Lower Body Pyramid or Legs & Glutes?


I am going on vacation in about a month, and was planning a last minute rotation for the event. I am going to alternate UB Pyramid with either LB Pyramid or Legs & Glutes (of course cardio would be thrown in). Which of the two lower body workouts do you think gives the quickest results in terms of slimming down the hips and lifting the glutes?


For slimming, I would have to say Legs and Glutes since it is more endurance oriented. For building muscle then I would say Pyramid Lower Body. Quickest and slimming though go with Legs and Glutes:) . Hope that helps you some. They both have a place and I personally love the Pyramids and only certain exercises within Legs and Glutes. I hope that you acheive the goals that you are aiming for!:D
Hi Kim, I've only tried Legs and Glutes once, and I liked it enough, but I LOVE PLB! I gets DOMS from that like nothing else, and find it's the one workout that has much more focus on the hams. I've noticed much better definition in my legs since using it. But -everyone is different, and if you respond to higher rep, lighter weight w/os, then maybe L&G will be for you! Sorry - this probably didn't help too much ;) Good luck

Another vote for PLB! The stability ball work is the best and it is the most complete lower body workout.
If I was going on vacation I wouldn't want to bring a ton of equipment. L&G uses free weights and no ball and is a great lower body workout with some excellent floor work for hips and glutes. I like PLB but I LOVE Legs and Glutes. JMHO! Hats off to you for sticking with your workouts while on vacation, enjoy!!

Take Care
I wish I could bring my workouts with me while on vacation, but I will be camping! I was hoping to blast my hips before going there and putting on a bathing suit!! :)

Thanks for advice everybody!! I truly appreciate it!

Hi Kim... I would say legs & glutes for sure, I like plb, but legs and glutes really helped me.... I need to get this one again real soon, last yr I used it like 3 times a week with my cardio, I loved it... have fun... Rhonda:7
I would definitely go with PLB as it really works the legs hard. I find Legs & Glutes just doesn't do it for me. The other leg workout that is awesome for leg development in XPRESS Leaner Legs (I've done that one about 30 times). Another thought if your focus is slimmer legs is lots of kickboxing (KickMax or KPC) and IMAXs. Kicking, high intensity and dance really helped to shape my legs.
Definetely a mixed reply here. I'd DEFINETELY go with L&G. I've gotten the best results ever with L&G (especially my butt!)
I've been using L&G once a week for the last three weeks mainly for leg work (plus a mix-and-match of KM combos and LM blast premix) and am liking the way my legs are shaping up. PLB allowed me to build muscle in my legs, while L&G with its good variety (plus kickboxing and no-weight leg work like LM) worked my legs from different angles and added a cardio component to burn some of the flab. My legs still need work, and I guess they always will, but I've found a combination of workouts that have shaped them close to the way I've always wished. Another thing I've done is use GS-Legs with very little weight (about half what Cathe uses) and fast forwarding through the rest periods.

Yes Pinky, I just re-ordered Legs & Glutes about an hr ago... can't wait to get it and get busy......... Rhonda

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