+=+= MELTING on Monday! +=++=

Kristi -- Keep on smilin'!:) :) :) :) You're almost there for the day! Go, go, go! :)

Kara -- Happy anniversary!!!! So no plans for tonight? Can you maybe celebrate another evening once all the house stuff is done? Eighteen years is amazing, and you should celebrate your special day for sure! Thanks for the great suggestion about doing yoga after the arm work! I'd never thought of doing that before. So do you do it immediately afterwards? I'll give it a try -- but might wind up falling down since my arms get so wobbly after working them! ;-) Taking that Crossfit class sounds like it would be so much fun. It would also give you the chance to meet more fitness pals. We actually have a busy week ahead (at least for us!) . . . another play on Thursday night and a concert on Friday.

Tneah -- Oh, tsk, tsk for running! Naughty girl! ;-) Thanks for the link to the supplements! I'll check them out later today. Glad that the surgery on Thursday won't be too awful, but any surgery is never any fun and is always a big deal. Will they have to put you under to get the new tooth in? Poor thing! {{{HUGS!!}}} Ah, we KNOW that you're a deep person! I like Fitzgerald, but prefer British writers for some reason. Oh, I just got a new novel called _Envy_ by Kathryn Harrison, but I haven't started reading it yet. Last week, I emailed one of my work pals, who's always reading these amazing books, for some suggestions. She said that she's reading this one right now and it's fantastic. I ordered it from Amazon without even checking the reviews, and when it came on Friday, the back cover said that it was an "intense psychosexual thriller." Hmmmm. Not what I usually read, but we'll see. I'll have to let you know how it is once I start it tonight. Yes, the weather has been so lovely here. It's been a bit humid, but not too bad. I can't wait until you're back in SD so we can FINALLY meet in person! :)
Hello --
The bike is done finally! Yippee! It was a lot hotter than it would've been at 9:30, and it was really windy. At this point, we're just happy to have it done!

Now we'll eat lunch and get ready to go swim; we'll put off all the push ups & crunches until late this afternoon.

Wish I could stay and chat, but I will be back to catch up later!

You guys are so awesome!:) :) :)
Hooray, Kristi! You go, girl!! :) That is so awesome!! Only a few more hours and the day will be done, and you'll be half-way through the Challenge!:)

OK, and here I am feeling super lazy b/c I'm snooping around the forums instead of getting my workout started! Here I go!
Yay Kristi, you made it through the bike drama with a smile. You had to know Satan would try to throw you off balence, didn't you?

Kara, Happy Anniversary!

Shelley!!!I'm so glad to hear that Karen is home. I sure hope the surgeon has good news for her.

Tneah, I'm glad to hear the surgery is not too serious. Sounds painful though. I think Kara may have a stash of meds that will help. I'm impressed with your reading material. I don't think I've read any Fitzgerald since college. I should probably try. Classic books and stories seem different when you read them at a more mature age, don't you think?

Leanne, I'm glad you had a nice evening. DH and I always say we should go to more live performances, but then we look at the prices, or the dates and decide to say home and go to bed instead. Let us know how the book is. Some of the best books I've read are ones recommended by someone I trust that I would never have picked up otherwise. Right now, I'm reading Belong to Me by Marisa del los Santos. So far I'm really liking it. It's about women and friendships (how appropriate.) The style is a bit more literary than your typical chick lit. We'll see if my enjoyment lasts until the end.

No workout planned for me today. It's a planned rest day. I'm going to crack open a bottle of zin and watch a video about Yellowstone that I picked up at the library.
Taking a chocolate break. :)

Kristi--Good job! Way to go! :)

Tneah--sorry about the surgery! Good job with the iTread, but stop the running!!!!:)

Shelley--That is good news about Karen. I am praying that the pathology report is good news. :)

Leanne--Your week sounds fun! About the yoga, I switch it up. If I have time in the afternoon, I wait until then. It really helps center me. :) Did you get your workout in? Have fun!

Have a good afternoon guys!

Hi everyone -

Shoot. What a day. I guess you could just call it a typical Monday. Not exactly the greatest in the world... but it's almost over. I get to leave in 15 minutes. Yay, it's early, but Boo, it's for a doctor's appointment!

I'm getting really bad about personals. I'm sorry. I haven't had time to keep up properly today and just got done reading through them. Now I have to wrap things up before I leave.

I hope you all have a wonderful evening!

And Kristi!!! Here's some special Challenge vibes for you and Todd! Good luck, keep it up... but get some good rest tonight! Thanks for letting us be a part of this!
I'm back. And feeling really guilty. I had a grilled chicken sandwish from Wendy's for lunch and, wait for it, here it comes....french fries. And THEN I had M&M's!! What is wrong with me?!?!?!?

