Male Cathe fans (or husbands who work out with Cathe)

wendy loo

My husband recently began working out using our elliptical. He's started slowly, doing 15-20 minutes almost every day. Unfortunately, his knee has started bothering him (probably from doing the same thing every day for a month). I want him to take a break from the elliptical and brought up the idea of using some weights. He's okay with that...

I'm wondering what weight workouts male Cathe fans started out with, and/or which ones they prefer. I have all of her workouts so that's not an issue, but I figure there might be some that men would be more likely to use.

I'm thinking a split would be good (just the upper body workouts for now, until his knee feels better), but maybe hitting the whole upper body at once would be better. The main thing is the time factor. He has a stressful job and not much time to work out.

Thanks for any input :)

Hi there! My husband workouts with Cathe- he is in the middle of STS and really likes it. He also has done parts of the original Bootcamp (he could skp the LB work) and the 4DS Bootcamp workout. He is a stickler that cardio must be very straight forward and non dancey (that's a partial quote). I think he has also done a cardio premix from Drill Max. He hasn't done it yet, but plans to use the 4DS weight work at some point. HTH!
Not a male nor would my husband even dream of working out (at least he plays roller hockey once a week) but in thinking of those that are close to a real gym type workout:

S & H
STS of course
ME, MM & Power Hour for full body


Congratulations that he is working on fitness and hope you can help him progress even farther . . .

My husband and I work out together. He suggeseted the Pyramid Workouts (upper and lower), Muscle Endurance, and Muscle Max.

Between the two of us I have always been the one to exercise especially after having children. But lately my husband has gotten more serious about getting into shape. He too started out slow and first just focused on cardio. He likes to use our stationary bike for this due to knee issues. Then he started cleaning up his diet and making better food choices and now he is doing weight work. His legs are pretty muscular especially his calves, so he only wanted to focus on upper body. I suggested he do the 4 day split and just do the weight work for upper body and continue using the bike for his cardio. So he does back and chest (mon) shoulders (wed) and biceps and triceps(friday). It was so funny because the next day he would complain about how sore those parts were. That's Cathe for you....I am very proud of my husband and how hard he is working. To top it off he is doing her ab workouts as well!
My first Cathe weight workout was Muscle Max, which I still enjoy as much as ever. That said, I prefer her spilts, GS, SH, and although I own it, haven't tried 4DS weight work yet, though I have previewed it. I have it on tap for August.

As a male who has worked out in health clubs, and (obviously) at home, any Cathe strength DVD would be a challenge to any male who wants a no-nonsense workout.
my dh does STS w/ me...he does ALL Cathe w/ me except step AND HAS GREAT RESULTS...! /Keep in mind that Cathe challenges him despite the fact that he was in the Army and highway patrol...Good luck!!!
Joe has been a runner for years, has even been in 12 marathons, but very off and on with weights...He started working out to Cathe with me about a month ago...In the past he has torn a hamstring (Grandma's Marathon) and more recently a bicep muscle (darn kids!)...He still swears, grunts and sweats...But after a month can keep up with me on pushups!

His fav's are

Bootcamp-nothin' "dancy" for him either!
CTX-weights/abs only
KPC-again, not dancy, won't do abs from this
Power Hour
btw, we don't have STS

Does NOT like

Any circuits other than bootcamp

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I have worked with Cathe's tapes/dvd's for more ten years and began with the Pure Strength workout. In my opinion it is still a very good workout! 3 day split, not too long and the pace is slow enough to go heavy. Currently I am on Meso 3 of STS and was at first frustrated by how long these workouts could be. Like your husband I have about an hour to spend. However, Meso cycle 2 was quick and dirty! Good luck. steve
My SO did all of STS and loved it. He also likes to do the weight work from 4DS, Push/Pull, Supersets, and the Gym Styles. So far, he doesn't get into the cardio stuff much - but he will do kettlebell workouts, and he rides his bike and goes for walks.

I encourage him in whatever workouts he chooses to do - and I am jealous of the ease with which he builds muscle and burns fat. SO UNFAIR. Even the tiniest amount of committment seems to pay off for boys. :mad:
My husband loves Cathe and makes her the gold standard against a lot of other DVDs. He LOVES LOVES LOVES the GS series and the 4DS weights. He'll do the KB workouts and I have 4DS Bootcamp but he won't put the effort in for step. Frankly, if your DH's knee is giving him a problem, maybe step isn't the best idea because even low impact step is harder than an elliptical (I think) on the knees....or on that note BC workouts too. I like that Kick Max has a low impact premix which my DH does on days he wants cardio but low impact.
My DH has also done all of STS and he uses all of my Cathe strength workouts and he will use the non step cardios. Even the easiest step workouts he says he can't do.

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