new Cathe tapes 2004


Active Member
I don't want to sound unappreciative, but am I the only one concerned that we may not get an advanced series this year???
I save just for the occation and always wished there were two series a year...But I don't know what I'll do with only one DvD this year :(
I need new fresh cardio videos...and I need ADVANCED that only cathe can give...the only other person I like is Mindy Mlyrea and she needs to make new videos already. I had it planned to order the new series this summer...and it makes me sad...sorry for being so crazy everyone
If you have all of Cathe's DVDs you could make all kinds of new workouts without actually having a new one. I planning on using only the Pyramid DVD with the Step Blast DVD for the month of February - mixing and matching all sections.

I don't care about a whole new advanced series from Cathe this year. I am still busy getting to know the BB series with all the pre-mixes. I'd rather have quality for quantity. There are only so many new ideas Cathe and crew can come up with in a year.
I'm with Katerchen... I'm still enjoying IS and BB DVD series. I also want to let my CC take a rest. But I'll buy anything Cathe comes out with!
I have to agree with Katerchen.

There's too much to possibly do in a single week, we are already spoiled for choice. what more do we need? And if Cathe hasn't done it, someone out there on the market may have already. Plus there's the gym, the Y and, unless you live in Michigan, the Dakotas and Montana, the great outdoors!

Quality over quantity every day of the week.

Lacy, I am with you on this one. I am very disappointed that there will only be one advanced workout. As far as I am concerned she could put put out a new series every couple of months! I find that I learn the tapes/DVDs very quickly, and although I love going back to older Cathe stuff, I can't wait to try new ones!

As for other cardio, I like Mindy, Kristen Kagen (Step this Way), and the Powerstrike series. Have you tried any of these?

Will you be buying the beginner/intermediate stuff anyway? I'm such a diehard Cathe fan that I'm going to have a hard time not buying anything that she produces! I have every, single video of hers even some old step tape that isn't sold by SNM.
CIA is having their presale right now for a late March release. All of the workouts have cardio in them and there is a lot of variety. I know that nothing compares to Cathe, but with the CIA series you get a lot of variety and sometimes you find a superstar!
With the Intensity Series and Body Blast series, I think Cathe has put out more workouts in a two year period (or 1 1/2 year period) than any other instructor I'm aware of (unless you count the 30-minute Urban Rebounding workouts). And the premixes on the BB series make it stretch even farther.

Cathe has definitely spoiled us, but I think that quality takes time. I'd hate to have her rush a series of workouts just because we are becoming more and more demanding of her.

I have plenty of other workouts to keep me busy, including the BB series DVD's that I haven't really gotten into yet, and the Intensity Series DVD's, and Slow and Heavy, and Power Hour. If you haven't used those workouts for a while, rediscovering them is a wonderful thing!
As I see it Cathe did not say this was going to be her only taping in 2004. I think this opportunity came up with the high step for her from the company and she decided to ADD on an advance DVD taping for us, her customer base. I am hoping she will tape again in 2004 because I always love more Cathe workouts. Keep our fingers crossed that she will find the material and time!
Peace, Ann
I'm not too worried. It's only January! I wouldn't be suprised if she puts another advanced series out before the end of the year. And I agree with everyone else. Right now I have so many workouts that I can't possibly fit them all in. I have yet to do an Intensity or BB rotation!
Thanx everyone for your support, I know I'm being spoiled and I definately want Quality over Quantity! It was nice for Cathe to make a dvd for us. I still hope there will be an advanced series this year though. And I never really use the premixes so this could add variety. I do have step this way and I like it, just not as much as Cathe. I also have CIA 2304 Rock Steady Step, and I enjoyed the energy of it. I do like CIA, I just don't want to chance not liking the workout. I hope I'm not missing out on too much, but I feel I should save my money for advanced tapes. I'm very easily disappointed anymore in cardio tapes and I just took it alittle too hard that I might not be getting new Cathes this year. ;-)
***Thank you again***
Quite honestly, and I know this goes against most advanced exerciser ideas, I am THRILLED that she is coming out with beginner/intermediate workouts. I am normally advanced, and tend to shelf my easier workouts, but on days when I'm sick or when I'm just feeling down, etc, but still want to just MOVE, I'd be happier to put in Cathe than some of the other ones I have. Oh, and I can't forget to mention that I tend to be recovering from injuries too much lately :( Though I would prefer tons and tons more advanced ones, I think this may be a small blessing in disguise. It'll make me want to work out even when I don't really want to work out :) if that makes any sense! Normally, when I'm feeling that way, I just go out for a nice stroll, but when it's too hot or [like now] WAY too cold, one of these workouts would probably suit me just fine.
My mom, also, likes to start out with very easy workouts and work her way back up the ladder. But most of the beginner tapes we have she HATES! She modifies Cathe, but tends to push herself too far sometimes. I'm buying her these workouts as well for this purpose.
I think Cathe has been very very productive lately, and am not complaining at all about quantity. Her work is also wonderful to watch and participate in. I loved the Intensities. I have found some of the BodyBlast to be a bit too easy for me, and I do not have any use for intermediate or beginner tapes, but I don't expect any more workouts for awhile. I'll be ok.

I think Cardio and Weights, CTX Kickbox, Rhythmic Step, and StepBlast are already intermediates I can use on easy days. SS/PP is the intermediate weight workout, which I can make useful only by repeating segments many times. The Timesavers have tough strength work, but the cardio is not too tough.

I'd love to see some more Imaxes, CircuitMax, PS, Pyramids, Boot Camp, ME, PH. That sort of thing. But I am also happy to leave Cathe alone for awhile. She can't please all the people all the time and I think she does a great job.
I'm also hoping that she can do another series this year. I was already planning on putting the money aside for it.

I have an inkling (and I agree with lesliew) - I bet Cathe films some more advanced workouts before the year is through. As someone else said, it is only January! Let's all keep our fingers crossed!

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