My dog is acting strange...


We have a farily large dog run in our yard, for the dog to do her business. Half is grass and half is loose pebbles. She has been using this run for almost two years without any problem.

For the past few days she refuses to even step out of the house to TCB, as it were.

Granted, its been hot, but it's getting ridiculous. She won't do anything. First I thought someting was wrong with her physically, but if I let her out in the big yard, she will do her business.

Then we thought maybe she doesn't like the weeds growing in the pebbles. We thought maybe they're too high in the run. So DH cleaned and mowed the run, including the weeds.

She still refuses to use the run. I have to chase her out of the house practically! One would think "nature's call" would outweigh "it's too hot out there!"

What could possibly be going on?

Thanks so much in advance!

Susan L.G.
>Do the peebles get hot? Maybe she recently experience
>discomfort on them and no longer wants to go out there.

That was my first thought, too. Since it's sooo stinkin' hot out, maybe the pebbles burned her sensitive feet!!

We're going through the same thing with our Gilda; she won't go outside unless we take her for a walk. And she had an accident in the house yesterday.

Neither of the dogs is too keen on going out in the 95+ temperatures (that AC just feels too good I guess.), but little Gilda is doing worse than Gracie. She eats less, too, lately. Of course, Gilda won't go out in the backyard if a teaspoon of rain has fallen either; she wants you to walk her instead.

I just came from having lunch at home and tried to get both of the girls out. Gilda got as far as the deck. I was so happy when I saw the garbage men on the other side of our fence because she usually forgets her pickiness to go over an give them a piece of her mind--today? Nothing.

It's going to be a "cool" 89 here on Saturday; maybe she'll go out then (well, if it doesn't rain!).x(
I put my hands on the pebbles and they're really not that hot, just warm. Also, her paws are good and tough from all the running around the farm she does :)!

Right now it is 101 in Montgomery County MD (At least in my back yard) and that's not even considering the heat index, which I understand to be going up to at least 110.

Maybe she'll just have to use the backyard until it cools off. I'm just not sure where she thinks she's going to 'go' until then!

Thanks for the input ladies!

Susan L.G.

Good luck! I hope everything is ok with your dog! Your dog is so cute!!!!!!!!

"Life is short so be the best you can be every day of your life!"

"Running feels great for my soul!"

Thank you! - Tehya is a she and about 7 years old. We got her from a rescue. I think she's ruined me for other dogs. She's such a goof, like most Labs are, no?

I gave her some fiber with her dinner last night. I'll see if that has any effect.

Stay cool, fellow Catheites!

Susan L.G.
Susan, I love your dog's picture! I adore labs...our dog is a lab mix. The one we had to put down a year and a half ago was a lab mix as well and they are/were just awesome! Such good temperments.

You know, sometimes mine won't go out when it's really hot, either, he'll lay in front of the air conditioning vent. And he won't go out if he can hear the sprinkler going LOL.
This is OT but everyone talking about how their dogs won't go out in the heat made me think of my little italian greyhound. I have to force him inside! He loves the heat but I am afraid he'll get overheated. In the winter, he will sit as close to the fireplace as he can and no matter what the season he slleps underneath the covers at the end of the bed. He doesn't stay there though. I just do not know how a 15 pound dog can take up an entire king size bed! Someday, I will figure out how to post pictures on here so I can share!
That's funny! We had a husky/shepherd mix (she died about 3 weeks ago) that was just the opposite...she LOVED being out in the snow. She would rub her face in it and then just lay in the snow like it was the grass. And then during the summer she would dig holes under the trampoline and lay in the dirt. We got her from my parents when they moved and when she lived with them, one year she dug herself a den underground...and was able to get her whole body completely underground! I bet it was cooler down there! LOL
Beautiful young lady you have there :7

Just lost our 13 yr old guy a couple weeks ago.

He was the best dog ever ! Smart, fun, loved to swim and fetch. And he dug his holes in the dirt where he could find something cooler. Since we are in CA, there is no snow.

My Giant Schnauzer Izella (little princess in German) is the goofy one in our household. She gets excited and jumps up and around and looks like a cross between a jackrabbit and a bucking bronco :D

She does miss her buddy, though :7
While the pebbles might not be that hot to the touch, they might make the air around them hotter and more uncomfortable.

Or maybe something bad happened back there recently(like he got stung by a bee, for example) and he associates that with the area, so doesn't want to go out there.

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