my equipment wish list


Hey everyone,
I have not officially started sts, but have done disk 1,2, and 3.. just for preview.. I want additional equipment, but i could rack up a big ticket if i got "everything" i want.
I have a "cheap" stepper from walmart. I think that it will do, but its definately too small to lay on. I have dumbells in sizes 3,5,8,10,12,15,20,25.
I have a band, pullup bar and stability ball.
what i want: 1) BARBELL 2) WEIGHTED VEST 3) MICRO PLATES (or whatever they are called) 3) select techs (in my dreams, ha!)
I'm for sure getting the barbell this weekend, but wonder how great the weighted vest and microplates are.
I did find that moving between a 5 and 8 lb db was a little much with some of my shoulder exercises, and ive read about these little magnet type things you can stick to your wts to increase poundage..

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