I'm so tired I think I might die. I've never felt like this before in my life. I don't think I'm going to get a workout in tonight which makes me really mad. I was all excited to do Pure Strength (chest, shoulders, triceps) tonight since I just got it but I don't think I can muster the energy. I was supposed to meet with my "learning team" for school tonight to discuss a project but it got postponed until Wednesday. Which means I can just go home after work and crash. I swear, if I don't get a good night's sleep soon I'm going to go off the deep end. It's been weeks--WEEKS--since I got any real sleep. I'm goin' nuts here....

Sorry for the lack of personals today. I'm thinking about you all and love ya bunches.


Hey all!

Just got done doing 4DS LIS + S&H Legs + Core Max 2. Today was supposed to be a no-cardio day, but after the cheese fondue AND the chocolate fondue we had last night, I figured a little extra cardio might be a good thing.}( See? I'm not stressing about having totally pigged out on really bad stuff. Boy, was it yummy!

Allie -- Sending you HUGE {{{HUGS}}}! Please don't beat yourself up over your eating and lunch. When your body is tired and needing rest, it craves that sugar to keep you going. You're feeling blue and are overtired, and you need to go easy on yourself. I'm so sorry to hear that you're so down right now! I hate taking sleeping meds, but a friend of mine recommended taking valerian root for sleeping, and so I take it when I'm having a bout of insomnia. This is the brand I'm taking, and maybe you could swing by your local health food store on your way home from work and pick some up tonight:


Shannon -- Hooray for being almost done, but boo for that doctor's appointment. Is is just for a routine check-up? And don't be silly about not keeping up with personals; some of us just have more free time right now, and it's hard to keep up with our chatty group! :)

Kara -- Yum . . . chocolate! Thanks for the info about the yoga. I'm hoping to get into more of a yoga routine this summer, and it sounds like a great idea to do it on arm days. Have you been doing your new Eion Finn a bit more? :)

Robin -- Sounds like you have a fabulous evening planned! Let me know how that book continues to go. DH and I actually do preview tickets to the theatre since they are always quite a bit cheaper, so that might be something for you two to look into. Sometimes the performances aren't quite as smooth since the previews are the week before the play actually opens, but usually the goofs are minor. Yes, I always love re-reading things a few -- or many -- years later. Last month, when I organized the outing to see _Glass Menagerie_, one of my work pals mentioned that when she was young, she hated the mother in the play, but now, as an older mother herself, she actually empathizes with that character. Age does interesting things to how we see the world!;-)

OK, off to shower and to the grocery store! Hope you're all doing well, and sending positive vibes to Kristi and Todd! :)
Hi everyone. I'm back. I did most of Strike Zone, but didn't finish the last couple combos because the speech therapist showed up for his last session with Ewan. Then after that the paving guy showed up with our contract and I had to look it over and write him his first check. I just hope he can get it done by July 4th--not sure yet. Anyway, when I finally got done with stuff, I did the cool down from the workout. Ewan had a couple accidents we had to clean up, ut it could be worse. Then Ewan had a nap and I watched Doctor Who. I love Doctor Who. I'm kind of a geek that way. Now Ewan's up and Isaac's home from school and I have to go do some Clean Max and wash my hair. I wanted to do some personals but I think they'll have to wait. It looks like I'm not the only one busy, though.

And Kristi, hope you're enjoying your busy challenge day 1! You guys are doing an awesome job so far!

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=green]***Lainie***
fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com
"If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans."[/font]
Hey Lainie -- Yikes! I'm tired just reading about your busy day! :)

Just popping in super quick b/c the UPS man came just as I was headed upstairs to shower, and my yogurt maker came . . . but also the package from our Fairy Godmother of Beauty, our awesome Ms. Tneah!!!! OMG! Thank you so, so much for all the goodies! You are such a sweetheart!!!! Love ya', chica! :* Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! :)
The swim is over for today! yea!!! now the fun part -- a protein shake and lifting 4200 pounds with one of the GS UB workouts -- we don't even have to use very heavy weights to lift that much. It adds up quickly. Then we'll do the pu's & crunches. So I'll be back when it's all done for today. :D :D
Hooray, Kristi!!!:) I hope by the time you see this, you'll be all done for the day! Tonight a long dip in the tub is probably in order! Congrats on your first day through the Challenge!! One day down, one more to go!!:)
Hey everyone!

Got my car done--a two hour wait thank you very much... vacuum cleaner picked up,now I am scarfing down brussel sprouts and chilean sea bass. :9

Hey, do you guys count all greenish fibrous veggies as "free foods?" I do and allow myself to eat as much broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, brussel sprouts, etc...as I want...I am chowing down on a whole freakin bag of them right now.:eek: oink.:7 I think I might regret it later on actually, thats alot of fiber happening.....heehee.

