Naked in the locker room

>How many of you are comfortable wearing your birthday suit in
>the locker room? I just read an article in Fitness Mag about
>it. I've never been comfortable being naked in front of
>people. Does this make me a prude? I will change naked in a
>locker room but I can't just walk around and hang out talking
>to some stranger about how her day was. I mean even if I had
>a smoking hot bod I wouldn't feel comfortable.
>I also bring this up because I've been toying around with
>joining a gym so I've been making the rounds and scheduling
>tours. The other day during a tour the front desk girl was
>showing me the women's locker room which has a hot tub in it.
>Sitting in the hot tub was an extremely large woman as naked
>as a jail bird in the hot tub using it as though it was her
>personal bath tub. I mean scrubbing herself with a sponge.
>The unimaginable thought of human body bits and hair (not from
>your head mind you) floating in the water made me want to up
>chuck. I couldn't help but stare. It was like watching a
>scary movie (hands covering your face with a slight part
>allowing you to watch). She caught me and my tour guide
>staring and we both sorta looked away and kept walking. Good
>grief, has this ever happened to you??? What would you do or
Ewwwww! I would NOT be using the hot tub...that's for sure!

And no way would I ever feel o.k. walking around completely naked in front of strangers...not even if my bod was perfect with no fat or demples. Why would I want to walk around naked for an extended period of time in a locker room? My goal would be to change and leave. I don't know, I'm just not the type to hang out in a locker room talking to my friend, naked....LOL!

Oh, yuck!!!!!! That's just nasty!! I go to the Y to use the treadmill and swim and I take a shower there after I swim. But I always have a towel to cover up and then change behind closed doors in the changing room. But... it's kind of funny because I'm usually there at the time when they have an arthritis swimming class. I've seen more of the 60+ yr old women getting dressed in the locker room than I need to.... :eek:
OMG, what a smorgasbord of visuals you gave us this morning Janie! That is some way to start the day! LOL!

I'm comfortable enough to change there, but not to strut around socializing. I do not use any other amenities in the locker room, mostly b/c of the example you so kindly provided. :p I've showered at the gym maybe 5 times my whole life b/c I had to for some reason (having a job interview or other such plans where I didn't have enough time to go home).

Your post reminded me of my cousin's ex husband (and Carolyn already made this point). He's Costa Rican & I'll never forget the w/e they came to my beach house, when for some reason he chose to change under a towel on the beach instead of at my house. WTF? And naturally it was a banana hammock.........and he made some comment like "don't you wish it was the law that everyone go naked at the beach?" My response was "hell no, I'm thankful there's a law prohibiting it!"

Good grief!
I don't have a problem with nudity or being naked in front of people in the locker room, and I'm NOT smokin' hot. I mean, it IS a locker room!! I use the shower at my gym all the time.

HOWEVER, the naked women in the hot tub just screams GROSS to me from a sanitary perspective. Actually, public hot tubs in general kinda gross me out...guess I've heard too many stories about Legionnair's disease and stuff like that.

I'm surprised the gym doesn't have a posted policy about that.
"People Soup"

OMG, I am ROFLM - nonBrazillianed, covered by normal underpants AND clothing AO.

Thanks kindly for the laugh. :7
>I've been curious all day what the "Brazillians" might do in this situation...<


When I did belong to a gym years ago, I never showered there. I just waited til I got home to use my nice, clean shower. Not that theirs "looked" dirty, but still. But I wouldn't care about getting changed in the locker room. I'd just do what I have to do and get out though, no reason to walk around and converse naked, and certainly no blow-drying naked. There's just no need for all that, IMO.

As for the woman in the hot tub, that's just GROSS!
Oh my! That is SOOOO gross about that woman in the tub! I'm SUPER modest, so even when I had gym memberships, I never even used the locker room. I'm always blown away by the naked gals walking around.

It brings back old memories of high school . . . when I used to hide so as not to have to use the showers after P.E. class. Good thing P.E. was my last class of the day; otherwise, I'd sure feel sorry for the person sitting next to me in my next class! ;-)
I'm not comfortable strutting around naked in front of others (but, if I had a slammin' body, I might feel differently!). I would change in public, but quickly and discretely.

I remember being in a public locker room in college, talking to a friend of mine (we both were wearing clothes), and her roomate came up to us, buck naked, and started talking to us. It was a somewhat uncomfortable conversation.

As for the woman in the hot tub...disgusting and unhygienic, to say the least.

I have never used a hot tub, nor am I interested in doing so, unless it's a private one that only I (and perhaps selected others) use (AFTER rinsing off before entering---it's not a bathtub to clean off in). The idea of steeping in warm water with people who have who-knows-what kind of bacteria and 'stuff' on their skin is really repulsive to me. Andrew Weil calls them a breeding ground for bacteria.
Speaking as one "Brazilian": Naked from the waist down for a private and professional procedure with my aesthetician is one thing.... Wandering around au naturel in front of total strangers at the gym is something else entirely!!! Geez Louise, I don't even undress in front of my boyfriend, I hide in the bathroom until suitably attired in something alluring! I personally could do it. If it works for someone else, who am I to judge? Though I agree, it seems a bit much to be drying your hair without at least the benefit of wrapping up in a towel. And the naked woman in the jacuzzi is simply unsanitary, I don't care how often they change the chemicals in that water! I'm surprised the health dept. hasn't taken any action on that.

