My Kind of :: CHEETAHS :: Wednesday


Good morning, cheetahs

Whoo, I sorta feel like I’m skidding into the end of the week here…(more on that later).

Gloria—we are not off on Columbus, either, but we do get Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, which is tomorrow. The timing is perfect, so I can get my stuff together before the trip. IA, the airport makes for some fascinating people-watchin’. Sounds like Pip is the perfect addition to the household.

Wendy—yes, they are an hour behind us. So, did your salsa lessons happen last night? If your knee is feeling really good, I think you could scratch the itch and get out there for a nice n’ easy run.

Wendi— I know what you mean about utilizing your time off. If you don’t get caught up (or even better, get ahead), it just means “hell to pay” later…That stinks that the infection isn’t clearing up. Why did the doc appt. take so long?…how do you feel today?...I had to snort at the line, “…and I saw Jonathan putting the moves on his sis last week.” Something comical about that…Actually, this is just how they are…they rally around people in good times and in bad. It's an awesome place to work!

Judy—oh, shucks—thank you. Linda’s socks sound like they might perfect for the PF-prone foot. Thank you for posting the recipe. I’ve saved it to try in the near future.

Christine—you had quite the revolving door Monday night, eh? You must be the most popular folks on the block—understandably so! J

Linda—How do the legs feel today?...I am lucky—and very grateful to have all this incredible support. I didn’t expect it, and I didn’t know I needed it, but wow, is it a wonderful feeling at a time in training when worries might have crept back in. The funny thing about it all is, my own sister and BIL have never asked once how training is going. *lol* Do you have a Fleet Feet near you? That is where I find the Balegas. The gift card is perfect—I’d already scheduled a massage for the weekend post-Chicago…Know exactly what you mean. When I did my 18 miler, that is when I started to get this sappy feeling—like wow, I can do this! Oh, I do want to get Spirit of the Marathon—thanks for the heads up!

Carole—So, you’ve figured out a plan for mom. How far away will she be from you now?...I am not usually nervous to fly, but for this time, I do feel some butterflies! I will bring the scrapbook. I want to read over some of the messages Saturday night…*lol* Ut oh, are we gonna get in trouble in Chicago? J I’m thinkin’ if the Evil Cs emerge, it could get ugly! Hey, I read the Silversmith has in-room massages! J

Shelly—awesome job pulling a run like that after those long shifts and just a nap. Wow! And your mileage is seriously gettin’ up there! I’ve been thinking it’s less likely that I would run Napa because if I do a second mary, I would want it to be more than a “to finish” program, and I would really want to work up a good base—and drop the last 20...It turned out to not be a normal workday, after all…I’m starting to forget what normal is. *lol*

Jackie—3” heels at 80? I bow down! I don’t think that will be a reality for me. Even after the marathon, I am going to try to wear flat shoes to work more often. As much as I love the look of a heel, I think my achilles and my bunion is better for it…Any Chicago recommendations? Sounds like you have had busy days in the office.

Karen—hope that calf behaves. Now might be a good time to invest in the foam roller. That’s a nice perk of being a homeschooler that you create the master schedule!

I decided to reschedule my runs to today and tomorrow. As of yesterday afternoon, I was still knee-deep in work that HAS to be done by the time I leave school today (since I’ll be out for two days). As Murphy’s law would dictate, anytime you have a monumental to-do list, you are bound to fight with temperamental copiers anduncooperative computers. *lol* Oh yes, it’s become comical. J

But part of the reason I am so busy lately is because of the TV Tech class I was assigned to do this year. This is the class that films the daily news show which is later broadcast in homeroom every afternoon. I really enjoy it, BUT the media guru who runs it FT has been out recovering from hip surgery that she had the second week of school, so after a super-fast crash course in learning how the studio operates, it’s been pretty much constant daily scrambling to prep for the show and maintain the Power Point slides that run all the time. Even with three teachers pitching in—during lunch or prep periods, basically whenever we can—it is hard for us to do this woman’s work because we are busy teaching all day. They did not get a sub for her. So anyway, with this coming on top of the normal workload and TL duties, it has just been putting me in “crunch mode” for a bit. It’s fine, it will settle quite a bit when she returns from leave, but for now, me poor scrambled brains are working OT just to try to keep everything straight. *lol* Hey, I might just STAY in Chicago. J

Have a kick-butt hump day!
Good Morning Cheetah Babes!

