New Forum Category idea: Discussion by workout series?

Hi Cathe, Thanks to your terrific "Deal of the Day" option, I have been able to obtain many of your older DVDs, and I just love them! However, I find that when I finish them, I am in a frame of mind to see how others feel too, and jump online to find discussions from past and/or present. Unfortunately, the "Cathe Video & DVD Questions and Comments" category has so many posts in it now, that it is hard to locate threads on a specific DVD or workout series. For example, I searched for "Kick Max" (which I tried today for the very first time), but there are 196 pages of results and no references to Kick Max on the first page.

I have a similar motivation when I return to a series after being away for some time. (I just recently completed the 4-Day Split rotation again, and had my best step results yet! I am determined to conquer those routines!! They are so fun.)

I don't know how hard it is to set up new Forum Topics, but I wonder if others would feel similar to me? We could have categories organized similar to the Workout Manager, and include generic categories for workouts that don't come from a series:

* 4 Day Split
* Body Blast
* Cross Train Express
* Hardcore Series
* Low Impact Series
* Ripped with HIIT
* STS Cardio
* X Train
* Non-series HIIT workouts
* Non-series Step workouts
* Non-series Strength workouts
* Non-series Lower Body workouts

This would allow us to navigate to a specific series and hopefully find more targeted results.

If this can't be done, no worries...I just thought I would ask, because I find so much inspiration and motivation by visiting these forums!


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