Hooray, sis-boom-ba for our resident iron woman Kristi!!!:7 :7 :7

I went to go back and read todays happenings and almost lost my post again..grrrr..so just wanna say hi to everyone!

Question: should I do the Leg Blast premix from B&G or do the Red Carpet workout--I fear I might be getting sick of this stupid workout already, but wanna stick it out since so many have raved about it...whatta think? The RCRW is like a total body circuit using those sliders that Cathe shows in STS...
Hey ladies,

Tneah -- Sorry you had to wait so long for you car and then you lost your post! :-( No fun at all! Hmm . . . should you maybe give the RCR workout a few more days? How long has it been since you started it? Are you getting results? I'm so bad at following do-it-yourself workouts that I would say to do B&G, but maybe you should give it awhile longer??? Thank you soooo much again for the goodies! You are such a sweetheart!!! And be careful with all that fiber! Those foods are definitely "free" foods, but your belly might not be happy later on! :-(

Kristi -- Are you all done for Day 1? Hope so! Go take a nice long, hot bath!! And eat tons of ice cream tonight -- with all those calories you've burned, you deserve some more Ben & Jerry's to enjoy with those carbs! :) Way to go!!!

I wanted to post a photo of my Dad, too, but I couldn't find any recent ones with me in them. So here is my Dad in his dapper striped jacket (looking very Great Gatsby-ish), along with his wife and my baby brother (who's actually not really a baby since he's 25 ;-)):


(It was taken at my book party in August.)

Here's one of me and my little niece Clementine from a few months ago when we were babysitting her and trying to get her to eat dinner:


(She never ate very much . . . maybe that's why we haven't babysat for awhile! Isn't she a cutie pie? Her hair is in long blonde ringlets!)

Here's one of DH and Clementine (excuse the food in her mouth!):


OK, sorry for the silly photos!:+
Hi girls!

Kristi - you must be done for the day by now! YAY for you! Treat yourself to something special tonight, like a nice soak!

Tneah - yes, I totally see green veggies as free foods. Eat away! Although I can't imagine what a whole bag of brussels sprouts might do to you! Can't wait to get my package! My lips need some serious plumping.

Leanne - your dad is very handsome and your niece is GORGEOUS:) And you look great too!

I'll have to find a pic of my dad and scan it and post it.

Lainie - I'm glad Ewan only had a couple of accidents. That's great! How did you like Strike Zone?

I did Amy's Slo-Mo Legs tonight. Holy WOW! I'm gonna be sore as you-know-what tomorrow! What a tough one!

Allie - girl, get something to help you sleep. Try the Valerian root! Try SOMETHING. You need sleep!

Speaking of sleep, I'm supersonic tired, so I'm gonna hit the hay.
Well, we made it through the day. And I could NOT have done it without all of your support; you are all just amazing! What a huge blessing that we get to know each other and be part of each other's lives in this way! Thank you for seeing the value in this endeavor of ours! I spent a lot of the time today just being thankful.

We lifted 4412 pounds with GSBSB -- we only did the actual weightlifting parts. We'll lift less tomorrow with GSC&T, but the total will be a little over 8400 pounds (4.2 tons).

The girls called late this afternoon; they had bus trouble so they got there several hours later than expected, but they are very happy with their condo.

I took a nice long bath, and now I'm ready to do Stretch Max whenever DH is. I'll try to catch up on all your posts from today, but I'm pooped, so forgive me if I miss some things. Leanne is right that it takes a little time to keep us with this chatty group -- esp. if you wait all day. ;)

Shannon -- Enjoy your rest days! I hope your dr. appt. went well. Thank you so much for your encouragement, and thank you for indulging me and being part of this!!! It is just so nice to have some people who can understand the physical investment and not just think it's crazy or weird.

Deb -- How did Keegan do "holding it"? I've agreed to keep my parents' dog in July while they are out of town. I've never had an indoor dog, so I may need some advice. :)

Lainie -- It sounds like you had a very busy day! Good luck potty training! That's a challenge. I liked your fig picture, too. I am also in the "way-behind-on-email" club!!!

Tneah -- Thank you, thank you, thank you for the goodies -- what a treat today!!! Are all of your dr. appts. this week, except Tues., associated with your surgery? Eat all the veggies you want, girlfriend!

Shelley -- Thank you for validating my loathing of running in humidity!!! It makes an amazing negative difference in a run. I am so happy that your sister is home!!!

Kara -- Sending you {{{HUGS}}} over your house stuff -- hang in there!!! That kind of stuff can wear so thin, but it'll be awesome when it's done! Happy Anniversary -- I hope it was pleasant. Thank you for checking out my parents; as I told Leanne, I've always thought my dad was distinguished.