Wendi: So how are the "kids" doin'? How are YOU doin'? Feelin' any better yet? I sure hope so!!! No worries, the only LB work I did y'day was a few body weight squats and lunges because they were in the warm up of the work out that I did. Nope, no Salsa class. My partner was sick. :( Yes, I enjoyed Ripped and Chiseled. I admittedly cursed at Jari several times but that doesn't mean I didn't like the workout. ;) The only thing that bothers me about her work outs (aside from her under-nourished physique) is that she ALWAYS works back early but doesn't work the lats until right after triceps. I have to remember to skip to lats after the rest of the back work. Every time I do her lat work (pull overs) after her tricep work, my tris hurt so badly that I can't concentrate on my lats so therefore I can't lift as heavy as I should.

Cathy: Hmmm, I won't be home to watch the actual marathon start then but perhaps I'll catch some pre-race coverage of it. I'll probably tivo the race itself. :) If you see a tv camera that day make sure you wave! LOL Nope, no salsa class last night. Oh well. Maybe next week.

Judy: BB stands for Beastie Boys. They are an 80's band. Ever heard of them?

Christine: I don't blame ya for "closing the door" last night when you did. You do have great neighbors but I think it's largely due to the fact you and your DH are GREAT people too! :)

Linda: What is "The Spirit of the Marathon"??

Carole: I am definately not doing any lower body work before Sunday but I do admit to considering an easy 3 miler this morning since my knee is feeling so good. :)

Shelly: I was watching the weather last night. The forecast for Sunday is gorgeous-70 degrees. Should make for a nice race and hopefully a great breeze by the water. :)

Jackie: Have fun training for the HM. Are you aiming to do a full one day or are you undecided at this point? With all of the full marathon training going on I think you should find one to train for and do in 09! :D

Karen: RUN don't WALK to Target to get that foam roller PRONTO! I'll betcha ANYTHING it will help your calf! Now GO GO GO!!!! :D

Gloria: Good for you that you want to make sure you are on time for meetings. I am late for EVERYTHING! LOL Hope you have a good work out today.

Okay, I'm caught up now. Time to get DS outta bed. BBL!
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Hi Cheetah Friends

I should be working out already, but I'm giving my coffee and half breakfast time to digest.

Wendy- silly me! I am not as into 80's music as I am 70's music.

Cathy- How could your school NOT get a sub for that person being out for Hip surgery? TG you and your colleagues really take up the slack! But it seems like you should get some assistance. ((( more HUGS for you ))) PS- good idea to bring your scrap book to Chicago!

Gloria- I forgot to mention, the picture of your Pip is adorable!

Wendi- How are the kids today? I have to bring 3 of my kitties in tomorrow for their annual appointments. I hope they are home when it is time to go. I hate to have to lock them in all night.

Ok, I have to stay on schedule, there have been many interruptions already this morning. DS21 called super early with school stress. I am quite srue he was up all night. He is thinking of coming home for the weekend. I sincerely hope he does. DD23 is coming home to surprise DD17 at her Regatta. It will be nice for DD17 to row in front of her older siblings.

OK sorry to ramble so one sided.... Thanks for listening.
Good morning Cheetah babes!

You'd think I'd have had enough of this sleeping BS but, alas, I overslept this morning and missed my workout window. I will have to get to it after I pick up the "kids" this morning. Still undecided with what to do...4DS UB premix or ME or MM UB with some punching combos from 4DS or KPC???? Oh, it's so hard to pick just one;).

Cathy - So sorry you've been positively swamped at work:confused::(. When does the FT person come back? It can't be soon enough, that's for sure:confused:. I'm amazed that you're able to juggle all of that on top of your mary this weekend...SuperCathy! I don't have a primary care doc so I go to the urgent care, which was uber busy, and wanted to wait for the same doc I saw Sat. We're going with different meds...fingers crossed. I'm actually feeling pretty good today, considering.

Wendy - Can't wait to see the kids...miss 'em:(. They really are the most wonderful creatures I've ever met:). I've been told that all of the vet assts look forward to them coming in because they just love cuddling with them. How many cats do you know that purr during the entire exam, lol? Yeah, I can see how the lat work would be very tough after tris:eek:.

Gloria - Hope you were able to get your workout in today...sorry you had to miss it on account of an early meeting. How's the color looking by you? I think ours is going to be disappointing this year because of the lack of rain this summer:(.

