Monday's "MELTING" Away!

RE: Monday's

Hey all!

I did Cardio Coach #8 on my elliptical. OK. What does he mean by the green zone heart rate and the blue zone heart rate? I dug out my heart rate monitor so I could sorta see what was happening. I figured in the blue zone, I was working hard enough so I could not possibly carry on a that right? Green zone, would be more like you could say a sentence but then you were out of breath, does that make sense? My elliptical does not have an incline, and the resistance goes up to 20--you cannot even make the pedals go at that level though.

So during the hills I put the resistance at 10-12 and made myself go as fast as I could, is that right? Then for the other I put the resistance at 7-8 and tried to maintain a high speed as well. I am so used to Grace and her numbers, I guess I like to be told what to do!:) But I really enjoyed this workout, time went by super fast thank goodness, it was just long enough without being too long or too short...but any tips from you Shannon would be welcome since you do it on your elliptical too.

Oh and I usually use acrylics when I paint, I paint fast (like I read) so I appreciate the quick drying time. I have done a few oils, but oils drive me nutso.

Leanne, oh good you got it! The diet is eerily similar to the one I was following (and am still sorta following) during my plan, minus all the dang cardio! I thought this might be a fun workout to take to SD and do for a few months to see what happens. I will probably add more cardio though, three days? Hum, yeah if my diet is super super strict maybe, but I like to have that added insurance of a few more intense cardio days.

Kristi, I am a former Seventh Day Adventist, and used to teach the kindergarten vacation bible school. I have read the bible that so funny?:7

Deb, hope you got it all figured out!

Hi Shelley!

Well, time to hit the stores and grocery shop, our fridge is bare, need to go collect meat items for DH and tons of veggies for me. Need to buy quarts of water too, I still drink a gallon of the good stuff everyday, so I go through it like, well, water!:p
RE: Monday's

Kristi - goodness, what a long day DH must have had! All that flying - UGH! Rest up - you probably need it more than another workout, what with all you did this weekend!

Tneah - Okay, Sean's zones are for perceived effort. Red zone is your absolute max, and he doesn't hold you at that point for very long. Orange zone is really working hard. I forget the order of blue and green... one is comfortable steady state, the other is rest/recovery. On the jackets of his CDs, when he packaged them (before he went to MP3), he gave a detailed description of each zone, and also said at what percentage of your maximum heart rate you should be working, if you use a heartrate monitor. I just always go by perceived exertion.

My elliptical only goes up to 10, which is pretty stiff, but still doable, and I don't have any incline.

See, I've never worried about numbers. I just do what feels right. If he says get into the orange zone, I push until I know I'm working hard. Some days, it's more, but if I'm having an off day, I could be actually pedaling slower or easier, and still be hitting the orange zone. Does that make any sense?

But after a while, you will get familiar with it, and you'll recognize on your elliptical settings what will get you to the proper zone. For example, if he asks for a level 3 sprint, I know that usually I'll do it on level 4 resistance and be pedaling between 75 and 80 rpm. But some days, that same setting can make me feel like I'm doing a level 4 sprint!! And for me, a level 3 hill is usually on resistance 7, or maybe 6 if I want to pedal a bit faster.

Of course all that is very specific to my elliptical, since they're all so different!

Ack. Sorry for the long post. I hope this helps! I'll check out his website to see if he has specific info about the zones, or I can try to bring a CD and copy the info for you tomorrow.
RE: Monday's

Hello Melters.

Yes, I will be careful on

Just loving my day off today!!
RE: Monday's

Hey all!

All this talk of Cardio Coach makes me REALLLLLLY want to try it, but I won't/can't run and don't have access to a cardio machine. DH has been talking about buying an elliptical, though, so maybe I should try to talk him into that a bit more.He's taking a break from Kung Fu for the summer, but an elliptical might be just what I . . . er . . . HE . . . needs, right?!}(

Just got done with some beading. I'm hoping to try to get together with my SIL and my little two-year-old niece Clementine sometime this week, but SIL can be really flaky about getting back to me with plans. I haven't seen my niece for about three weeks, and I like to hang out with the sassy, little thing!

Jennifer -- Glad you're having a nice day off today with the cats!

Tneah -- Sounds like a great idea to try the Red Carpet plan while you're out in SD this summer! Did you get any yummy treats at the store today? }( Good for you getting all that water in each day! One o the things I love about being home over the summer is that I can drink more water without having to worry too much about it! ;-)

Kristi -- Sounds like you and the girls definitely need a nap today, especially, like Shannon said, with those killer workouts this weekend! I bet doing crafts with the kids would be really fun! :) Wow, what a lot of travel for Todd to do in one day! Does he have to do that frequently?