Do any of y'all remember Lewis Grizzard's joke about the difference between "naked" and "nekkid" (as often said down here in NC)? "Naked" means "you ain't got no clothes on". "Nekkid" means "you ain't got no clothes on, and you up to somethin'!" Oh, I didn't agree with his politics, but that man could always make me laugh.

:) Karen
Yuck! I would never get in a tub at all no sir we. For the reason in which you just saw. Yuck! Yuck! Yuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Don't people have brains? Jeesh! Doesn't she care that she could catch something? Jeesh! YUCK!

Sorry, but this really grossed me out!

I've never had a membership to a gym, don't know what they do there, but will never ever be a member of one at all. NO Way!



The idea is to die young as late as possible.
I could never undress in front of another unless it is my husband or my sister:)

Jamaica has many clothing optional beaches. The women who tan their breast really shouldn't either! They are so saggy. Tanning them will only make them droop more:7
Hi Janie, Actually I've been a gym rat before 4 years ago anyway, but I never used the shower unless I HAD to, like squeezing in a jog during my lunch break. Even when I did have to I have major OCD issues with letting my feet or naked body part touch anything. I shower with flip flops on and would change with lightning speed for fear of someone wanting to have a conversation with me while I'm in the buck. I doubt that she was worried about catching anything by the way. If I did join the gym I wouldn't use the locker room. My eyes are still burning from that image and now I'm even more OCD about using the locker room. I just don't get how some people just think that the locker room is their own private bathroom. This might even top that image, in one gym that I used to work out in in the shower a used tampon just sitting there on the shower floor in the corner. Uber nasty. I still like gyms for treadmills and classes. Heck I'd join Cathe's gym in a heart beat if I lived close by. I mean when you get a good teacher going to a gym is so worth it. :)
You all crack me up. I can't stop laughing reading all your responses to this. :)
>>From my experience in Europe, I think having issues with being naked is also an American issue.<<


You're right. They are much more free about nudity. When I joined a gym during one of my extended visits to Germany, I thought it was interesting that *everybody* -- young or old -- showered and prettied themselves up before going back out on the street. Being naked in front of others is the norm, but no one wanted to appear in public in sweats or workout gear. :) I'm not judging--just an observation I found interesting. And I was sort of the oddball for coming and going in my gym clothes.

"Do you want to feel my spatula?" Run, Fat Boy, Run
>From my experience in Europe, I think having issues with
>being naked is also an American issue. Europeans seem to think
>nothing of being nude in public. Last year my parents, DH and
>I went to a small lake in Germany. It was summer and a little
>hot and most people were clothed but there were some just
>laying around naked - like it's no big deal.
>And a few weeks ago I was at a birthday party for my German
>neighbor's child. There was a HUGE snail in the backyard and
>the children were standing around it. One of my neighbors told
>me what the German word for snail was. Then he told me that
>Germans call slugs 'naked snails' but he knew Americans would
>never use that term in English because they have issues with
>nakedness. I suppose he's right. And I'm one of them too. :)
The woman was scrubbing her dead skin cells into a public hot tub. Her nakedness is not the issue. Her disrespect for others is. She could have taken that action to the shower or home. There are things you simply do not DO in a shared common space. R-E-S-P-E-C-T, baby.
>>The woman was scrubbing her dead skin cells into a public hot
>tub. Her nakedness is not the issue. Her disrespect for
>others is. She could have taken that action to the shower or
>home. There are things you simply do not DO in a shared
>common space. R-E-S-P-E-C-T, baby.>>

Being naked in the locker room is the thread title, so yes, that was part of the topic. Please re-read the original post.

I wasn't addressing the hot tub incident, but I'm sure we all agree that's totally disgusting.
Interesting thread...the "people soup" image disgusts me, but made me laugh out loud about the celery and carrots!

At our YMCA, it's usually the older ladies who have no modesty. It's actually kind of cute - they stand around naked and slowly getting dressed after their swimming class just chatting away and laughing and discussing where they're going to eat lunch. But, I do agree that blow drying naked, and especially our nether regions, is gross.

DH told me he saw an old man blowdrying his testicular region at our YMCA-- nasty!!:eek:

I know! The old folks have lost that sense of being ashamed running around naked. At my little gym, its the old women who walk around with abandon! Not the younger set, and I most certainly would not do that...I barely can have DH look at me naked, let alone a stranger.:eek:

BTW? Whats with the blow drying of the genitals anyway??:7 Whats up with that? Can't you just towel dry? I guess I don't have enough hair "down there" to justify blow drying it!;) And in front of others??:eek:
I am going to read your post every time I feel like eating when I know I shouldn't. It's a total appetite suppressant. Blech!!!! I think I threw up a little in my mouth when I read about the woman scrubbing herself in the hot tub. *wretch*
Stephanie- that's a good idea! I have to admit that I've been in a hot tub at a gym before, but NEVER, EVER again.

Ya know, I silently envy those women who can just walk around naked. They obviously don't have the body image issues I do! More power to them! I certainly won't be doing that anytime soon.

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