Need motivation from my fellow Catheites...


Hi guys, I've been exercising for several months and doing very well. I have 5 kids and my youngest is 18 mo. Weeks after she was born of course I weighed well over 180 lbs. about a couple of weeks before Thanksgiving I weighed in at 142. I was doing fine, but about that time I got involved in helping my daughter with a new website she launched. We've been swamped with work and staying up till morning hours almost every night for the last 4 to 5 weeks. I have not been doing my exercise routines like I am used to and have gained 3 lbs. and am up to 146. I need to start up again and can't seem to get my will up to do it. I feel tired and weak but at the same time I can't live without my cardio. I feel very depressed because I feel I have lost my groove. Here just hoping to get some friends to motivate me and give me that boost that I can't seem to get from my inner self. I am zapped. Please help me my fellow Catheites. I need someone to commit to. Someone that will see me through this slump. Someone who will challange me and encourage me at the same time. I know I just need someone to set me straight. I am a stepper girl more than a muscle toner. I have pretty much all of Cathe's cardio DVD's but My favorites are:

Low Impact Circuit
Power Max
Step Works (Chap. 1,2,3)
Body Max 2 (Warm up & Step Combos)
Body Fusion
Cadrio & Weights
Step Blast (minus the Step Blast Challenge)

I just purchased classics volume 1 (step jam, step heat, step max)
and Muscle Max

Sorry to sound so pathetic (and thats how I feel) but like I said even with these new dvd's in hand I am zapped and can't seem to get my will up. Thanks in advance very much to anyone who responds and can help. I appreciate it very much!

Yolanda in Ohio
Glad to see Muscle Max in there. I love cardio too, but a mom of 5 kids needs to be strong in many ways, and more than just the heart muscle. :)

Have you thought about joining a Check-In? Those are pretty motivating.
...Just a quick reply while I'm on my lunch break. Suffice to say....we all, at one time or another, lose our "mojo". Decide to do the warm-up for the workout that you enjoy the most. Most times, after getting through the warm up, I feel like continuing. Maybe you will, too! I know you'll be flooded with more suggestions from our fellow Catheites! GOOD LUCK!
It sounds to me like what you really need is just some good sleep! I have periodic bouts of insomnia and I find that it's nearly impossible to get psyched out about a workout when the thing I really need is sleep. The check-in group is a good idea, but I'd start with the decision to go to bed early and get a good 7 or 8 hours of sleep a night. That will go a long way towards improving your outlook and energy level. ;)
Thanks Michele, I know you are right and that is 90% of my problem is lack of sleep because I have lost much of it over the last month and desperately need to catch up. Last night was pretty bad but I actually got up this morning and did the warm up and 10 minutes into the next step combo of Step Max (took the advice of One_Buff_Mom) and I could feel my body shaking internally so I stopped. It's crazy how 4 to 5 weeks drops your fitness level (although the not sleeping has to do with half of those levels)! It's not fair. Oh well gotta get back on track as hard as it is. I'm planning on doing a little strength training later today to get by blood flowing again. Then of course get to bed earlier!

Yolanda, please do put priority on your sleep for a couple of days! Otherwise, kaboom, you may find that you end up sick. After you catch up on sleep then you can catch up on workouts. :)

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