My little boy started kindergarden (I can't stop crying)!


My baby boy started kindergarden yesterday and I can't stop crying! I miss him sooooo much, my heart feels lonely, and empty without him here at home with me! My plan was to put him in half day, but everyone made me feel guilty by implying that he would be missing out sooo much. I'm still soo confuse, I just want to go pick him up at the half way mark. He was ok yesterday, this morning he had a bit more of a tough time. He kept saying that he got bored and that he missed me! :( I don't know what to do, would I really be depriving him, would he fall and be behind. He is such a smart little boy! Hs teacher talked to me this morning and she said he had soo much potential and that he could be reading way before he started first grade and that it would be sad if I diid not give him that opportunity. But I miss him so much!!! I know it will get better for both of us as time goes by and once the new baby is here, but for now I'm so heartbroken! :(

(hugs) My baby boy starts pre school in Fall. He doesn't want to go, "Me no go to school, EVER!". Hmmmmmmm. I still have a month or so, but have been fighting off the sad thoughts! ;)
Society these days makes us believe certain things. But YOU HAVE to listen to your instinct. A mother is loving, protective and sweet. If your hearts wants you to have him home, please do. What happened to motherhood. People make you feel guilty that he misses out? What is there to miss out but his mommy that he needs.

Once my mom brought my brother to kindergarten and he started to cry non stop. She wanted to be strong and make herself believe that this is the right think to do. The door of the class closed and she heard him screaming for her. She opened the door and said "Give me my son back" and the teacher told her "it's normal". My mom said by listing to her instinct and NOT SOCIETY " this is not normal" and she took him and brought him later after a year or so when he was ready.

My sisters in law also are GREAT mothers. they are loving and sweet and do listen to their hearts and kids and not to what is "normal". Each child doesn't follow the one path that all the kids should do as society tells us. Each child is different and it's so important to adjust to the child's need or he will be affected for life and sometimes we will never know.

i am not a mother but can't wait to be. I learned so much from my sisters in law with lots of kids. Listen to your heart. People say a lot of things. but look at kids today and schools. I know a girl who is a teacher and I think I never want my kids to have her as a teacher. What's out there is schools and kindergarten is not what will teach your kids about life but you. you will teach your kid about love. Don't let society make your child who he will be. You should do that. And if every mother listen to her heart, we will have better kids with higher self esteem and happier and secure because they know that no matter what happen out there, I can always go home and feel protected.

I feel strongly about that and I think it's the longest post I ever wrote.

You are a great mom because you are questioning what people tell you and you are listining to your heart.

good luck

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