Karen - What is it about fall that makes you want to cook up a storm, eh? Mmmmm, cookies! The chili is out of a recent(ish) Cooking Light that I tweaked just a it is with my tweaks....

White Bean Chicken Chili

2 tsp canola oil
1 1/2 C chopped onion (about 1 large)
3 garlic cloves, minced (I used my garlic!)
2 cups FF, less sodium chicken stock
5 tsp green hot pepper sauce (I used Red Hot as it was all I had)
1/2 tsp salt (I do this to taste)
1 1/2 lbs skinless, boneless chicken breast
2 tbsp cornmeal
1 (19oz) can cannellini beans, rinsed and drained
*1-2 tbsp cumin (my addition...use to taste)
*black pepper (my addition...use to taste)
1/2 cup plain FF yogurt (garnish)
2 tbsp sliced green onions (garnish)
lime wedges (garnish)

1. Heat oil in a large pot over medium heat. Add chopped onion and garlic; cook 5 minutes or until onion is softened, stirring occasionally.

2. Add stock, pepper sauce, (cumin), salt and (pepper), and chicken breasts; bring to a boil. Cover, reduce heat to low, and simmer 15 minutes. Remove chicken from stock mixture and set aside and let cool.

3. Whisk in cornmeal to stock. Add beans; cover, simmer 15 minutes. Mash about 1/4 C beans against side of pan to thicken mixture (I didn't have to do this...some of them had already broken down).

4. Cut chicken into bite-sized pieces and add chicken back into mixture; simmer 5 minutes or until mixture thickens, stirring frequently.

5. Serve with a dollop of yogurt, a sprinkle of green onion, and a squeeze of lime.

Serving size: 3/4 C chili, 4 tsp yogurt, 1 tsp green onion
Yield: 6 servings
Cal: 198 (19% from fat)
Fat: 4.1g (sat 0.8g, mono 1.7g, poly 1.2g)
Protein: 24.8g
Carb: 14.3g
Fiber: 3g
Chol: 56mg
Iron: 1.6mg
Sodium: 456mg
Calc: 63mg

Gonna grab a little grub..still not all that hungry these days (me likey!) and play some Sudoku. BBIAB!
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Judy - So sorry to hear that DS is having a rough go of it right now...hope he does decide to come home this weekend. It sounds like he could use the rest. How nice that DD23 is coming home to surpise DD17! Good luck rounding up your kitty crew;)...I hope no one got the memo about the appt and decide to make themselves scarce! Sending healthy vibes their way!
Good Morning My Cheetah Pals!

Linda – fortunately, no neighbors stopped by last night, so it was a quiet night! I was hoppy! Sorry the first few miles of your run were tough yesterday – that is never fun, but good at pushing through it!

Carole – I really need to start scheduling regular massages – I think you are right – they are so helpful after tough workouts! Glad you enjoyed yours!! Oh, we love our neighbors, but we also love our down time. Monday’s are tough – but do feel free to stop by on Friday or Saturday! :p

Wendi – Hope the kitties are doing okay! Of course any of the Cheetahs are always welcome at Chez Christine! :cool: Your menu sounds wonderful!!! I’ll be over!:p I have to send you my contest winning chicken chili recipe! :Yours looks fabulous, too! I will have to try it.

Jackie – Oh, I think I would like the P90M series. I don’t mind pushups. I just feel, as you said, rather beaten up after P90X. Thanks for the info!

Karen – Smart taking it easy when your calf is bothering you. Hope it feels better soon! I remember the houses around your area – very pretty. I love the woods, too. My parents lived in a area similar to yours. I’ll keep looking for you on Saturday!

Shelly – Oh, I remember those cool mornings – but seriously 30 degrees is COLD! (Well, for this Californian). Good job on the 12 miles being tired! Wow! Yeah, I’m married to Mr. Social who cannot tell someone he’s busy if they stop by. Oh no, about the Akita who is chained! The poor guy! Don’t people realize that dogs need to be inside with the family?

Judy – YUM! Thanks for sharing the recipe! It’s definitely on the menu when I get back from Chicago! Sorry for the stress DS21 is experiencing. School is tough!

Wendy – Good job at not doing lower body – I know it was tough for you! Did you like Ripped and Chiseled? Did you get to Salsa dance? :p

Gloria – Pip is a pretty lass. How wonderful that she’s such a sweet thing! She and Ellie still getting along like champs? I’m not anti – hunting. I think dogs do better if they have a job to do and if she’s a bird dog, to use her for the what she was bred to do makes sense to me. I never trained a hunting dog, so it’s interesting to hear about how they are trained.

