Monday Chit Chat

Thank You Galina! I know it can get very confusing and the main reason is because evrybody responds differently. Sure, there are general approaches that work for everyone to get generally fit, but once you start wanting more of this and less of that it comes down to your personal genetics, age and knowing your body and what your body responds best to to reach your goals.

What seems to work well for me food wise is a very clean diet and being a little higher on the protein grams and eating every 3 hours. I try to drink 1/2 to 3/4 gallon of water per day too.

For weight workouts I personally need to mix up high rep workouts with moderate to heavy workouts (ex. 4 day split heavy and then one total Body conditioner like Power Hour).

For weekly cardio I usually need to do one 15 minute plyometric workout , two moderate to high intensity workouts for 40 minutes, one moderate to light workout for 60 min, in addition to the classes I teach during the week.

Does that mean you do 5 strength workouts a week. 4 days of moderate to heavy (a split) and then one day of total body high reps?

How many classes do you teach a week? Do you consider that to be moderate intensity for you?

Thanks for all of your wonderful workouts and for putting so much time into your must have great time management skills!!!
Hi Susan! I enjoy a whey protein isolate drink ( 1 scoop whey powder and 8 ounces of water, stir and drink) immediately following my workout so that my body can absorb the highest quality benefits of muscle repair and refuel possible at a time it needs it most. Then an hour later I follow up with regular "clean" solid food. Yum! :)

Hi Cathe, hope you're having a good week, I just wondered what you thought of protein powders? Are they necessary to use after a strength training workout?


Hi Cathe, hope you're having a good week, I just wondered what you thought of protein powders? Are they necessary to use after a strength training workout?

Just wanted to say hi! And thanks for putting out such kick "butt" workouts! You rock girl!
Hi Elsie!

If you are looking to get specifically conditioned for running and you are very serious about it, then it is best to work with a running coach so that the workouts you choose keep you on track for your training event.

I have a friend in the business who is excellent. His name is Jason and here is his website if you want to read his articles or even post a question to him on his website. No obligation to do so whatsoever. I'm simply offering advice that I think will help you best reach your goals. Good Luck and please do let me know if you have any questions or concerns.


I would love to know which of your workouts you would recommend doing with a running rotation. Plyo and Hiit and wonderful, but what weight workouts would you suggest throwing in? I would like to do 3 days/week running (1 long run, 1 tempo run, 1 speedwork). Which of your workouts would you mix in to enhance training while still allowing sufficient recovery? I currently work out 6 days/week with Sunday off.

I'm finishing the STS 3 1/2 month rotation this month. After that, I want to train for a marathon at the end of May and a Ragnar relay in June.

Thanks for any advice--and for the fabulous workouts.
Lol....Looks like they went coo-coo for coconut! :D

Hello there :) Happy Monday to you! Just wanted to let you know that I rid myself of the dreaded super sized macaroons that I made last night. No one at work seemed to question their ginormous size! Guess you were right- big cookies ARE in :) Here's wishing you a fun, fit, fantastic week ahead!

Hi Cathe, Hope your week has got off to a great start. I just wanted to ask is can too much cardio stop you gaining muscle? I`m currently doing STS but am also trying to reduce my body fat. How much cardio would you recommend doing so I lose fat but still gain muscle? Have a great day.
Wow Dawn, you are working hard...great job! Love the pic of your precious little bundle in your pic.

Yes, of course....the new workouts. At this point, I am not sure who wants them or the Cathletes. This delay is out of my hands with SONY but trust me we are in touch with them CONSTANTLY. They used to have two plants and one was right here just a couple of miles down the road. It closed down not too long ago. The combination of operating out of one plant and the major rush they experience now due to the holidays is just taking things a bit longer than originally thought. As soon as we have the slightest amount of info...I will post it. :)

Thanks for your patience Dawn.
Hi Cathe!

I'm afraid to ask my biggest questions about the new workouts. I keep going to the announcements section of the Web site just to check . . .

Seriously, I did Cardio and Weights this morning and felt really good afterwards. I finished Power Hour a few days ago, and Step Works is next up. Thank you for everything!

Hi Kimberly! I teach Bootcamp, kickboxing, circuit, weights, step, spin (I fill in), senior classes, Total Body Sculpting and lower body and ab intensive classes.

I usually teach 5 to 6 classes a week.

What kind, and how many classes do you usually teach during the week?

Hi Theresa! So glad to hear you quit smoking...Congrat's!

As far as weight loss, main thing is get your thyroid tested and make sure it if functioning at normal levels or you will be spinning senseless wheels if it is off kilter.

Next eat clean and nutritiously dense foods and eat the right amount of calories for your body type per day. If you eat too little overtime your metabolism will slow down.

Never lose more than 1 to 2 pound per week (burn 250 cals extra and eat 250 cals less per day will lose one pound per week...and (burn 500 cals extra and eat 500 cals less per day will lose two pounds per week)

Change you workouts around so you don't get in a rut or in a monotonous predictable routine.

Vary your type of cardio per week, the frequency per session per week, length of time per session per week and intensity per session per week. For weights, do at least two full body weight workouts per week or a 3 or 4 days split weight workout per week.

Drink water, up your protein on workout days a hair and sleep hard!!!

Good Luck!

Cathe-I saw the discussion for getting "cut" but would you recommend the same workouts for someone trying to get the weight loss started? I packed on some weight when I quit smoking (and then my thyroid gave out....short version) and the weight is not budging. Along with the clean eats, could you give your two cents on getting the weight loss ball rolling?

Also, I just want to thank you for everything you do in the world of fitness :D You are by far my favorite instructor ;)

Hi Cathe. Thank you for helping me to lose 40 lbs so far.!!!! I just completed a 4 week gym style rotation with a extra day of butts and gutts every week. I would like more help with my tummy/core/thigh/bum area. What would you suggest?
Also is there a book that you would rec. that breaks down and talks more about the differences of high reps, slow heavy, and endurance workouts/lifting etc since I am just learning all this?
I just got my Dh to use your gym style arms dvds ( he just started to workout) and boy I think HE was surprised about how much you can lift!!! he he he I can even do more than him right now:p THANK YOU AGAIN FOR ALL YOUR HARD WORK !!!!!
Hey Cathe,

Hope you had a grand weekend (the photo of you and your boys was very fun.)

Just wanted to say hi. :)

For weekly cardio I usually need to do one 15 minute plyometric workout , two moderate to high intensity workouts for 40 minutes, one moderate to light workout for 60 min, in addition to the classes I teach during the week.

Hi Cathe, Just wondering- It seems like a lot of cardio especially since you teach five to six hour long classes weekly. Do you do the whole workout with each class?
Hi Jenn!

I usually do a three day split with a power hour if I am doing large muscle groups. If I am doing a 4 day split with a power hour then one of those four days is something much less taxing like abs/calves.

I teach 4 to 6 various classes a week (one of them being a silver sneakers senior workout where the physical output is very easy). As for my other classes the physical output is always challenging for my class, but for me, it's anything I make it to be (based on whats going on in my day). :)

Does that mean you do 5 strength workouts a week. 4 days of moderate to heavy (a split) and then one day of total body high reps?

How many classes do you teach a week? Do you consider that to be moderate intensity for you?

Thanks for all of your wonderful workouts and for putting so much time into your must have great time management skills!!!

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