone so far as to dig my clothes back out of the laundry to wear! I find it really doesn't matter out on the road for a run! At least, it's not the gym!

Oh, I know what you mean about the OD! I still think its in the minority. It just seems to be full of negativity because it's right out there at the moment. I stay away from it. That's not what I'm here for!

Well, I just finished my workout, washed dishes and fed the babies. Now, it's my turn! I need food! Time for some megas (that's pronounced mee-gas, in case you're wondering!) with ground turkey and lots of hot pepper! Later!
Hi Ladies - ran about an hour yesterday. I wasn't planning to run but the weather was so nice I had to get out. :)

I agree with all the comments about the OD forum. I find it really interesting that some people just can't seem to stop themselves from responding.

Lisa - Horses are smart animals! Chip sounds especially smart.

Tricia - I'm not a leeping lemur at all - plyo work always kills my legs.

And thank you guys for your comments about my 1k time. Julia (the woman giving me my training plan) said it seemed slow. :( Very upsetting. I really was trying as hard as I could and feel really inadequate now. I'm sure she didn't mean anything harsh - was just wondering if I had measured distance correctly but I was pretty bummed by her email. I do a 3K timed run later this week (probably tomorrow) and she will base the rest of my training on how I do in that run so we'll see what she says.

It was really really nice to see your comments after getting her email yesterday.

Today will be weights of some sort.
Rhythmic Step

I haven't done this one in a long time. When I first got it I did it about 2-3 times a week for a month. I'm not sure if I should use a set of risers or not. I'm working on cleaning up my eats. I need to make a trip to the grocery store and get some vinegar for salads. I love vinegar but need to watch the portion cause it seems to help me plump up. Maybe its what I'm eating it on, idk. I have been avoiding the scale for the longest time. I've been just weighing once a week or every two weeks. I don't think its working, I need the accountability of once a day. I think I've been fooling myself. I'm certainly not fooling anyone else.

Lisa- thats so funny about Chip!
Tricia- Hey I have clean clothes today!
Cindi- I guess I just don't see your time in the same light as your trainer because I know lots of runners who clock a much slower mile. When I was in high school I was way slow and I don't know I really want to know that when I run I end up going backwards. Lots of people put in 11 even 12 minute miles. I think you are a cheetah! <zoom> there goes Cindi!
Jane-Crossing my fingers for that dry run.:)
Cindi - No matter what, just have fun! Some people take things way too seriously! I think you are clocking great times! I couldn't run that fast if I were being chased by a plyo-leaping-lemur (LOL!), okay, well, you get what I mean! I played tennis in a league for a few years. After the second year, everyone on the team started getting way too serious. Doubles matches used to end up with my partner yelling at me or putting me down for missing a shot, etc. It wasn't fun anymore so I quit.

So, don't worry too much about her comments. I think you're making incredible gains in distance and pace!

Alisha - Yay for clean workout clothes! I'm glad tomorrow's Friday 'cause I'm really needing clean ones myself! My running clothes are good to go, but my indoor stuff needs a bath!

I love Rhythmic Step! It's a different step workout and a really good challenge! I've only done it a couple of times, but I don't want to ruin it by doing it too much! I'm afraid that's what's happened with Cardio Fusion! It was the first workout I ever did of Cathe's and I used it 3x a week for a couple of months getting used to her style and the routines, not to mention improving my CV system so I could do the whole thing without stopping! Now, I just don't get that much joy out CF. I'm hoping if I leave it on the shelf for a while, it'll come back to me!
I did CC V6 this afternoon outdoors. It was great - the first challenge is a killer but challenge two wasn't as bad as I remembered. Somehow I could have sworn challenge two had twelve intervals last time I did it but today it only had five. Go figure! I'm going to try to lift tomorrow.

Cindi ~ You're only "slow" if you are comparing yourself to seriously competitive runners. I think that's probably why your coach made that comment. In the real world, you are a R.O.C.K.S.T.A.R. :D

You're right, Chip is really smart. I've worked with a lot of horses and we have 14 at the barn right now but Chip operates on a level that only a relatively small percentage of horses do. Learning where I keep the snacks really was just a silly, normal thing to do but I have spent a little time clicker training him and he is very perceptive and bright. It's the big reason that I'm as attached to him as I am.