Cathy – not long at all, is it? Do you feel like one of those cartoon cats skidding on the linoleum while trying to back up? :eek: Man you are one busy Cheetah!! Just think of it as really resting up before the big day! Two more days, eh? I’m looking forward to it, too!!

Today is Spinervals Lake Placid. It’s more like a traditional ride and I think I need it after the intervals I’ve been doing. Should be fun. Last night was quiet. I was so happy! I made an eggplant stew last night. Very yummy. Have a good day all!
Good morning cheetahs

Cathy...My sister got the plan working for Mom. Karen lives a block away from me so Mom will still be close...:)..I do look forward to seeing your scrapbook. How did we get to be known as the 3 Evil C's?? I foresee no trouble in Chicago...:D...In room massages?..Sounds wonderful!! That TV Tech class sounds like it has really been keeping you swamped. Don't sweat the running this week....?, was that a pun??..:)...After spatting with DH yesterday I was ready to stay in Chicago myself! glad the knee is better. Are you getting nervous about the 18 miler? I so wish you and Shelly were coming to Chicago!!

Shelly...good job on the 39 weekly miles. My legs felt great after the massage.

Judy...Thanks for the lasagna recipe, it looks great. I copied it down. Sounds like a nice weekend ahead with your kids...:)

Wendi...Actually I don't do PLB as it is. I do the same reps but doing 4 of my own leg exercises...:)...Yes, I have been referred to as nuts before! How are the kitties today? Sorry about you not being able to workout yesterday. I think I'd pick a ME or MM premix...:)..Thanks for the Chili recipe, I copied that one too.

Christine..I think you deserve monthly massages!! LOL about your friends stopping by on Friday or Saturday instead of Monday! have fun with Spinervals Lake Placid.

Jackie...Yes, I think this weekend will be fun. A marathon is a big commitment, but I don't see a problem with sticking to half's..:)..Marathons are sure not for everyone. You are so right about the massages. Good workout for you yesterday.

Karen..sorry the calf is acting up again. Maybe you should pass on the tempo run today. Looks like they have the runs timed fairly well for your HM. Different starting times are usually good. I bet the weather will be fine...:) understood me quite right about the people watching with friends...a major giggle fest sometimes!!

So I cannot get into the Nutrition program, it keeps taking me to my Goals page and not Create a Meal Plan...and you know how non speedy SNM is about answering the support questions...:(

Today is P90X Back & Bi's, abs and a 5 mile tempo 4&4 run.

Have a great day...:)
Good morning!

Karen – That sounds like it is going to be a “big” race! That is good that they opened up more spots! LOL…yes, it does sound like my legs were like yours were the other day! Mine were like that again for the first couple of miles today, too! Grr! I love the expos! I am so excited for you! My friend is doing really well! She said that I wore her out on our long run, this time! She kept telling me to slow down. I couldn’t believe that ….because she is the one that is always wearing me out! But her back is much, much better, thank goodness!

Gloria – It is a movie that has to do with getting ready for a marathon (from what I understand, anyway). I haven’t seen it. It was only in a few select theaters last year (and of course, Charleston or Huntington WV theaters were not one of them!) A lot of runners loved it. I want to get it so bad! I really wanted to see it last year. Anyway….I can see where little Pip would be your baby! She is sooo adorable!

Wendi – Yummy! Your cooking day yesterday sounded wonderful!

Cathy – My goodness! It sounds like you are really being spread thin with your job! It sounds really interesting and fun, though! My legs were like lead to start with this morning. But they felt better the further I got into my run. No, I don’t have a Fleet Feet near me (unfortunately!). I visit FF’s when I go on vacation. I love them!

Wendy – “Spirit of the Marathon” is a movie about getting ready for and running a marathon…I think :eek:. I have heard a lot about it, but never seen it. I think it would be something that would really be motivating before a marathon!

Judy – I hope all settles down with your kids! Hope you are able to relax and eat your breakfast before jumping into your workout!

Christine – Enjoy Lake Placid! Ooo! The Eggplant stew sounds good! All of the Cheetahs sure do sound like wonderful cooks! :)

Carole – Sorry you’re having trouble getting into the nutrition site! Enjoy your workout! It sounds like a good one!
Jackie – My foot starts slapping when my hips get tired, too! This time I think it was because I used a different kind of shoe and it is 1 ½ ozs heavier than the ones I usually wear. You wouldn’t think it would make that much difference, but I can sure feel it! LOL…I can barely wear 3” heals just to walk around in, either! If I wear them….It makes me 6 feet tall.