Allison -- you sweet girl, I'm so sorry you are not feeling well! I hope you get a good night's sleep tonight. I wish I had some great suggestion or advice, but I don't -- just know that I'm thinking about you!

Robin -- you are so right about the bike drama and Satan! DH & I both just stayed really calm and just dealt with the situation. I just kept thinking, we're doing this to benefit the homeless, and I would rather be dealing with this little inconvenience than be dealing with any number of other major things. I am finally learning (after many opportunities) not to overreact to things in life that are really little more than inconveniences.

Leanne -- The mental picture of you doing cartwheels and backflips will play in my head all day tomorrow, and I'm sure it will keep me going. I'm glad you got to go to the play! It sounds like the restaurant was yummy!! Thanks for checking out my parents; I've always thought my dad was distinguished. :) I ordered some xanthan gum and 3 kinds of protein last night from Bodybuilding.com. It's supposed to be here on Wed. I think it was like $5.99 for 6 oz. I'll let you know how it is, but I'm looking forward to being able to make a decent water-based smoothie. Thank you so much for your support! Loved the pictures -- your dad is very dapper, and Clementine is as cute as her name.

Jennifer -- Hi -- hope you had a good day!

I think I'm all caught up.

Thank you all for all the encouragement -- feel free to keep it coming tomorrow. I'm sure it will be harder than today. I'll check in as I can -- we are going to try to get an earlier start so maybe it'll be a little cooler.

{{{HUGS}}} to you all!
Last edited:
Hey, gals!

Just popping in for a moment to say HIGH FIVES to Kristi and Todd! Hooray for having this first day finished! I'm honestly surprised that you have the strength to type and that your arms aren't super shaky! ;-) Hope you like the xanthan gum! Keep me posted on how you like using it. What protein powders did you order? I need to get more of that PVL Chocolate PB . . . yum! Enjoy your stretch and soak tonight, and be sure to keep us posted throughout the day tomorrow! Love and {{{HUGS}}}!
I am apparently really tired -- I fell off my ball during Stretch Max 2. :eek: I'm off to bed! "See" you all tomorrow!

Leanne, I'll look at my order tomorrow & tell you what kinds of protein. They were ones that were well-reviewed in an article I found; it was on that website, but it seemed pretty objective. I've been using Jay Robb's but it's REALLY expensive, and it doesn't mix in well.

Nighty, night.
OK, back to catch up on a few personals.

Oh, also want to mention that I bought some clothes on Nike.com today--just one top and some pants. Pictures are on my blog. The pants are like some Cathe wore in pictures on her blog.

Kristi--AWESOME JOB on your first day. Woo-hoo! I think you should probably do the entirety of Stretch Max tonight. Good luck tomorrow!

Tneah, meant to tell you that my skin is doing fine with the great stuff you sent. The psoriasis has not affected my face, mainly just my arms and legs. I do have rosacea on my face but it seems o.k. now--I'm hardly red-faced at all lately. Thanks for the blog compliments. I worked pretty hard on that thing yesterday. I was hoping I wouldn't completely screw it up since I have over 250 posts or something on there.

Shelley, the package for you is just something else I ordered for you--probably won't come until July, though, so maybe I shouldn't have mentioned it already.... Glad to hear your sister is home and doing well!

Kara, Happy Anniversary! It's perfectly understandable if you are busy taking care of stuff and can't check in as often sometimes--happens to all of us! Thanks for checking out my blog. I wish I could make a living by blogging; it's so fun to me.

Leanne & Shelley, I really enjoyed Strike Zone. I'd heard some complaints about it being too dark and punches being off-beat or something, but it didn't seem too dark to me and I never noticed the beat thing. I loved Josef--great form, nice physique and good personality. I also really liked the silly stuff in the credits--loved the dancing. :) Yeah, Leanne, I hope to finally try the KB workout tomorrow. I now have 1 10-lb KB and one 15-lb KB so I figured I'd get them both out and see which I felt like using for each section. Oh, and loved the photos!

Robin, how was your day? Busy day at work?

Allison, (((((((HUGS))))))), chica. I'm sorry you feel so crappy. Do you need me to come over there and take care of you for a few hours? I would have to bring a toddler, but he would provide some entertainment, at least. Girlfriend, do not feel guilty about that meal! At least you had a grilled chicken sandwich and not a giant cheeseburger or something. How come you can't sleep? Is it like insomnia or stress?

Shannon, how was the doctor's appointment?

OK, it's getting late so I hope you guys check this tomorrow. :)

[font face="comic sans ms" font color=green]***Lainie***
fitness blog: http://fitnessfig.blogspot.com
"If you want to give God a good laugh, tell Her your plans."[/font]

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