Alisha ~ I have the hardest time with my diet. Good luck getting cleaned up and back on track! I do get on the scale each morning when I'm at home. I don't worry about a pound up or down today but it does keep me honest.

Tricia and Jane ~ Hi!


I didn't have a chance to post yesterday but I did get my run in on Wednesday. Yesterday I did a workout that consisted of kettlebell swings, sumo squats, regular squats, walking lunges, calf raises and a little running.

I'm planning on running again today unless it rains. If it rains I'll do something else.

Cindi ~ Don't worry about your time. Like Tricia said, just have fun and do your best. That's all you can do. You Rock!! Keep up the good work!!

Alisha ~ It took me a long time to clean up my eating but now I'm doing good. Stress is the only thing that knocks me down at times but you have to get up and keep moving forward.

Hi to Lisa and Tricia!
Good Morning Everyone!

Yay! Friday, Friday, I love Friday!

Lisa - Vol 6! Yippee! Hmm, that's a bit of a high number of intervals, maybe you did them twice through? Oh, well, at least it made it seem easier once you realized you didn't have 7 more to go! Great work on that!

Jane - I'm afraid our weekend runs may get rained out, too! I hope not! It can rain as long as it waits until after I get up and go run! My DH is supposed to go to NH on Sunday snowboarding with some friends, but I think the other guys are going to wemble out and change their minds - again. They were supposed to go this past Sunday.

If it rains, maybe I'll take a real rest day for once! I haven't missed a day working out in 4 weeks and then do a yoga on the other day. Have to play it by ear!

So, everyone have a great Friday! See you on the road!
Hi ladies! Last night I did Jillian Michaels Yoga Burn level 2 workout. I don't think it's really harder than level 1, just different. You could easily to both workouts for an hour of athletic yoga.

Thank you for the kind comments about my running! I think I was having a flashback to my school days when I was the slow, unathletic kid no one picked for their team. I'm doing another timed run today. I'll do my best and it is what it is. If Julia thinks I'm slow - I will ask her what she thinks I can do differently rather than just feeling bad.

I've never felt like I get results as quickly as others. Not sure if it's just my genetics or nutrition (which is pretty good) or what. But I'm way better physically than I was 20 years ago.
Tricia - I hope your runs don't get rained out. We are expecting rain today but the weekend is going to be nice. :):)

Cindi - I believe genetics does play a big role in athletics especially in the kind of muscles you have. I remember watching the Olympic Marathoners and the announcers were talking about fast and slow twitch muscle fibers. I believe marathoners have more of the slow twitch muscle fibers that more fatigue resistant. Sprinters would have more of the fast twitch fibers. I read somewhere that you can't train to change the kinds of muscle fibers. So in part genetics do play the part.
Hi ladies,
It rained most of the day today. I did Pyramid Upper Body and ran a quick mile with the pups after the rain broke.

I also did some kundalini yoga on FitTV. The crazy lady leading the practice explained that one pose helped to "significantly reduce the risk of breast and prostate cancer". Um, seriously? How can a single yoga pose reduce the risk of cancer and how could the same yoga pose decrease the risk of both types of cancers? She then explained that this practice was a thorough workout for the thalamus and hypothalamus glands. Since I've never worked any of my glands intentionally before, I'm sure they are tired now :rolleyes:. Oh and my prostate cancer risk is significantly lower now too ;).

Jane and Tricia ~ I hope you were both able to get your runs in without getting rained on.

Cindi ~ I understand those feelings. I was quite convinced that I was totally unathletic through elementary and high school. In dodgeball, I was the last to be picked and the first person the ball was thrown at. It's hard to get rid of those lingering feeling sometimes even though we now just how far we have come. You are and will continue to do just fine and if your times are improving, then you are making progress.