This morning I ran 7 miles and did floorwork and abs from Original Buns of Steel. LOL….had an oldie but goodie moment!!
Good morning ladies!

Karen - Hope that calf is better. Don't need anything interfering with you having a good race this weekend.

Wendy - Glad the knee is feeling much better just in time for dancing. Did you get to go? My mind hasn't quite wrapped around doing a full mary. I'm sure my body doesn't want to participate. :D

Wendi - Good day of cooking for you. Feeling better? UML is P90 Masters Upper, Middle, Lower.

Gloria - It's nice to have your own space for your workouts. Like that I'm 10 seconds away from my gym.

Cathy - Watching people at the airport during a layover helps to pass the time. I'm a mall hog when I go to Chicago. Love to go to Cheese Cake Factory. I'm not much on the night life there well, because I'm not much of a night person. I can't stay awake. I've done the Sears Tower once. Just like hanging out with my sis. Sorry school is keeping you so busy but how cool about the news show.

Judy - Sorry DS is having a stressful time at school. Hope everything works out for him. Sounds like a fun weekend if everyone can make it home.

Christine - Glad your neighbors gave you a break last night. Ok, every time you mention Lake Placid now, I'll think of the big alligator. Enjoy the ride.

Carole - Is your mom anxious to go home? Hey, tell DH to behave! :p IA that a marathon is a big, big commitment both timewise and body and mind wise. Who knows it may happen. Enjoy B&B and your run!

Linda - If I decide to do the St. Jude, I'll attend my first expo. I've heard they're fun too and you get lots of goodies. Good job on the run and the Buns of Steel. I use to own those workouts and loaned them out and never got them back. It's been years though.

Today's workout was P90M UML. It was just ok. Thought some weight work would be included but no equipment was necessary. Tony did rounds of push ups, ab work and lower body work. I did sub chest press and pec fly for push ups a couple of times. Overall it's a good workout but not what I was expecting. Hopped on the EXT for 10 minutes afterwards.

Talk to you later. Enjoy your day!
Wendi- That recipe looks great. I may play with it and sub in Tempeh chunks for the chicken. Thanks for the good wishes for DS. I think he needs some R&R.

Linda- I think i might be wearing the socks you described. I just bought them at Dick's clothing & Sporting Goods a few weeks ago.

Carole- I did not realize your sis lives so close. And it will be convenient for visiting your Mom :) Sorry about the riff with DH.:eek:

Yoga was a good challenge after 4DS legs. We worked quite a bit on hip openers and hamstring lenghtening, and we were actually attempting splits! :confused:ouchie:confused:. But actually this instructor is awesome. She has really helped us progress over the last 12 weeks.
Judy - I have gotten those socks at Dick's before! It has been a while. I need to look there again. I always just order at the same time I order shoes, etc. Do you like them? Ouch! I could just imagine me trying to do a split at this point! would be a funny sight!

Jackie - They just released that one on DVD a couple of weeks ago. (the Buns of Steel) I ordered it. Couldn't resist! It has been 20 years since I have done it! It was quite funny seeing all of the 80's do's and clothes! When is St. Jude? You probably already said...and I missed it :0 Good mob on your workout! I have the Master's series, but I have never done UML. I have done the legs one and Sculpt 5-6.....but that is all. Dor you reccommend it? I left in "undone" because of what you mentioned about the no equipment. I just didn't know if I would like it.
T-minus 4 and counting....

Myyyyyyy kind o’ town, Chicago isssssuh Muyyyyy kind of town…. lol

Top o’ the mornin’ ya’ll,

Busy kind of week for me as well – had to take some personal leave yesterday so I could be here for the Vet and make it to Costco before I leave Fri. Have to have my “boys” hooked up before I leave them for the weekend!

