napping after workout


Active Member
Does anyone know why it is a bad idea to go to sleep soon after a workout. I mentioned to a co-worker that after working out,I went back to bed for a nap because Chicago was too cold on that day. She said that was not a good thing to do but she was not sure why.

Also I tried doing hardcore extreme with the Imax3 hsc combo, by just switching the dvds and following the workout description. I only came up with about 58mins total. It is listed as 71mins long. Does Cathe include more blasts than listed.

Sorry this post is so long. Thanks Judy
There are many personal trainers on this board, and I am one. I never heard of such a thing, and it sounds like an old wive's tale to me.
The only thing I have ever heard is that it was bad to sit down after a workout if your HR is still up.I guess you are ay risk if a heart attack? Im sure there is a reason why we have to cool down.And I heard this many years ago.
I think a nap after a workout may be good for us.Gives the body a real rest.But ya know..Ive been wrong before
Dear me, please don't take my naps away!!! :)

I can't think of a reason it would be bad for you, as long as you had cooled down and your HR was okay.
I don't think it's BAD for you, per say. However I think it makes the workout less effective b/c basically you're raising your heartrate & metabolism during the workout, then you lower it when you sleep. If you stayed active you'd burn more fat.

That's why I always do cardio in the morning--not just b/c it's a great way to jump start the day, but also b/c it gets the metabolism up & keeps it up for a while, making it more effective. JMO.
Judy - you should probably post your second question in a different post. Most people would catch it then. Did you do exactly what was in the HCE #1 list? I know it's 71 minutes - I did this on Friday and burned mega calories - WHAT A WORKOUT! She does the IMax 3 segments, then the cardio for the HSC - are you maybe skipping the cardio portion? I think the first set is the hardest....
When you work out, your metabolism raises and when you sleep it slows down significantly. It isn't really bad for you, but sleeping after working out really defeats the purpose of working out in the first place. ETA I just saw that Laura posted the same thing, sorry bout that!

For the second part of your question, were there some parts that you maybe skipped on either of the DVDs, like the step segment of IM3?

Hi Judy,

I'm another personal trainer, and I would say napping soon after a workout won't "hurt" you. I agree with the other Ladies that as long as you've cooled down properly, and your heart rate is back within normal range, and you've stretched properly, it's okay.

I also agree that when you work out and get your HR up, it generally stays in a higher range for quite a while after exercising, thus increasing metabolic rate and calorie burn. If you go directly to sleep, you will lose some of the benefits of the slightly elevated HR.

And finally I would just like to add that I would be a little concerned if you ALWAYS feel the need to nap directly following a workout. This could mean that you are overdoing it for your current fitness level. If that is the case, I would recommend lightening up each exercise session and gradually building up your endurance.

If you are exercising properly, you should feel "good" and have a little endorphin high afterwards. It's not good if you feel totally drained. It's perfectly normal to feel totally "worked out" after one of Cathe's great workouts, but you should not feel physically drained.

But, if your schedule allows, and you feel good, but just want a little nap...I say go and enjoy it!!! It won't hurt you.:) :)

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