milk production


Since I started working again 2 weeks ago, my milk production seems to have decreased. I can't seem to pump and save as much as she needs at daycare. Taylor is almost 13 weeks old, and I'd love to be able to breastfeed for at least 6 months to a year. My Avent pump was terrible, so I finally got the Medela - which works great. I've been trying to pump after I feed her to stimulate more milk production, but what happens is that my boobs don't fill by the time she needs to eat 3 hrs later and she gets frustrated. I end up usually having to give her the milk I've pumped or having to supplement with formula after nursing. She sometimes drinks a 4 oz bottle of my milk and THEN nurses and drains me dry. Oh, and I'm only working Mon, Wed, Fri so every day is different. I usually feed her every 3 hrs or pump every 3 hrs if I'm at work. A co-worker gave me this blend of herbs from Motherlove called "More Milk", which I's so disgusting and I have a hard time forcing myself to take it.

Then there's working pediatrician told me to back off exercising if it feels like my milk production is slowing down. I've started the P90X series BUT I don't sweat or feel like I'm getting nearly as good of a workout as I do with Cathe videos, so I have a hard time believing that that's the problem. I'm not dieting and I drink lots of water.

I don't know what to do!!! Any advice would greatly be appreciated!

How frustrating. You're doing a lot of things I would try. Maybe call a lactation consultant too?

I don't think it's exercise. I know you're not dieting, but are you eating enough? When my milk seemed low I'd drink beer (with dinner) and eat oatmeal.

Re work: I am like you and only worked 3 days a week. I definitely noticed that if I was having a stressful day my milk plummeted. For instance, I had a trial a month or so after one of my kids was born and i could barely pump anything that day. So, try to relax and make sure your pump set up is optimal at work (relaxing, quiet, etc). What worked for me was to call my husband during pumping to talk about the baby.

I'd give it a few more weeks and see what happens. Your body may be getting used to the new pump or Taylor may be in a growth spurt. If your milk doesn't pick back up, consider a bottle of formula at daycare so you don't drive yourself crazy. I'd then pump more frequently at work (perhaps every 2.5 hours), but maintain a normal schedule without the pump at home.
I had the same problem with both of my kids. I didn't work while nursing the 1st and did work part time with the second. I just didn't seem to have enough milk. What did help, a little, was to sit down with a glass of water or tea when I nursed and be sure to drink the whole thing, because I think its hard to get all of your water in during the day, not including the extra you need for nursing. I also thought a beer at night gave me more volume at night and first thing in am. My bad time was the late afternoon. I had nothing. I think Kristan was so right on about stress, that can do it to you faster than anything. I didn't give my kids formula, BUT they both were very early eaters, around 5 months they were eating jar foods without problems. If they hadn't been I think I would have had to start to suppliment. They both were completely weaned by 11 months(dd at 9 months) and I can say that after they started table foods, and only nursed 2 or 3 times a day things were just fine. Hang in there!
i was just talking to a friend about this same issue this week.i have always seemed to have enough milk thru about 7 mo. but not alot extra for pumping -which was the same issue my friend was having.
she got a book on nursing and it said everytime your baby fusses to nurse them-even if its every 15 min.and after about 3 days you will notice an increase in your milk.she did this and said it worked awesome for her-she was always using formula by 1 month with her 1st 2 and w/ her 3rd she breastfed with no formula til her baby was 8 or 9 months old.
Hi, I'm sorry to hear that you're having this problem, it's tough!

There are lots of natural suggestions here that you should definitely try but I also wanted to mention Fenugreek capsules because they've worked for me and they're quick! I'm back at work and it's helped me keep my supply up, my daughter is 6.5 months old. I also start every day with a big bowl of oatmeal, a natural galactogue...I can tell on days when I skip it, I'm not able to pump as much at work.

Here's some info about Fenugreek from the Kellymom site:

I get my fenugreek capsules at whole foods for pretty cheap but if you don't have one nearby you can buy them online or maybe at the vitamin shoppe etc.

If you're trying to increase your supply they say to take 3 capsules 3 times a day, not the 2 capsules 2-3 times a day as is shown on the bottle. 3 and 3 is the typical dosage for increasing supply...once you're supply is up after 3 days or so you can back off or reduce your dosage and your supply should maintain. But I've had to continue taking them from time to time. They're not bad, I can't taste anything. And this brand doesn't seem to have the side effects that some of the other brands have...they can make your sweat smell like maple syrup -- it's pretty weird.

Anyway, I hope you find a good solution. Good luck!

Thank you all so much for the suggestions. I will definately up my oatmeal intake. I had a beer last night and actually got drunk due to not having had alcohol in so long!:p The fenugreek capsules sound much more tolerable than the liquid form that I have now. I think Taylor is getting enough milk overall, but I don't have much to give her by each evening either. I can't believe how much she's been drinking lately!
How goes it? There are some medications that can be used (prescriptions) to increase your milk flow too, Reglan...most noteably. Hope it improves.


Jadon born 11/23/05
Justin born 1/17/04
Jory born 4/9/94
I'm happy to report that I actually had to pump after I fed Taylor at bedtime last night! I've been drinking a beer a day. So either my body finally caught up with her demand, or the beer has helped. I'm going to ask my pediatrician how unhealthy it is for me to be doing that for the baby though...

i had the same problem with LJ. I would try to get ahead on the milk and i would end up feeding it to him. We use to supplement with formula. Some of them he didnt like but we found one that worked. I work full time and pump every 4 hours at work. Now that he is taking baby food it has made it a little easier to keep up with things.

I've got a 5 week old and I only pump. I've found that when I'm not drinking enough liquids my milk supply decreases. When I exercise I have to drink more water than usual otherwise my supply decreases alot. In order to get it back up I have to spend a full 24-48 hours (even at night) pumping every hour or so for 15 min each side to stimulate more milk. (at first nothing will come out its just for stimulation) Its a case of supply & demand so if my boobs think theres a need for more then they'll supply it.

Once your milk production is back up and you have a healthy supply slowly start stretching out the pumping sessions until your back to every 3 hours. This method works but as you can imagine it makes for some sore boobs...use ice packs to ease the soreness.

Good luck!

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