Our Smokey boy is not yet 100% but has made big improvements, so the vet wants to keep the meds going the rest of the week and the vitamin E for another 30 days. SOooo good to see him moving around and feeling better though. Funny thing yesterday was that he laid down and rolled in the dirt on both sides while the vet was here and DH jokingly said that was his way of letting the vet know she didn’t need to come out and poke around on him anymore…lol

Enjoyed an easy 5 miles yesterday then went to the gym for some much needed upper body (yah, I’ve been a slacker there too) then some steam and Jacuzzi…ahhh… I guess the good news is that I felt like the workout, including the run, was easy and I could do so much more – that’s a good sign before a marathon, but we’ll see Sunday huh? …

Cathy – Sorry you’re so busy this week but good you have tomorrow off to get packed for the big weekend. You probably know this but make sure to get the good rest on Friday night, especially after a busy week, since Saturday can be a little harder to settle down for. I think it’s normal to feel a bit nervous but when that doubt sets in just remember you’ve completed a solid training plan and have two 20+ milers under your belt! Shoot, you’re gonna do better than me! and I may have to use that baby leash so you can drag ME in over the finish line! LOL

Wendy – Glad the knee is doing better. In case I can’t get on here again before the weekend, good luck to you and have a great run with Shelly on Sunday - just take it easy on that knee!

Judy – I like 70’s music too! I listen at work to 70’s streaming radio…lol. Sorry about your DS’s school stress - glad he’s coming home over the weekend. Heartwarming to read about the older sibs supporting DD’s regatta race! I love when my kids support each other – makes me smile.

Wendi – I hope the new meds make you feel better! Gosh, so sorry you worked hard for weeks and now have to put up with this??!?!?! I agree, I hate to be home sick and sit on my bootay – feels like I’m wasting time or something…lol

Christine – The partaaay’s at Chez Christine’s! LOL. What? 30 degrees, ya’ll don’t get those temps down there? That’s a normal winter morning temp up here. Looks like they’ve changed the weather forecast for Chicago to being a bit warmer than before – I guess it is high 71 and low 60’s …..still… better than 80’s and 90’s though. Ok, now we need the eggplant stew recipe…

Carole – Nice to hear a good arrangement was made for your mom. The evil 3 C’s? does that C for Cheetah? Wow, I hope ya’ll ain’t evil Cheetahs! LOL… Hey, I’m still considering the Napa run, but I have to come up with a solid training plan before I commit, because I don’t want to sign up for Napa and have what has happened with Chicago which is mediocre training and running just to be thankful if I finish. Portland was my best marathon, a 4:50 something – I know slow, but it was fast for me, and it was also the only marathon I did a solid training plan with long runs EVERY weekend etc. My friend, Beryl (who’s coming to Chicago), has let me know she is going to take a break from running after Sunday and actually it may be to my benefit for marathon training because I can work my schedule around my own time and have long runs every Sat. Anyhoo, sorry to go on and on, but I think I was leading up to asking you what sort of plan you were considering for Napa… got the long version of my request!

Linda – I’m chuckling to myself saying “See? I told ya” when reading what your friend said about you wearing her out! She’s right though that you want to stay at pace on your long run and not go out too fast. I think your training is coming along beautifully like Cathy’s did and you’re going to be fine for your first marathon!

Jackie – That’s cool you’re considering the St. Jude half – expos are fun and I like to get the free stuff too! I’m sure you can do a marathon but you’re right, need to get all the parts committed first! Me? well it seems my selves commit months in advance and then send the body a “by the way” memo about 6 weeks before the event. LOL…

Ok, so now I have to do 30 mins of cross and some abs before I head to work….hmmm.. I wish I had an EXT instead of this dreadmill at home. DH would really think I’ve flipped if I try to get rid of the treadmill and buy an EXT…. :rolleyes: They (my family) thinks I’m a nut already so who cares? LOL

Have a great Cheetah Wednesday!

Posh :D
Hey Cheetahs.

So I opted out of the run this morning. I just couldn't take the chance of my knee hurting during or after the run so I skipped it. I did about 20 minutes of intervals +10 minutes of steady state on the EXT and then moved on to Centergy class. Great work out. I'm ready for a nap now!;)

So my knee got a little iffy during part of the Centergy class. By the end it was fine again but I found that strange. Perhaps I just moved it in a strange way and irritated it momentarily. I will roll it out here in a few minutes...