Shannon -- How's work going? Has it picked up a bit? At least, like you said, there's no trouble going on! How is your work on that HUUUGE document going? Hopefully well! Yes, it was so nice to sleep in today! I'm hoping that it will continue. That humidity is such a killer, isn't it? When we lived in Indiana, we'd walk out the door and be drenched in sweat in just five minutes.
RE: Monday's

Hey kids,

Shannon, thank sooo much for your input, I totally understand now. The levels...I kinda just will go by the "talk test" I think, I have been working out long enough to know when I am coasting or really pushing myself, you do to I am sure.I will try this workout on my spin bike, it'll be intense.

I do wish I would have bought an elliptical that has an incline too...I might have to do a trade or something. There is a guy we know that works for an exercise equipment place that might be able to help me...I do not like using my elliptical cause it feels like it does not "fit" my body right, does that make sense? It was an impulse buy, I really did not try a bunch of them out before I settled on this one.

Leanne,do you hate to run or you can't for other reasons? I wish I could so bad, but that is the one thing that irritates the crap out of my hip. I can go for 30 seconds at a time, but the next day its bad. You guys should splurge and get one...its worth it to have one piece of cardio equipment around for those days when you do not feel like facing Cathe or anyone else for that matter.:) Hope you get the chance to see your little niece, I wish I had the chance to be around more kids, they keep ya young I think. You guys going to have children, if that isn't too personal? You would be a great mom.

Well I ran around like a wild woman today. Made several appointments, going to a new regular doctor...just so I actually have a doctor I can go to for general health stuff...and another "woman doctor"...I chose Planned Parenthood, just because the doctors are all female, it is easy to get into and I feel comfortable there, have used them in the past. I just need my annuals so it should work out fine, no pressure on me to have invasive surgeries either which is good. I know you are glad I shared that with you all....anyway. Actually today is legs, so will go do Slow and Heavy Legs with my weighted vest...then some leg extensions, leg curls and call it a day.:)

Nope, no goodies for me! I bought a ton of fresh veggies though, lots of meat related things for DH and some orange roughy, my favorite fish for protein. Have been a good girl today.:*
RE: Monday's

Hello all,
As soon as DH got home and changed, we took a nice, long nap. We did GSBSB after we got up, but we used lighter weights than usual. I just tried to really focus on form. We also did ME abs; I think that's a tough ab workout.

Jennifer -- I'm glad you had a relaxing day off. My sister met her current husband online. They've been married nearly two years. Sounds like you are pretty cautious about it.

Lainie -- did you get to the orthodontist? Any relief in your weather?

Deb -- Keegan is so darling. Kelsey is beautiful, too. Puppies are lots of work; he'll outgrow it, of course, but hang in there until he settles in.

Leanne -- Enjoy that cool weather -- even if it's gray; I'm jealous! It was over 100 here today, and the craft tent for VBS is outside. We have several large fans, thank goodness! Doing the crafts is fun. Our VBS has about 1100 kids!!! My DVDs came today! Of course, the girls and I were too pooped to even consider trying one today, but maybe later in the week. They leave Sunday for high school church camp in Colo., so I hope we can try them before they leave. Thanks for the warning about B&G. I've been to Balboa Park and the SD zoo the one time we visited my SIL. It's lovely -- what a great place for outdoor theater. DH and I enjoy going to the theater here. It used to be a great date night, but now that the girls are older and VERY involved in theater at school, we have to take them along.}( BTW, I don't know how you live without an iPod!!! I couldn't run to the end of my block without one. Thanks for posting the protein pancake recipe when you have time. I LOVE the name Clementine -- how could she be anything but sassy!!! DH does not usually travel that much, although he represents school districts all over the state.

Shelley -- I'm thinking about you and hope your spirits are lifting a bit.

Kara -- I hope you had a nice day.

Shannon -- Maybe those kittens will be a nice distration for your mom. Baby animals can certainly be about as much trouble as baby people. I remember DH spending the night up with and sleeping on the floor with our new puppy that was sick. This was before the girls were born. Our hot weather is definitely here, and we've had lots of humidity, too. ICK!

Tneah -- What is your business? What's your website? I'll be anxious to hear about the RCR Wkout. I read a little about it once. Are the versaslides sort of like using paper plates? It sounds like you really rocked it on the elliptical! I am impressed. I don't have any CC's, just iTrains, and my hesitation in gettting any CC's is that whole absence of specific numbers. I'm afraid I wouldn't work hard enough if I didn't have numbers, but it does NOT sound like you had that problem. How long was the workout? A CC workout and S&H legs -- you are a machine!
I bet the kindergartners loved you in VBS! Did you read the Bible cover to cover -- like starting with Genesis and ending with Revelation? WOW!!! I have studied lots of books, but I have not done that.
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RE: Monday's

Hello everyone. Bit of a miserable day here today. The heat wave continues. Isaac's school let out early (12:30 instead of 3:20) so I had two little boys in the hot house. We went to the orthodontist at 4 and got the loose bracket off. They won't replace it until the next scheduled visit, though, since I'm still so sore from getting the braces on Thursday.