Alisha ~ Hope you are feeling better!

Lisa - I just got a great laugh about the exercise of your glands through yoga! I'm glad you won't have any issues with your prostate! ROFLMAO!!!

No run today - it was STS day and Bi's, Tri's and Shoulders. Guess what? The arm was great! There's still a teeny bit of pain in the muscle, but it didn't affect my workout which is what I was having trouble with before. It's getting better! I just think it's going to take some time before it's 100%, but as long as I can do my weight training without it making me too weak to lift the proper weight, I'll be fine with it!

Jane - Lucky you, you'll have nice weather this weekend. It's supposed to be pretty horrible here - heavy rain and wind (which is the worst part) through Monday. You have it right - fast twitch muscles are great for sprinters and slow twitch muscle fibers make for great marathoners. Each person's muscle fiber types are set. This is one of the few things that really stuck with me from A&P in college!

In school, I was always last at field day or any soccer or basketball stuff where you had to run! I hated it!

Cindi - No matter what, just keep this in mind the whole time: "But I'm way better physically than I was 20 years ago." THAT is what counts!

Have a great Friday night!
"Blue skies, smilin' at me,

nothin but blue skies do I see." Bing Crosby (sang it, I don't think he wrote that tune.) Because the weather maps say its going to be sunny and dry for the next ten days I'm going to start with the C25k program again (sheesh) and as I was planning it into my calendar in FitDay I realized I would finish on June 2 because I do take my rest week during ttotm (sorry for the tmi.)

I did MMA Boxing last night. It was fun:) and boy I sure get serious and scary:p

I had planned a cardio workout this morning but I'm going on a photoshoot and hike with my Dad this evening and I don't want to tear up my feet before tomorrow's run. Its my birthday tomorrow and I want to start anew on that day. I'm giving my sweets to my brother and I'm going to weigh in, I'm hoping for a good number. Today is a low calorie/low carb/low sodium day so I may get it.:)

Hi everybody!
Lisa - Enjoy your workout and your ride today!

Alisha - Yay! C25K - you go girl! Don't sweat it! It'll be easier since you've been through it before! Enjoy your evening shoot with your dad! Happy Birthday one day early!

It's official! My arm is not reacting to the pain anymore when I work out! YAY!!!!! Did lateral raises with no problem last night. There's still a little bit of discomfort, but I think it's going to take some time to resolve. I can live with that as long as it doesn't hinder my weight training!

We went for a morning run today in the wind and rain! Took both pups and Peanut did fantastic! She's such a trooper! She led the way (led me, that is) as she tried so hard to catch up to my DH and Milo! She was dragging me! My little cuddling beagle was pulling ME to get to them! LOL! She also helped me get up that nasty hill I always slow down and walk a bit of! We both made it all the way today! She was my eyes since the rain very quickly coated my glasses! Of course, where she could, she cheated by cutting across the grass to catch up to the boys! No fair! I had my DH weigh and then weigh with her so we could see if she was losing weight! She is! She's down 4 lbs.! I'm so proud of her!

Have a beautiful day everyone! I'm going to even when it starts really pouring!
Hi Everyone!

I forgot to mention that I am an Ambassador for Cardio Coach now and if anyone needs to add Volume 1 Revised to their library or would like to try it if you haven't used Cardio Coach, PM me and I'll give you my code to download it for free! You could also use it to get 15% off any other workout, including the instrumentals!

So, if you're interested or need any more CC workouts, let me know! :)
Happy Birthday to me

I did the C25k first workout this AM. I was able to power up my hill! Woo Hoo. I am improving. I did have some treats today cause its my birthday. I made gluten free lemony muffins with blackberries. I had just two. I also had these fabulous gluten free flax waffles. I have been good the rest of the day.:D

Tricia- I am so happy that your arm is ok! Thats awesome! Thats great about Peanut losing weight.

Lisa- Hi, I am feeling much better thanks!

Cindi- I was the slow kid, nobody ever picked me for anything.

Hi all you lurkers! (again with the cheesy pouf breath:p)

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