Maybe some recovery workouts, Cathe??


Cathe - I am so sorry to read about your injury and wish you a speedy recovery.

I have been dealing with tendinitis from running for the last year and have had to really curtail the intensity of my cardio to keep the swelling down. (And yes I did go through physical therapy.)I seem to need two days of rest for every day of cardio. This just came as such a shock for me because I have been so active and healthy in the past.

Maybe you could use your injury and subsequent recovery to produce some recovery type workouts for us. After a full year, I am still in need of lower impact workouts and would love to have some done by you, maybe with extra therapeutic exercises for our feet, calves, knees and hips.
Hi Barbie! Thank you for your well wishes and for sharing your suggestions too. Please take care and good luck with your tendinitis :)

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