menstrual like cramps..2 dpo??


hi..I am new to this section..hubby and I started TTC this month...anyone experience menstrual like cramping right after ovulation?? I am 2 days dpo and I've got'em. Seems to early to be implantation relatated...but then it seems to early to be pms related considering my period is not due for 12 DAYS!! I would love anyone's experience or spin on this..guess I am overly anxious!!:7
the cramps could be from the ovulation still, you wouldn't be getting implantation cramps that soon. The average fertilized egg implants between 5 and 10 days past ovulation. The soonest I have seen recorded of implantation is 3 days past ovulation, but that is not main stream thought among the medical community.

I am wondering how are you tracking your ovulation? It could be cramps from ovulation and it was just later than you thought. I've been charting for months now so if you have any questions feel free to ask - oh and several other gals here have/are charting as well.
Nope..its not from ovulation..I used OPK's and a ovulation scope and I always have ovulated on day 14. I find it odd that I would be getting pms symptoms this early..guess I'll have to wait and see:( I'd love to stories from others
I suggest you use a basal thermometer and temp as well as chart your cerival mucus. These two things are VERY helpful in charting and finding your normal fertility ranges. The book Taking Charge of Your Fertility is an excellent book to read. I also suggest checking out the website, for charting info (you can chart for free), and go to the circle button to find their message forums, good luck and I hope it doesn't take long!:)
For a couple of months while I was TTC I would have cramping on one side or the another, but I never knew what caused it. Mine might have been my body try to get back to my regular pattern after coming off of birth control pills.

Good luck TTC!
thanks ladies:7 the two week waiting week is TORTURE...isn't it?? haha!! I'll keep ya updated, guess there is always next month, if this isn't the month.

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