Mini-topper pictures, take 2!


A number of people have asked for pictures of the mini-topper I made after I found out that the Step Co. folks had decided not to make these cool little things. It is like what Cathe used in the PS series. This mini is the result of combined plans by me and another Cathe fan named Wendy. Some of the best ideas ( like the black cloth tape to attractively cover the seam and provide additional support ) are Wendy's. Thanks, Wendy!
I posted detailed instructions for making one on in the forum under the thread "Erin re: mini-step." But since the software there doesn't have image embedding capabilities, I thought this would be a good place to post the pics. I've never tried this before, so please be patient if the pics don't turn up, okay?
Here goes:



Okay, hopefully there are pictures in here. If not, I'll give this another try.
If anybody has any questions, I'll do my best to answer them. I've been using mine non-stop since March with as much as 35 lbs on my barbell, and it has been great! It's very sturdy, and has held up to everything I've dished out beautifully. Before I ever used it for weights, I got up on it and jumped up and down several times, and it didn't even jiggle. I love it!

Great job Erin!

I am so impressed that you even attempted this - and thrilled at how great it came out!! Thanks for putting all of the instuctions together over at VF and following up with these pictures.

This past weekend I found a full-size Step Co. step and six risers at a yard sale and bought them for $12!! So, my hubby and I are going to try to transform it into your mini-topper this weekend! I am so excited!

Thanks again,
Laura N.
Hi Erin,

Your step looks GREAT!!!!
I also have jumped around on mine several times and use it all the time with up to 50 pounds of weight and have had absoulty no problems! I love it and wish Step Co would make them so everyone could have them. *grin* I still have mine on a web page back when we originally made them. LOL I almost deleted it but decided not to. Do you remember this.
I know I am sentimental.


P.S. How is the mini step you made for your mom. I bet she loves it. Tell her Hi for me.
Hi, Wendy!

Thanks! My mom says Hi back! She loves her mini just as much I love mine! I know what you mean about being sentimental. Every time this subject comes up, I remember the thrill of figuring out how to make this, my amazement when we came up with nearly identical designs,the excitement when I finished it, and it was as great as I had imagined! After making 3 of these things, the whole process is still remarkably fresh in my mind! It was so much fun!
What can I say? We were pioneers!
My husband just finished mine!

Thanks to Erin for her instructions. My husband made mine but instead of using banding straps, he used four leftover pieces of hardwood cut into appropriate sizes to fit inside the hollow parts of the step. Then he drilled screws into both the plastic and wood. I used mine for the first time today with Firm Cardio. I love it! Boy, I wish the Step Co. would start marketing the mini step.
Bringing this to the top

Just bringing this up so that Dawn can find the pics she requested at VF more easily!

Thanks, thanks and thanks again, Erin & Wendy!

I'm thrilled! Now I know how you made these. You guys are very talented.

My "extra" step shipped today, with any luck I'll be making my mini-topper this weekend.

Thanks again! You guys are the GREATEST!

Dawn P.
RE: Thanks, thanks and thanks again, Erin & Wendy!

I also found this thread that contains the address for photos of the completed step.


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