Anyway, later this evening Ewan had major nasty leaky diarrhea. It was bad. Then he had a big fit before we got a bath ready--don't know if he had some injury or what but he freaked out like he had. Even had one of his breath-holding self-induced seizure thingeys. Ugh. But we survived. They had their bath and went to bed and no more drama since.

Oh, and can I mention how annoying the DH is? Last night he put the window a/c unit in one of the kitchen windows. But he ws paranoid that it wasn't level enough and would put too much pressure on the window (and it's not that huge and the window is a good strong one). So this morning I come downstairs after he's left and he's taken it out of the window again. Argh. I was too short and weak to put it back in myself (or I think I was, I didn't try--if he does it tomorrow I will try, though). He put it back in when he got home a little while ago. He better not freakin' take it out again, though. It's not fair that we have to stay home in this hot house all day while he traipses out to an air conditioned office and leaves us without the window unit just because he's irrationally worried about the window not being strong enough. Give me a break.

OK, enough of that. I did buy a new floor fan today but it's not cutting it compared to real a/c.

Oh, in good news, I bought these shoes today:

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=green]***Lainie***
fitness blog:
"If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans."[/font]
RE: Monday's

OK, now I'm back for some personals. I'm not totally self-involved.

Shannon, do you mainly do watercolor or do you do other kinds of painting or art? I can't do anything artistic. At all. I like to be creative, but just writing. Can't do anything else because I can't connect my brain to my hands very well--if that makes sense. Have you taken instruction in watercolor or is it something you just tried?

Deb, I love the doggy pictures--so adorable! Yeah, don't be that impressed by my doing stuff with two boys--I don't have any other job after all. Not that being a mom is not a noble thing, blah blah blah, but I am blown away by people who are working moms. My sister is currently in nursing school, but also has a job, and 2 boys. Of course, hers are teenagers now, but that's a whole other scary thing. Anyway, I think it was Jennifer who was going to Rockford.

Leanne, I wasn't looking for anything special at the mall, but had to get a new watch battery for Brian's watch. However, the place I was going to take it was closed down, so I ended up just getting the battery but not getting someone to put it in for me (the Target lady didn't want to mess up his watch. Man, am I boring tonight. moving on.

Tneah, no idea how the bracket came loose--I was just yawning or something and it popped off. I liked CC pretty well when I went jogging with it a couple times, and would use it again if I can get that stationary bike. Of course, when jogging outdoors I was happy to not have specific numbers since I didn't have any settings other than my brain.

Shelley, ((((HUGS)))) I am sending you a little something but it's not ready yet.

Jennifer, I'm sure you will be careful enough with Match. I think the internet can be a great place to meet people, though (like here!) I once had an internet boyfriend. We actually never met in person, but we talked on the phone a ton, and he was the first guy to tell me he loved me. He was a great guy and I knew he was genuine. He was in Oregon and I was in Missouri, though, and we were poor college students so we never got a chance to meet. Then he dumped me for a local girl, though (but politely). He ended up marrying that girl and now he's a professor at Arizona State. I've had a couple friends who have met people online--some good some bad, just like meeting them anywhere else.

Kristi, good luck with VBS. I have done countless VBS's in four states--yet here I am with my own kids and I don't know a local VBS to send my own kids off to. Guess that's what I get for moving out of the Bible belt.

OK, going to bed early--DH has to get an early train to D.C.

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=green]***Lainie***
fitness blog:
"If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans."[/font]
RE: Monday's

Loving your little kicks Lainie bug.:) So summery. Sorry about your AC and runny kid drama...I really wonder how you moms cope with it all. I have a friend with a boy that does that holding the breath thing, she's had to take him to the hospital the first few times he did it! Oh dear. That is totally unfair and unhealthy that you have to be in a hot house all day long, awful. Is DH home tonight, if so, insist that the unit be installed in the window and left there so he has a happy wife and children to come home to.;)

Kristi, I am not a machine, just a paranoid over exercising fool.:p I yep, Genesis all the way through Revelations. My favorite books were Esther, Ruth and probably John.:) I loved Queen Esther and often wondered how beautiful she must have been....:7

Anyway, DH is on his way at you guys tomorrow.

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