Myoplex Lite Shakes


I was just wondering if anyone has ever found these discounted on any web site. I really love the taste of them, but they are so darned expensive at places like GNC. I would love to know if I can get a bargain. Thanks.

If your neighborhood has a Rite Aid Drug store, they carry it.
I have found that Vitamin World carries all the Myoplex products at a huge discount. Even if we shopped at GNC on the first Tuesday of every month, they cannot beat the prices at Vitamin World. Don't know if they are across the country, but you might check them out. We got the huge variety pack of shakes at GNC which were $ 77.99, at Vitamin World they were $ 49.99. And the Myoplex lite bars are $ 14.90 for a box versus the $ 20.00 plus at GNC.

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