Cathy: I forgot to mention, most of my friends/relatives take very little to no interest in my races and therefore show minimal to no support as well. DH takes interest and supports me ofcourse but I that that's cause he feels like he HAS to! LOL My mom inquires on occasion but I think only because she is afraid of my hurting/killing myself so she wants to keep "tabs" on me. LOL Even BFF who is now into fitness never asks and if I mention it, it rarely turns into any kind of conversation beyond "OMG, I don't know how you do it.", if that! I think those that don't do it, can't relate and therefore don'tt hink to ask or create conversation about it. Heck, BMF has been saying he wants to come to one of my races forever! Everytime I tell him I ran a race he says give me advance notice of your next one so maybe I can come. HAH, yeah right. He hasn't shown up yet. He told me he wanted to come to LBI. He told me to tell him a month before. I brought it up as requested and then just brought it up about a week ago. I was texting him about it from work when I started having trouble getting the texts through so we stopped texting. He never asked about it after that. Oh well. I figure I can't force anyone to take interest or show support so why bother trying?
Wow that tv tech class sounds so cool! They never had anything neat like that when I was going to school. Sorry your are having to pick up the slack at a time when you are already have so much on your plate. I'm sure you are taking it all in stride though.

Judy: I love 70's music. 80's is probably my all time fave since I grew up with it but 70's runs a close second. :) Glad you enjoyed your yoga class so much today. I miss being able to take the one offered on Tuesday mornings at my gym but it'll probably be very difficult to get Tuesdays off right now. My supervisor seems to enjoy running the day shift on bare-bones staff and one of the few of us that work day time already has off every tuesday and it has been that way since before I started working there. Oh well. Perhaps in the future something will change. In the meantime Centergy is close enough. :)

Wendi: Your kitties sound wonderful! I had a cat growing up. He was a little B******! I've known cats who act just like dogs in terms of personality. That's what I wanted but obviously not what I got! :mad:

Christine: Ripped and Chiseled was great IMO. Super high reps so no heavy weights needed. I cursed at Jari big time towards the end of the chest work. I thought it would NEVER end. It's all supersetted so you work each body party BEYOND failure before moving on. No wonder why I have DOMS today! LOL Nope, no Salsa class last night. My partner was sick. Oh well maybe next week. Ofcourse, that'll be 2 days after my race so I may be the useless one then! :p Eggplant stew!? OMG that sounds awesome. I am a BIG fan of eggplant. YUMMY!

Carole: I'm very excited and a bit nervous about my race. I so wish Shelly and I could be with Cathy and the rest of the Cheetahs in Chi-town as well. Too bad the races had to be on the same darned day! What kind of terrible luck is that!?!? :(

Linda: Oooh, I'll have to pick up "spirit of the marathon". You said it's been released on DVD, correct? I'm all over it!;) Buns of Steel. Wow, that brought back memories! LOL

Jackie: LOL about your body not wanting to participate in the full mary. My body is fine with it until my mind gets a hold of it! :p:D You'll do great in the half! So you weren't crazy about UML? I like it. I don't do it often but it's definately my fave of the P90 Masters work outs.
Posh: GOOD LUCK ON SUNDAY GIRL! You seem to be very down on your expected performance on Sunday but you will be FINE! Just get out there and have fun! How could you not given the circumstances!? :)
Carole – How is mom doing? My DH was a brat last night too. Made a rude comment based on the beginning of a conversation, not the complete conversation and it started a brief spat. We cleared it up, but still. Must be something in the air. I had the same problem with the nutrition page, but it seems to be fixed now, thankfully.

Linda – The eggplant stew was good, thanks! I have the leftovers for lunch. Yum! Glad your friend’s back is much better! I’ll bet she is, too! When is your marathon?

Jackie – well, if there is a big alligator in Lake Placid, I’ll ride faster, so that’s a good thing – right? :eek: I didn’t do Lake Placid though, maybe tomorrow (see below). Interesting that Tony did not use any equipment for P90M UML.

Judy – glad you have a great yoga instructor! That makes a difference. And live instruction is so much better.

Posh – laughing at your opening! Glad Smokey is making improvements! I cannot wait to MEET YOU!!! So excited! Always a party at my house, Posh – don’t you know? :p I’ll post the eggplant stew recipe below. Oh you’re not the only nut around here – a friend just told me I was a few clowns short of a circus. She meant it in a good way. ;)

