Music from Gym style


New Member
I would love to have one of the songs from Gym style shoulders, back and biceps. It contains the words "I said enough is enough". Can anyone tell me the artist and song title? I tried to find it through google but didn't have any luck. it is hard to hear the other lyrics but the song has a great beat. I tried looking it up at but couldn't find it there either. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

I love all my cathe workouts. cathe is such an inspiration.
Hi There!
first time on the Cathe site but signed on since I too, have been searching for this song for the past 3 months. "Nothings going to stop me now baby, you drive me crazy...." are some of the other words and towards the end he sings "enough is enough!"
If anyone could assist w/ the name of this song, I would appreciate it as well:)

Cathe music is Awesome!!;-)
I have been doing the premix since I combine GS Legs, Chest, and the Back/Biceps, but it plays during the beginning back section while doing underhand and single bent over rows. Thanks for asking!

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