So, I decided to get a wild hair and do HLX/APX – NRG mix #9 – well most of it (it’s 113 minutes long – that’s LONG!). I can tell ya now, I do NOT like curtsy lunges. Nope, nope, nope. But I do think they do some good. It felt good to get some weights in and was fun to visit with Amy Bento again. I do enjoy her Hi/Lo – especially HLX. There are a few parts were you race around the room in different fashions (a football weave and a squat hop kind of thing) and the look on Jimmy’s face as I raced past him was priceless. I think he was thinking I was a few clowns short of a circus, too… :eek: Have a great day all!
Wendy – we were posting at the same time! I had a kitty growing up, too, but he was ALL cat – kind of like the Tom cat from Aristocats. He was king of the neighborhood – funny cat. Glad Ripped and Chiseled was good. I had Ripped to the Core which was mainly compound exercises – it was good, but Jari drove me nuts. :p
Christine: I ignore Jari when I do the work outs. ;) I had Ripped to the Core but wasn't happy with the compound exercise thing. I just couldn't get the right weight going on for the exercises so I sold it. Good thing about Ripped and Chiseled is that NOT ONCE in the upper body work that I did, did she talk about burning CARBOHYDRATES! NOT ONCE! :D Ofcourse it's on the dvd cover but I swear she didn't talk about it at all! :p
Afternoon ladies!

Good news...kitties are wonderful and soooo happy to be home. There was instantaneous synchronized purring the second they saw me:D. They are my sweeties!!!

Bad news...will NOT be getting intended workout in today because I just got home from, guess where, WORK:mad::mad:! I swear it's a conspiracy there. I got there about 10:30 *just* to drop off the kids and "CRACK!!" some of the horses took down an entire section of fencing. Of course it wasn't an easy tack-the-boards-back-up kind of job...oh no, I had to cut all new boards so I figured I might as well fix the other two broken boards that have gone unfixed for the past month since I already had the circular saw, etc., out. So I load up the tractor with all my new boards, tools and, guess what, the tractor battery is dead:mad::mad: (new girl left key "on" since the last time it was used...maybe a couple of days ago). So now I get to lug all the wood and tools out to the paddock (multiple trips) while the tractor sits on the charger. So I finish all the fence repairs and figure, well shoot, I'm already here I might as well move the giant mountain o' manure that has been accumulating outside the barn in my absence (new girl isn't real good at using the bucket of the tractor). Start now-recharged tractor and there isn't a drop of diesel in it:mad:. Go into town to get diesel, fill tractor, go to close giant manure-dumpster door so I can fill it only to find that new girl buried the door handle under the mountain o' $#!t! Dig out handle by hand (where is new girl during all of this????...she disappeared *shrugs*). New girl reappears just as I freed handle:rolleyes:. Finished up moving the mountain and am now, finally, home and completely wiped (which is kind of pathetic cause that isn't all that much work for me). I'll tell you these meds are kickin' my booty. *THIS* whole day is why I can *NEVER* take more than a day off at a time...sheesh:rolleyes:!

Okay, done venting...had to get that out though. GGRRRRRR! I'm going to hop in the shower and be back with personals in a bit.
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Hi all. I have been swamped today. I did get in my 5 mile tempo run this morning and since then it's been not stop with projects and school stuff for the projects. All fun stuff with the kids. We had tea and the cookies from last night. I had coffee. Talked about the boston tea party over tea.Then we worked on the state projects they have and did tons of other stuff around the table. My kitchen looks like a bomb went off. Now I have to get everyone movin and groovin for soccer.

Calf- My calf is doing ok. I find it very funny that the faster I run the better it feels. The slower I run the more it hurts. During the tempo the warm up was the worst part. When I got going really good it felt fine. I icy hot patched it and if feels ok. Not good, not bad, just there.

My mom had a doc apt today for her stones. They said they will blast them again in two weeks. He also said the one side is now clear and the stones are on the other side now causing back spasms which is why she is really having such horrific pain. However the medical community finds that she can go another two weeks. It's been 6 weeks already with pain. What can you do. She really is such a go getter and does so much on her own I hate seeing her in so much pain. When I go downstairs she is like another person in my mom's body. I can't wait until the two weeks is up and they blast them again. They keep saying she has no infection and the location they are in should be easy to pass. My goodness she is 65 I would hope they would do somthing else considering they have shocked the one side twice and now are going to the other side. The pain meds alone are killing her. She isn't one for taking meds at all ,but she is to muddle through. She hasn't worked out in over 6 weeks and she always had. She hates it and I hate it for her. This is not her. Ok, enough rambeling. Off to check on mom and dad again and get them situated for dinner and then Off to soccer.

Wendi- a big thanks for the recipe. I am going to the grocery store tomorrow to get all the stuff I need. I'm going to give mom and dad some.

Maryland weather for Sat is now getting better. 75 and partly sunny.

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